作者: INGE BRETHERTON / 36217次阅读 时间: 2011年4月24日
来源: Developmental Psychology (1992), 28, 759-775. 标签: Ainsworth AINSWORTH attachment Attachment ATTACHMENT Bowlby BOWLBY
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Reference: Developmental Psychology (1992), 28, 759-775.
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INGE BRETHERTON心理学空间/nM$]3e{]:u;Q:uK
Attachment theory is the joint work of John Bowlby and Mary Ainsworth (Ainsworth &心理学空间u)G&T"`k:h1yVS
Bowlby, 1991 ). Drawing on concepts from ethology, cybernetics, information processing,
n-g*~ Cf|~*OB0developmental psychology, and psychoanalysts, John Bowlby formulated the basic tenets of
a T8n~y`1Z;K0the theory. He thereby revolutionized our thinking about a child’s tie to the mother and its
a0\MH3] e*W H X'q0disruption through separation, deprivation, and bereavement. Mary Ainsworth’s innovative
K)NV9e,f$x5F0methodology not only made it possible to test some of Bowlby’s ideas empirically hut also
+N tP'R;mW$Y He0helped expand the theory itself and is responsible for some of the new directions it is now
du/N9~se n8pdQ0taking. Ainsworth contributed the concept of the attachment figure as a secure base from
D-CMP'V-ru2V'o0which an infant can explore the world. In addition, she formulated the concept of maternal
G:m:_#H:]?S(S0sensitivity to infant signals and its role in the development of infant-mother attachment
The ideas now guiding attachment theory have a long developmental history. Although心理学空间 y^ xN%S"X3Z2l)\3s
Bowlby and Ainsworth worked independently of each other during their early careers, both心理学空间P8F(j^r/\?;QVHp
were influenced by Freud and other psychoanalytic thinkers-directly in Bowlby’s case,
Ks\%J e ~0indirectly in Ainsworth’s. In this chapter, I document the origins of ideas that later became
[f5h5N*r Q%ey?#jr0central to attachment theory. I then discuss the subsequent period of theory building and
"V^2tT f,\#P k0consolidation. Finally, I review some of the new directions in which the theory is currently
Y1Q/@}d'|:[0developing and speculate on its future potential In taking this retrospective developmental
)k)nV,pX r.H0approach to the origins of attachment theory, I am reminded of Freud’s (1920/1955) remark:心理学空间1d9wf;G[(p4o

4ApI8C_E0I would like to thank Mary Ainsworth and Ursula Bowlby for helpful input on a draft of this article. I am also心理学空间*k2\/sxQ7R%qa
grateful for insightful comments by three very knowledgeable reviewers.心理学空间!]Pl d e9is)t

S6i ]0zP3QB!m0Reference: Developmental Psychology (1992), 28, 759-775. Reprinted in from R. Parke, P. Ornstein, J.
g.QD7QkQE0Reiser, & C. Zahn-Waxler (Eds.) (1994). A century of developmental psychology. (Chapter 15, pp. 431-471).心理学空间Vfsz:V?xP
心理学空间1V-{k E n,sW!T

%h+h t9~3^Y0So long as we trace the development from its final outcome backwards, the chain of events心理学空间%qAsq)OcoY
appears continuous, and we feel we have gained an insight which is completely satisfactory
2kw7Yyr,F [!D0or even exhaustive. But if we proceed in the reverse way, if we start from the premises心理学空间bZ:T7K/F'f's2`D
inferred from the analysis and try to follow these up to the final results, then we no longer心理学空间,n+@ SS+OZ/B W|-V
get the impression of an inevitable sequence of events which could not have otherwise been心理学空间(S,\O5G*CW T
determined. (p. 167)心理学空间l sm'@-{

&qb0o#bC|G;YZm0In elucidating how each idea and methodological advance became a stepping stone for the心理学空间}6z-r6Y0l0A2s n
next, my retrospective account of the origins of attachment theory makes the process of theory
^1u,Uu K ^0building seem planful and orderly. No doubt this was the case to some extent, but it may often not心理学空间Ql5t)EU/j \`
have seemed so to the protagonists at the time.心理学空间0F|D%N?4O$[

