Carl Iver Hovland
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Any opinions expressed in this memoir are those of the author(s)心理学空间:e t?v$h ufV
and do not necessarily reflect the views of the
ZeyAW]F7q0National Academy of Sciences.


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A Biographical Memoir by


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%W7r)DW5`I ILY0
.V zt,ERr`0Biographical Memoir心理学空间'P"y0u*M7h

OF N:Y;I&`Q0Copyright 1998心理学空间)z@w&M N@

KQ dc5D0NatioNal aCademies press
"X4Xr~n0washiNgtoN d.C


8YY!m"c*Y$hd0CARL IVER HOVLAND心理学空间5j7V1m3yRv


)x I/T6s8vw.c%S[x0June 12, 1912April 16, 1961心理学空间iJ9q$j'U1EHy6b


心理学空间;z @%R Eupy(z


L;m!p-x(| `9Qn0
w(I*H8w(@0YALE PSYCHOLOGIST Carl Hovland made singularly心理学空间*|U H4I)|p
important contributions to experimental, social, and心理学空间D+T7fb3[2MWj*o
cognitive psychology (focusing respectively on human learn-
4v8p5P*M.vM4`0ing, attitude change, and concept acquisition). In the pro-
_1BFf5j0cess he worked unremittingly "to improve the standards心理学空间7I(U@"ke
and quality of research in psychology and related fields,"心理学空间;j,c'M*Y3]v-T\
earning (in the words of one of his longtime coworkers)心理学空间*Mp n5Y]T)PA
universal recognition as a "statesman of the social sciences"
1@)b?g,Z7c0(Janis, 1968, p. 530).心理学空间w.UgXM:ymA

R-|5Fc"[{0i|;l g0Hovland also served as an insightful and trusted consult-
-M_l @"I)wuK0ant to numerous governmental and educational agencies,心理学空间-Q#M he!j sid)q3?:}
industrial organizations, and philanthropic foundations. All
r|MB0^0this he did within a life lasting not quite forty-nine years.
;rc O ]M+d jG0He could hardly have foreseen how limited would be the心理学空间/G!no%fUI%I*E t2_]
time available to him (both his parents lived into their
|!{ a @#m h0nineties). Yet he compensated, in effect, through his re-
:\N[*r(?4_'c U6NQ/D0markable precocity, quickness of mind, and productive use
c0O{T2t0of every waking moment-along with his extraordinary ability心理学空间#{bMj*H(f
to bring together bright young researchers with widely dif-心理学空间7Md&MY_6Q3^s
fering theoretical perspectives, to provide them with sup-
.`%YR"LMnV0port and subtle guidance, and to formulate coherent syn-心理学空间/j!R;W4^q?W {
theses of the emerging results. A man of unsurpassed
.]y)V4e"W VE0gentleness and moral integrity, he left a deep and perma-心理学空间0N'D5c.IGT
nent mark on everyone who knew him.心理学空间E(K9SIll

I first met Carl Hovland when I arrived for graduate心理学空间`g!A8u'E(O%r&d*@
study in Yale's illustrious Department of Psychology in the
)~D u+r,\P0fall of 1951. Hovland's title, Sterling professor, seemed心理学空间}#h#_R;k E%x0B k
wonderfully euonymous for this tall, distinguished man,
2J]8N'J8rKv0endowed as he was with rare personal qualities and wavy
(M/Y$m#@d|h0hair turning to silver. Now, over forty-five years later, I am心理学空间g[OL&xU
astonished to realize that this revered member of the de-
*A-?]7}^0partment, who had been serving as chairman of the de-
r0O Zr&BC0partment and director of the Laboratory of Psychology,
P-w*x!tWwj0was at that time only thirty-nine years old!

