作者: Wendy Behary / 12780次阅读 时间: 2010年11月20日
来源: New Harbinger Publications 标签: NARCISSIST 图式治疗 自恋
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1n!qoms!d0Preface 前言 (mints翻译)

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~1?%|b^0If you are in a relationship with someone who exhibits the traits of a narcissistic individual, don’t think twice before you enter this book. In Disarming the Narcissist, Wendy Behary offers a practical tool kit that gives us insights into how we can manage the emotional challenges of relating to someone who does not relate to us: the narcissistic individual.




This gem of a how-to survival guide is filled with useful tips informed by two branches of science: the cognitive science view of how the mind is organized around schemas and my own field—interpersonal neurobiology. Schemas are generalized filters that bias our perceptions and alter our thinking. For two decades, the author has immersed herself in schema therapy and treatment of those with narcissism as their major issue in psychotherapy. Using this science background and her practical experience as a therapist, Wendy Behary walks us through easy-to-understand explanations of how the mind of a narcissist works. We come to see the schemas that organize how a narcissist sees the world, and how that perspective is often devoid of interest in the internal world of others.心理学空间0@WA1to

&c Jr)~/m9A'Hy@0这本生存指南的宝石的指引,通过两个科学的分支,充满了有用的提示信息,这两个分支是,心智是如何围绕着图式组织的认识科学的观点,以及我自己的研究领域——人际神经生物学。图式是我们知觉的偏差和改变我们的思维的过滤器。二十年来,作者让自己沉浸在自恋者的图式治疗和疗愈那些在治疗中自恋作为主要问题和患者之中。使用这种科学背景以及作为一个治疗师的她的实践经验,温迪·碧海芮通过易于理解的解释让我们明白了自恋者是如何工作的。让我看看,自恋者的图式组织是如何看待世界的,以及对别人的内在世界缺乏兴趣的看法是怎样的。心理学空间~ kYkN,{nD5e1]KI

E @%W0RSx^0Interpersonal neurobiology examines the connections among relationships, the mind, and the brain. Our professor of how-to-get-along-with-a-narcissist, Wendy Behary, has been studying this field intensively with me for many years, and she has deftly applied it to her own area of expertise in dealing with these individuals who lack the knack of empathy. The circuits in the brain that enable us to imagine the internal subjective experience—the mind—of another person may not be well developed or easily accessed in the narcissist. Mindsight is our capacity to see the mind itself, in ourselves and in others, and in narcissists it is often poorly developed. Therefore, relationships with such an individual will feel lopsided: conversations and interactions are all about the other person, not about you or the two of you as a “we.”

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This lack of empathy in a relationship affects the social circuits of the brain that help create an integrated sense of balance and well-being. Such an imbalance can make you feel isolated and alone. Your mind may become incoherent and your usual sense of vitality drained. The reaction to such feelings can depend on your own makeup: You may become angry and frustrated, or sullen and withdrawn. Or you may find yourself feeling ashamed, as if you have done something wrong and deserve such an experience of being ignored. In these and other common responses, the relationship with a narcissistic individual creates a cascade of neural reactions that are far from the mental well-being associated with coherence of mind and empathy and compassion in relationships. This is a form of stress that you deserve to reduce in your life, even if you cannot change the other person. The knowledge embedded in the pages of this book can serve as a powerful means to help you deal with this stress through insight and information. If you’re in any sort of close relationship with a narcissist, you may be in dire need of new ways to understand the situation and respond—for the sake of the health of your mind, your brain, and your relationships.




/A,dA]~`0Fortunately, the advice in this book will guide you through the challenges of both surviving and optimizing a relationship with someone who initially has so little to give, but who often takes so much. At the very least, this guide will help you understand the mechanisms of mind and brain that are at work in your relationship. This alone will help a great deal. But even more, the suggestions here offer the hope of change. With these science-based practical ideas, you may actually open the door to a new way of being—both for you and for the narcissist in your life. Taking the time to dive into these pages and work with the ideas presented will be worth its weight in gold. If relating to a narcissist presents challenges in your life, why not start now? Turn the page and start to learn how you can improve your life.




&MDEJr g.{,s^0—Daniel J. Siegel, MD  丹尼尔•西格尔

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'l i#X5`&{ h!T0Author of Mindsight, The Mindful Brain, and The Developing Mind and coauthor of The Whole-Brain Child and Parenting from the Inside Out心理学空间lW}1G$K!U7q

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t(V7[/r.E7p)J0Clinical Professor of Psychiatry, UCLA School of Medicine

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