6F}:^l+td7?0ORIGINS心理学空间 X u:}B8N#Z!Q

#L_-IA9Sg)k0John Bowlby心理学空间o {Qb;^-sfa"E
After graduating from the University of Cambridge in 1928, where he received rigorous心理学空间{;E)_R e-`.U N~6r!~
scientific training and some instruction in what is now called developmental psychology, Bowlby
$j(wU'?W@GUd#t0performed volunteer work at a school for maladjusted children while reconsidering his career心理学空间in;@kYfg*_(_
goals. His experiences with two children at the school set his professional life on course. One was心理学空间$d:w:l`6v1[%~
a very isolated, remote, affectionless teenager who had been expelled from his previous school for心理学空间;R6^4K_ b2~X
theft and had had no stable mother figure. The second child was an anxious boy of 7 or 8 who心理学空间PV%U9cf;Qy m
trailed Bowlby around and who was known as his shadow (Ainsworth, 1974). Persuaded by this
+aa \\txHK0experience of the effects of early family relationships on personality development, Bowlby
YhT%mBx0decided to embark on a career as a child psychiatrist (Senn, 1977h).心理学空间 ND5tt z8SE
Concurrently with his studies in medicine and psychiatry, Bowlby undertook training at the心理学空间 S+n6q4xb6w.a]
British Psychoanalytic Institute. During this period Melanie Klein was a major influence there (the
e"Dp6x(l!OM7nR0institute had three groups: Group A sided with Freud, Group B sided with Klein, and the Middle
0FY)eRo;[C]0Group sided with neither). Bowlby was exposed to Kleinian (Klein, 1932) ideas through his
-CcF"V+tJ#_![%yy0training analyst, Joan Riviere, a close associate of Klein, and eventually through supervision by
Cd._m&`']|(D0Melanie Klein herself. Although he acknowledges Riviere and Klein for grounding him in the
+E7]v6w(M$L s9z.t0心理学空间_sO0p'^0Z1y)Vq ^V
object-relations approach to psychoanalysis, with its emphasis on early relationships and the
)Bk!rt rD0pathogenic potential of loss (Bowlby, 1969, p. xvii), he had grave reservations about aspects of心理学空间+A?]z5n
the Kleinian approach to child psychoanalysis. Klein held that children’s emotional problems are
M]+LA0? m0almost entirely due to fantasies generated from internal conflict between aggressive and libidinal
%g#Q V6O ZQ0drives, rather than to events in the external world, She hence forbade Bowlby to talk to the
m3G;w^ t1O%v'B i0mother of a 3-year-old whom he analyzed under her supervision (Bowlby, 1987). This was
.ZZ'V"i@T0anathema to Bowlby who, in the course of his postgraduate training with two psychoanalytically心理学空间+F&\"CS[8`!Nr
trained social workers at the London Child Guidance Clinic, had come to believe that actual心理学空间:F2Y,j^Et3k&g
family experiences were a much more important, if not the basic, cause of emotional disturbance.心理学空间 d2X],CA5L q)P3i

wR(P3\:M+d(L0Bowlby’s plan to counter Klein’s ideas through research is manifest in an early theoretical
D'B/n#JV0paper (1940) in which he proposed that, like nurserymen, psychoanalysts should study the nature
](cD{*y-t"E1v0of the organism, the properties of the soil, and their interaction (p. 23). He goes on to suggest心理学空间I{~#b{%H.CCc
that, for mothers with parenting difficulties,心理学空间O/~lF%];b
心理学空间&v7Uo I%\ Gk
a weekly interview in which their problems are approached analytically and traced hack to心理学空间*K7U5_puMZ:cV5wn6`
childhood has sometimes been remarkably effective. Having once been helped to recognize心理学空间c'z2w`9kwJ
and recapture the feelings which she herself had as a child and to find that they are accepted心理学空间-E/R1E g ~j*g(b2r
tolerantly and understandingly, a mother will become increasingly sympathetic and tolerant
:Y'}/Dj F+[0toward the same things in her child. (Bowlby, 1940, p. 23)
CNg#R;R O0
6R9] ArC0These quotations reveal Bowlby’s early theoretical and clinical interest in the intergenerational心理学空间 x } Z"i/g-A
transmission of attachment relations and in the possibility of helping children by helping parents.心理学空间7^"h {@G8S
Psychoanalytic object-relations theories later proposed by Fairbain (1952) and Winnicott (1965)
OQ+V^/\h%ki0were congenial to Bowlby, hut his thinking had developed independently of them.
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Bowlby’s first empirical study, based on case notes from the London Child Guidance Clinic,心理学空间!@&dbv0G)r!h
dates from this period. Like the boy at the school for maladjusted children, many of the clinic
;C/Yj/qJw+?P0patients were affectionless and prone to stealing. Through detailed examination of 44 cases,心理学空间/gV!^gw$Vf ["Zp
Bowlby was able to link their symptoms to histories of maternal deprivation and separation.
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Although World War II led to an interruption in Bowlby’s budding career as a practicing
#q%kn ?JK9L d0child psychiatrist, it laid further groundwork for his career as a researcher. His assignment was to心理学空间 o1lq9lZb h#L
collaborate on officer selection procedures with a group of distinguished colleagues from the心理学空间Fv;N"d7co8~#@
Tavistock Clinic in London, an experience that gave Bowlby a level of methodological and
statistical expertise then unusual for a psychiatrist and psychoanalyst. This training is obvious in
1T9l9OaN9O1~.N'Y ] }0the revision of his paper, “Forty-Four Juvenile Thieves: Their Characters and Home Lives”心理学空间&d@4`Ugmpe:? O)Zw_e
(Bowlby, 1944), which includes statistical tests as well as detailed case histories.
0[1h0w"m ]&~Oo0At the end of World War II, Bowlby was invited to become head of the Children’s
_ bcb$Ip0Department at the Tavistock Clinic. In line with his earlier ideas on the importance of family
~4q6~1^6|0relationships in child therapy, he promptly renamed it the Department for Children and Parents.心理学空间H PH0o0Gkw.S f"eZ
Indeed, in what is credited as the first published paper in family therapy, Bowlby (1949) describes心理学空间 p0\|,FE^:Dwf
how he was often able to achieve clinical breakthroughs by interviewing parents about their
6pQ7_^8f&VX4w{+j0childhood experiences in the presence of their troubled children.
k o'ZEz&V$v0To Bowlby’s chagrin, however, much of the clinical work in the department was done by心理学空间? N3lgZ
people with a Kleinian orientation, who, he says, regarded his emphasis on actual family心理学空间oM,hgF:i
interaction patterns as not particularly relevant. He therefore decided to found his own research心理学空间k_I n:rDtw
unit whose efforts were focused on mother-child separation. Because separation is a clear-cut and
[.l^)m4]n0My0undeniable event, its effects on the child and the parent- child relationship were easier to心理学空间V{2tTYG ej
document than more subtle influences of parental and familial interaction.心理学空间7l Z)[5L$@(Agy