;e dP1U U5m6}/S0

5^U#]c K E\ KR1D-P0Particularly striking were the apparent ease and efficiency心理学空间 z`kL+P3b
with which Hovland managed all the many things in which
"z{Ht~ O0he was always engaged and his constructive use of every心理学空间lY&G5ZN$c4R
moment of time. While showing genuine interest in every-
:Z+T&X[(iV(R$Y V0one with whom he had contact, he had a way of keeping心理学空间F@;ETG ]
administrative interactions brief and to the point. His ex-心理学空间S`O%M%a%Szo
traordinary memory enabled him to carry out much of the心理学空间g$L4DH)oh+t
department's business through chance meetings in the hall
SO%m@fY ^Mm0or stairway-venues that minimized the risk of someone
ZZ"YF)QO0plunking down in a chair in his office for more than the心理学空间'HF(tw(P0F4\
time needed to resolve whatever issue was at hand. If Hovland心理学空间 ~T`7dE
did not encounter a graduate student sufficiently soon con-
lx1KK%ApsF0cerning some matter, the student would find a slip of pa-
_6bki&O6w0per in his or her departmental mailbox with the succinct心理学空间Y9K;Q!wI^_;S
notation: "See me. CIH." More than once, discussions of心理学空间c(D yAu\D2p P
my own research were carried out as I tried to keep up
5AE_L}0with Hovland's rapid stride to the New Haven railway sta-
7}[P d_#S^0tion where he would be catching a train to New York-心理学空间"T0[PR x
perhaps to consult with AT&T, Bell Laboratories, or the
g F0FW'ku F0Rockefeller or Russell Sage Foundations.心理学空间[1?7b0iga;n.[J

心理学空间q-rx q PD Y_{gj

On those occasions when I did actually sit down in心理学空间)V2Ku9pr;c~L'@
Hovland's office, he would also be reading his mail and
6[.m#\ h8@uv&Qe0talking with someone else on the telephone. When I called
'i-u,k^T'iZ;x0him on the phone, I could hear someone else in his office
%bnJ u7CGR0and the occasional rattle of a letter being opened. And,心理学空间|z)Z+P N8m
when I sent him a note, I imagined that while he was心理学空间u N;`.] m9mT
perusing it, he would also be talking with someone in his心理学空间 k4S3Pj-v9XF
office and someone on the phone. I fantasized having the心理学空间~gX1x5fW8\0U
delivery of my written letter, the playing over the phone of心理学空间(BP&|zA
my recorded voice, and my physical entrance into his of-心理学空间"A1upL8B`0k
fice converge upon him simultaneously-thus gaining, for心理学空间 S1Wb#c&?Cq
once, his undivided attention! In truth, however, I wel-
f"S],Rn4X]0comed the brief hiatuses that Hovland's time sharing en-心理学空间-I'_;W ^L!]U
tailed as I was striving to marshal my ideas for his assess-

q zQ BL1BrK0心理学空间&z |D gr/?x#H4~
Another Hovland student, Herbert C. Kelman (now Cabot
!yT!qx7U F&m;}l \0professor of social ethics at Harvard), described to me心理学空间M(A.x7ko2|
how the drafting of his 1953 paper with Hovland began:心理学空间@V5SL&g$|t+S2U
"In consultation with Carl, I designed and carried out an心理学空间.Qu7c M4Dh$j
experiment on the sleeper effect [in which the tendency to
#r/M/PYMR0endorse a proposition from a low credibility source in-心理学空间 V&Zclc1]
creases as the source is forgotten]. When the data were
jzgu2q"L`4Z0collected and analyzed, I . . . told him that I would like心理学空间(O@.T%J-d Pb
him to coauthor the article reporting the research. In his
gKqht0customary generosity, he told me that this was my experi-
_b6y3R}A1I%O0ment and he was not expecting coauthorship. But I in-
K"^r-t&i(lq0sisted-whereupon he pulled out a yellow pad and started
Ex-Z I,lkb#U0writing! Right then and there!" (Kelman, letter of March心理学空间8uyQJg3EN7N.oW
25, 1997).

