Attachment and Loss: Separation - Anxiety and Anger v.2
作者: Oaklander / 12276次阅读 时间: 2002年11月03日
标签: Anger Anxiety attachment Attachment ATTACHMENT Loss Separation
Attachment and Loss: Separation - Anxiety and Anger v.2 作 者: Pimlico
出 版: New edition
书 号:9780712666213
原 价:¥217.00元
SEPARATION, the second volume of ATTACHMENT AND LOSS, continues John Bowlby's influential work on the importance of the parental relationship to mental health. Here he considers separation and the anxiety that accompanies it: the fear of imminent or anticipated separation, the fear induced by parental threats of separation, and the inversion of the parent-child relationship. Dr Bowlby re-examines the situations that cause us to feel fear and compares them with evidence from animals. He concludes that fear is initially aroused by certain elemental situations - sudden movement, darkness or separation - which, although intrinsically harmless, are indicative of an increased risk of danger.
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The publication of Attachment and Loss will prove a turning point in the history of psychoanalysis and psychology generally.', Times Literary Supplement .'It is difficult to exaggerate the importance of Dr Bowlby's work...In practical terms, his ideas have modified and will continue to influence the rearing of children and the treatment of those who are disturbed. In theoretical terms, his contributions have given psychoanalysis a shot in the arm and a biological perspective which was sadly lacking.', Anthony Storr, Sunday Timeswww.psychspace.com心理学空间网
TAG: Anger Anxiety attachment Attachment ATTACHMENT Loss Separation
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