The Psychology of Perspective and Renaissance Art
作者: Michael Kubovy / 8042次阅读 时间: 2011年12月02日
来源: Cambridge University Press 1998 标签: 文艺复兴 心理学
www.psychspace.com心理学空间网The Psychology of Perspective and Renaissance Art (pa-perback)心理学视角与文艺复兴艺术心理学空间^%H'Q$Ssgy/T
by Michael Kubovy (Author) 
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%?Zt7Lq N5]w0pa-perback: 208 pages心理学空间/e{ D?(Yq
# Publisher: Cambridge University Press (August 26, 1988)
zQ|,A VF)P0# Language: English
Q)~ Y!QQ/Y0# ISBN-10: 0521368499心理学空间'@Hu r6u A1^\
# ISBN-13: 978-0521368490
Jnj5Hg ^L8i v0Product Description
&IX K$s_*E0Michael Kubovy, an experimental psychologist, recounts the lively history of the invention of perspective in the fifteenth century, and shows how, as soon as the invention spread, it was used to achieve subtle and fascinating aesthetic effects. A clear presentation of the fundamental concepts of perspective and the reasons for its effectiveness, drawing on the latest laboratory research on how people perceive, leads into the development of a new theory to explain why Renaissance artists such as Leonardo and Mantegna used perspective in unorthodox ways which have puzzled art scholars. This theory illuminates the author's broader consideration of the evolution of art: the book proposes a resolution of the debate between those who believe that the invention/discovery of perspective is a stage in the steady progress of art and those who believe that perspective is merely a conventional and arbitrary system for the representation of space.
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TAG: 文艺复兴 心理学
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