V @*F:o}*t'Me0心理学空间,K!j"m1J F;U

Hovland was the most efficient and organized individual
9[ tc]tn$XQ0I have ever known. But the efficiency and organization心理学空间 [@ P(Vw _$V3t
was all in his head; it did not depend on external aids. He心理学空间6t.Z&_QK o,}
conducted classes and chaired meetings in his quiet, infor-心理学空间U;B%d2azjSS*[
mal manner without notes, while the desk and side table
7L F RvMyf$k0in his office remained piled with papers in no visible or-心理学空间*}'X7]-a#B r
der. When another of my fellow graduate students inquired心理学空间b4nT@B,}
whether he might retrieve a term paper to correct an error,
m7j,pW;X}0Hovland briefly rummaged through papers piled on心理学空间^5lO*Jq.f7ra
the side table. Then turning to my waiting friend, he re-心理学空间 v(Ow ~ ^A
marked, "You may think there is no order here. Actually,心理学空间/tw)As#Jo[&|
there is an order; it's just not an order designed to meet心理学空间 D_8a!\E8cj/j
that particular type of request." And order there evidently
"qF$a`7L8xu&Y F|8A0was; Hovland's secretary, Jane Olejarczyk, told me, "Quite心理学空间m Ib}-?/\0T ^B
often he would call and ask me to retrieve some document
z f!IBBq5FMM I0with instructions like: it's in the third pile from the left on
5B(S p,_#M&fh y0the table by my desk, about a third of the way down, and
4f5@u.LcyL+Qre[j0there's a Russell Sage report, printed on blue paper, just
*|^)L4kmF ]\.]f0before you get to it . . . Amazing! He was always on target"
~OKFZjb t0(personal communication of May 29, 1997).

m!QOdSF0|&dr0心理学空间L dN'p~/DbR@

8Jo3x I3v~'M0Hovland was a master of the Socratic method. Seem-心理学空间 Y3H%`[~&IA)d
ingly without any prepared agenda, he would ask the graduate
K1^ w8Y8DG7fI0students around the seminar table for their comments on
q'BG(W6^q0the (always seminal) readings he had assigned, or for their心理学空间#f1\H k aFU0P:sW
proposals concerning an illustrative problem of experimental
8@g$f gcxG0design or data analysis he was working through on the心理学空间(~2_1cj HTv9L%s
chalk board. At first, this evoked frustration or anxiety in
e YH Kbj0students accustomed to more structured styles of instruc-
u4hl/M-z3}0tion. (A student who had volunteered to calculate-in those心理学空间|*e AmC9Z4?*r
days, by means of a slide rule-a number called for by the心理学空间`_4RQx"w9\
illustrative problem might find that, before he or she was
||X:?iSP0able to come up with the answer, Hovland was already心理学空间SO sL2e3[D
writing it on the board, apparently having arrived at it by
Z ZXdF7v;c0his own swifter, purely mental calculation.) Former Yale心理学空间^ U B@5DI
student Philip Zimbardo (now a professor of social psy-心理学空间Wwmq4Pk
chology at Stanford) remarked that the combination of
8OP6~;\ qjVJ0Hovland's shyness and intellectual mastery may have pre-
9F0^0@1t{0yh}T0vented him from even suspecting that some students found心理学空间4ZH"H'S_s.L
him intimidating (personal communication of April 3, 1997).心理学空间i YmOLh z-U
Nevertheless, out of our bumbling efforts a coherent pic-
?T g)@D ~!b0ture would gradually crystalize, to be succinctly articulated心理学空间)kCD$@%}.Ja#Pa*HK
by Hovland at the end of each class session. It was the goal心理学空间Ie+sMd | MRm%V.a
toward which Hovland evidently had been subtly guiding
syA"Z.Y;Ao9t&D0us all along.心理学空间 v {}/MR$zrN


T!dZ,h(D0I asked Hovland to serve as my dissertation advisor not
2O&Sa;t9] d&]-qG0only because I valued his quick intellectual grasp but also心理学空间Um-A li#P*^rb1V {
because he seemed uniquely free of commitment to any
$r7c#FOR }$Pp3G'nD0particular theoretical position and, hence, supportive of
3?9N T-eO f_0the exploration of promising ideas, wherever they might心理学空间:l$i.X}Ce_N
lead. Because of the great respect everyone had for him,
_S,PWZ0Hovland was also able to give my career a couple of unex-
kF/Hg;}3{*S&D0pected boosts at its very start. He endorsed the suggestion心理学空间x.c"Y#Ym F4@R
of a younger member of my dissertation committee, Bur-
\T$eo3PO ^1`0ton Rosner, to take the unusual step of recruiting a math-
{6YuA9d.deY"z0ematical psychologist from outside Yale to serve on the心理学空间%@7q+x[5T0S|
orals committee of my more-than-usually mathematical dis-心理学空间{r E W NDD^_ e'_
sertation. One consequence was that the up-and-coming
0s}pyD1@7H$xe0outside examiner selected, George A. Miller, invited me to
(tS:T}C O0join him a year later as a postdoctoral associate at Harvard.心理学空间"SN{-aQ6Q
Then, following those two postdoctoral years, both Hovland心理学空间1IG%}1sbi p
and Miller recommended my appointment as a member of
%G{'](xo"@C0technical staff in a small basic research group that Hovland心理学空间}u6hU*]
had been instrumental in establishing in the Bell Tele-心理学空间0C2l4F1v(y+{ [ O
phone Laboratories, Murray Hill, New Jersey. The research
UT.V@m|3Xc(`0I was able to carry out during my two postdoctoral years心理学空间W~,^!Cir:G
at Harvard (where I first learned to program on the Univac心理学空间vS P j }8r2_zp!|
1, just given to Harvard) and during the next eight years
6b,t.tC^2SzbE0at the Bell Labs (where I had access to a major computer心理学空间Ang:zKah$}
facility) undoubtedly contributed to my own ensuing ap-
?uS u*i$M0pointment to a professorship at Harvard.心理学空间H5INB;{/H9U`h2~7|