!]5eB j/c8uI'@0Mary Ainsworth
Mary Ainsworth (nee Salter), 6 years younger than Bowlby, finished graduate study at the
vS(bf7zg-w!p0University of Toronto just before World War II. courses with William Blatz had introduced her
0tM,|.SpNIp0to security theory (Blatz, 1940), which both reformulated and challenged Freudian ideas, though心理学空间&J,NEs|l
Blatz chose not to recognize his debt to Freud because of the anti-Freudian climate that pervaded
K0rek.]Lf1v0the University of Toronto at that time (Ainsworth, 1983; Blatz, 1966).
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One of the major tenets of security theory is that infants and young children need to develop心理学空间0y`F W \2I9g(Y'D5m
a secure dependence on parents before launching out into unfamiliar situations. In her dissertation,
J+dSZ w$m t{]0entitled “An Evaluation of Adjustment Based Upon the Concept of Security,” Mary Salter心理学空间7~*V)kv1i{4l"Wx)y
(1940) states it this way:心理学空间#d;uK:b2f;G:I'o+m:t.h0y

res#Z\.\%\]0Familial security in the early stages is of a dependent type and forms a basis from which
@L1GuV }0the individual can work out gradually, forming new skills and interests in other fields.
#|x o4i#D#t+Q0Where familial security is lacking, the individual is handicapped by the lack o~ what心理学空间0jXP Ni2VAi
might be called a secure base italics added from which to work. (p. 45)

^_3VdCb ~&m4G0Interestingly, Mary Salter’s dissertation research included an analysis of students’ autobiographical
*m}K%_h(I0narratives in support of the validity of her paper-and-pencil self-report scales of familial and
?(?*r&Tm#|J1^)Y0extrafamilial security, foreshadowing her later penchant for narrative methods of data collection.
toxea0Indeed, few researchers realize the enormous experience in instrument development and diagnostics
Z&Q A3t#g8HZ0she brought to attachment research.
P9j%AV(KG A\0Like Bowlby’s, Mary Salter’s professional career was shaped by her duties as a military
D {[hx@~&n8T0officer during World War 11 (in the Canadian Women’s Army corps). After the war, as a faculty
gTu[(B;l9x5F0member at the University of Toronto, she set out to deepen her clinical skills in response to the心理学空间+xF j WH/C} g
request to teach courses in personality assessment. To prepare herself for this task, she signed up心理学空间4h|zR2Le RI
for workshops by Bruno Klopfer, a noted expert in the interpretation of the Rorschach test. This
8B*gUS Xm3e0experience led to a coauthored book on the Rorschach technique (Klopfer, Ainsworth, Klopfer,
EFOhII2n$p#]0& Holt, 1954), which is still in print.
L${;f(}V$N R0
JG:M+a"b&Z{ J&b X|3N a0In 1950, Mary Salter married Leonard Ainsworth and accompanied him to London, where
xP8l5p2XR]GT0he completed his doctoral studies. Someone there drew her attention to a job advertisement in the
Mh$y)r9vOLE F0London Times that happened to involve research, under the direction of John Bowlby, into the
{+M!\!jZWC F0effect on personality development of separation from the mother in early childhood. As Mary心理学空间h'r+i^}*e B
Ainsworth acknowledges, joining Bowlby’s research unit reset the whole direction of her心理学空间| A5Q'gf^ \
professional career, though neither Bowlby nor Ainsworth realized this at the time.心理学空间V;A!A,J)mhHw&i


TAG: Ainsworth AINSWORTH attachment Attachment ATTACHMENT Bowlby BOWLBY
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