心理学空间&Bx e4A*@9KT,y'l y6p
In 1957 I participated-along with both Miller and心理学空间9u,`Na F Uvc%o}
Hovland-in a Summer Institute on the new computer simu-心理学空间9Xuq/o)]-V1H
lation approach to modeling human cognitive processes心理学空间+kL@3X`3`W
organized by Alan Newell and Herbert Simon at the RAND心理学空间&EP:Pi/Z b0[2zY
Corporation in Santa Monica. Simon, who remembers心理学空间WiJAK#c&ts8v e@
Hovland "with great fondness," mentioned that Hovland
zT;?xU\7l0and Miller had "co-opted" him to join their small ad hoc心理学空间%X@_;q"P
committee of the Social Science Research Council, which
N+@*xGI0had some Ford Foundation money for work in cognition.
[%MD%Z-iT*@0It was this money, Simon said, that made possible their
&z2A6hB o+s^0Summer Institute (personal communication of May 27, 1997).
&g)T {2tC0x}A] x7b0Over a lunch with Hovland in Santa Monica that summer,心理学空间k*Y AxrM&t I
I recalled how my doctoral research at Yale only two years心理学空间;i C+Y'J&t:F
before had necessitated my approximation of the eigen心理学空间 x]f,H$It8q!N"{
roots and vectors of matrices by hours of tedious computa-心理学空间&ia/n+S _ ZBkw
tion on mechanical desktop calculators. "When," I won-心理学空间Oc9w!Y!B,}r
dered, "would Yale obtain a programmable electronic com-心理学空间\#y _8?;V
puter?" With a wry smile, Hovland replied that he was on
w7gB7lM#J0a committee that had just been established at Yale to re-
yvyU7KH0ceive the gift of such a computer-in case one should be
G0A.I{a6M7c&yn0offered! Only three years later, the 1960 papers on com-
9Ygi-\y I(I@0puter simulation of thinking and concept attainment
dz ~i TZ0authored by Hovland, alone and with his student Earl Hunt,
FVeM&H ~0were already appearing.心理学空间 Z+i[q2d'pqZwC

h`:A|HD0心理学空间 Y-q#f6V,Y f0C!I lZS:w
It was shortly after joining the Bell Labs that I began my
2z$l.^xla/Uj v0one direct research collaboration with Hovland. Herbert
:Mx3C7^8c,h0Jenkins and I had undertaken a study of classification learn-
2g-QsvZ*dl L#T0ing in which human subjects learned by trial and error心理学空间rj8y#d&Iq
which of two responses was correct for each of the eight心理学空间!J6J1tu`E9O
possible stimuli having either of two values on each of
#jV {X;T m0three binary dimensions (for example, square or triangu-心理学空间5F\5Z{0{Hx _C
lar, large or small, and black or white). Jenkins and I sought
1L-G.DF9E0to determine the number of trials required to learn differ-心理学空间 H^KO4x3aTNN
ent classifications in which correct responding required心理学空间cE4?8t,G
taking account of values on just one, on two, or on all
]-Q'h,\nU+qAF0three of the stimulus dimensions.

,WH5loWo%t v Cl0心理学空间O!Z/m4I8n4O1s b*v+K

7a2X(jebzw\0When we mentioned this study to Hovland, we learned心理学空间ydy ZT5uS0t E
that quite independently, he and two research assistants
.MAXN8?^l$m8S ]0had just begun presenting subjects with explicit classifica-心理学空间W$k@ aq
tions of just such binary-valued stimuli into two groups of
vr{ul6Z3u0four (one displayed on the left, the other on the right).
zsX)aF#g0L(Cn]0They, however, were measuring subjects' speeds and accu-心理学空间#^,U%e(LwG;r
racies of reconstruction of the two groups from memory,
aR3mzxW UN0and recording how the subjects described the rules they
R~Ioy)F\0found to govern each classification. We quickly agreed to心理学空间l f Ntr5v
join forces and, during our ensuing collaboration, Jenkins心理学空间)W0I cv(n]#p
and I (often together with the Bell Labs learning researcher心理学空间5PJm#M-e \:G7^-o
Ernst Rothkopf) would meet with Hovland-usually at his心理学空间!\*K;y zmz?~(e4?
home in Hamden, outside New Haven.


c,];l'dIL%S0心理学空间(Y-kx0cBjb e\8r
On these visits, the Hovlands' longtime housekeeper Eliza-心理学空间%m` R~ g?:V }
beth would serve us lunch, elegantly presented with fine心理学空间'ZgC8mLu X
china, silver, and linens in the Hovland's formal dining心理学空间r }"Z YwR {
room. I must have been seated in Mrs. Hovland's custom-
/]d XIjg0ary place. For, under a slight bump in the rug there was a心理学空间?g5w&ilLb
button that I sometimes inadvertently hit with my foot,心理学空间0R(J+?2Sgq
summoning the housekeeper, to my mounting chagrin.心理学空间 y/ie-M/Qx
At about this time, a growth in Hovland's neck (in the
BV*q wa0parotid gland just below his right ear), which had been
I|t7Sh;_ z'\{FP0diagnosed as benign some years earlier, had recurred and心理学空间3VB#`8X!a#P0K1kY
was now determined to be malignant. Both the advance of
r{p^7q5TG0the cancer and the measures undertaken for its treatment
(ql3bQ6a vF0(surgery, radiation, and a then highly experimental che-
"` GJVjV"ps iv0motherapy) were soon exacting a toll on Carl's previously心理学空间sA_%H#B_
inexhaustible energy, entailing a temporary loss of his full
1jh7ibV-t"i9[k0head of hair, which had rapidly turned entirely white, and
9Kga!YQ$@L0a total deafness in his right ear.心理学空间g P\ x4@Y%B2p3Hztt

$mY w~6|,KC0
%S!p!l.F!W+t0Long before, Carl's wife Gertrude, like himself, still rela-心理学空间{;P"Q@r3\'mi
tively young and universally regarded with admiration and
NC3nd/B n^8L0affection, had been increasingly afflicted with rheumatoid心理学空间R_ y9?RR6Zr
arthritis. Anticipating his own impending death, Hovland
h3@ W!r)Q9I0became deeply concerned about his wife's growing help-心理学空间w"rv8e C,~;~V
lessness. Her neck was now so fragile that she had to wear
*\D&v+v$V5s kuH8^0a neck brace whenever she was up and about.


WaU)V0w {;a2\0
(t?2YC5T#H0On August 26, 1960, my two colleagues and I made our
6T#P%yd!\ g7S#qhi0last scheduled trip from the Bell Labs to the Hovlands'心理学空间#q-J/r \Snn([^p5M
home to discuss the final stage of our collaborative project.
J1A{Pd(E0We were met at the door by housekeeper Elizabeth, who,
g5Qy V-n0tearfully and barely able to speak, informed us that Mrs.
CW8Z2so%A#|D0Hovland had an accident earlier that morning and that
f+V1H/OzF3A ? T0Mr. Hovland would not be able to meet with us. We got in心理学空间 B R*JF9p N/F"pC6m
the car and headed back to New Jersey.心理学空间~A9ujQ$mo

心理学空间*g].di6@E{+Jf#B A

S7\Hr[0I later learned that Gertrude, having gotten out of bed心理学空间^ qV"_#R r K$^1GB%^
without her protective collar, stumbled and fell. Her weak-
$G!?L1ul/J0ened neck snapped and she died instantly. A few days later,
+k2^x AK2T0Carl called me to apologize for not being able to meet
L O2c%AkX1e iv0with us after our long drive. When I assured him that no心理学空间:o/W+R/e7Sr.iDY1u
apology was necessary and expressed my heartfelt sympa-
+v]]A1zQ3m0thy, he became, for the only time in my experience, choked
;K7OzS"v3r*j0with emotion and was briefly unable to speak. The loss of心理学空间$Vk'Xpr!`Uq
his beloved wife was a terrible blow to this most caring心理学空间vs/kP1u*u?7g(x
and responsible of men-left, as he now was, with two
mQRH)Hwg0children in their late teens and with less than a year re-
6K4l B#aX|:^ z#O-QL0maining of his own life.

N ^J f:l:{6d0

2I b(EB K0
!A6Q!wz7J8]$Kjf0Right up to the end, Hovland continued doing (to the心理学空间|J~4`8S9B
extent that he was physically able) just what he had been
/b!^KV"V"_Wt0doing even before he learned that he was mortally ill.
%}SSHZB%Jq0Apparently, Hovland had always proceeded each day with
L,|$a9E0e \0what he regarded as most important-as if that day might心理学空间5Z#hmurZ/F
be his last. To avoid the stairs, his final weeks were spent
+{&yg4k*M"o+d0in a bed that had been set up in the same dining room心理学空间:x^5{Cn1em-i?d
where my colleagues and I used to talk with him over
i-Jh$z\7Ze!@)s0lunch. He was cared for by his son David, then an under-
]C`Il2a0graduate at Yale, and by his daughter Kathie, who, having
h2d?S)@t*xq2[2Xa0just entered Wellesley College, traveled down from Massa-心理学空间8{7HV|8]K6{8L
chusetts to be with her father during the weekends. Carl心理学空间7h*?)r*\mQ4m
died on Sunday night, April 16, 1961, just after Kathie left
V0IGrhEo0for her trip back to Wellesley. Coincidentally, problems心理学空间/m&\pw%o D p
arising in their necks had cut short the lives of Carl and心理学空间:F?Y9F"G r%q
Gertrude alike, near the ends of their forty-eighth years.心理学空间Pa9G1~&uc.D N
The 1961 Shepard, Hovland, and Jenkins study "Learn-
%u?{,fpB0ing and Memorization of Classifications" appeared in the心理学空间:Yao-n#cBk
Psychological Monographs in that same year-but not in time心理学空间7j-_$`j'rM&p
for Hovland to see it in print. Along with Hovland's own
2Fp QF]D cB&O0last book Social Judgment, written in collaboration with
b0OK4Z*NM\0Muzafer Sherif (who completed it after Hovland's death),
6d](LT#H"f0our monograph was thus one of the last publications on
uMR3WG Qz0which Hovland appeared as an author. Some thirty years
h~(qa_-K1aK0later, this monograph attracted renewed interest among心理学空间 F/B)Q&Y;Y,i9TM
cognitive scientists, who have used our results to test alter-
"Lk_O%TP"h E0native connectionist or "neural net" models for classifica-心理学空间X!{4j IR[
tion learning; or to elucidate the roles of stimulus dimen-
i*AV`C&ew%g5`0sions called perceptually "separable" (like size and shape-as心理学空间-OW/F)h HB){JTi
in Shepard, Hovland, and Jenkins, 1961, p. 3) versus those心理学空间 {`(X ?QD1A#m@(Ln
called perceptually "integral" (like lightness and satura-心理学空间3U khn Xf*\
tion of colors-as in Shepard and Chang, 1963, p. 96). And心理学空间7b8s&LQ ]*]
the three students who served as research assistants in this
U2{3I$K`:E0work-Albert Bregman and Earl Hunt (with Hovland) and
"f&nj.M0]ny0John Gibbon (with Jenkins and me)-have all gone on to
0O#f!S,trz f;q9r[+}6B0make their own influential contributions at three major
l w`R_}PshJ.y0universities (Bregman in auditory perception at McGill,心理学空间'Sj2H5~M$t5p)J%\
Hunt in human cognition at the University of Washington,心理学空间obv.K*?$q
and Gibbon in timing behavior at Columbia).心理学空间Y z!B ~*`

(Z1m#f BK+wgILry8}0心理学空间~5x1@_v-V5X wb


TAG: 卡尔霍夫兰
«贺夫兰(Carl Hovland)与「传播与态度改变研究」 Carl Hovland,卡尔·霍夫兰
《Carl Hovland,卡尔·霍夫兰》