The Patient as Interpreter of the Analyst's Experience
作者: Irwin Z. Hoffman, Ph / 14708次阅读 时间: 2010年10月02日
来源: Contemp. Psychoanal., 19:389-422 标签: Analyst Experience Interpreter Patient The

!x*Lt#f6TJV`0(1983) Contemp. Psychoanal., 19:389-422
V!c ` U-[5h }0The Patient as Interpreter of the Analyst's Experience心理学空间9~'y)X#CC4y%N

,@+m:`3Io"x0Irwin Z. Hoffman, Ph.D.
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g-K1Fen&Q:FR0Introduction心理学空间:iK7K t"@7K

(n#`uJ!@ i0THIS PAPER PRESENTS A POINT OF VIEW on the psychoanalytic situation and on psychoanalytic
9x+y1V.\N(C^A5`#ut0technique through, in part, a selective review of the literature. An important underlying assumption of the paper is
?&m X$_ l ~6V0that existing theoretical models inevitably influence and reflect practice. This is often true even of models that
|5\ufg,y2\W;T^0practitioners claim they do not take seriously or literally. Such models may continue to affect practice adversely as
K(@CW3kC3{"Ia0[0long as their features are not fully appreciated and as long as alternative models are not recognized or integrated.心理学空间4l%Ps"_(ILyb!O3sC
An example of such a lingering model is the one in which the therapist is said to function like a blank screen in the心理学空间$O/W3B*^Ks6xVM
psychoanalytic situation.
The Resilience of the Blank Screen Concept
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The psychoanalytic literature is replete with attacks on the blank screen concept, the idea that the analyst is not心理学空间 e P2A3c4c3jN q
accurately perceived by the patient as a real person, but that he serves rather as a screen or mirror to whom various心理学空间5]5cc*|(j)i
attitudes, feelings, and motives can be attributed depending upon the patient's particular neurosis and its
F7Ls[ r6u4jw0transference expression. Critiques of this idea have come from within the ranks of classical Freudian analysts, as
-\+H4pa/A2dq0well as from Kleinians and Sullivanians. Even if one looks only at the classical literature, in one way or another, the心理学空间Q+c:e/|~(yn
blank screen concept seems to have been pronounced dead and laid to rest many times over the years. In 1950, Ida心理学空间x]b&Uy$^)@~4Q
Macalpine, addressing only the implications for the patient's experience of classical psychoanalytic technique as she
]6qS)^|+Y'RxSR0conceived of it (that is, not considering the analyst's personal contributions), said the following:
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It can no longer be maintained that the analysand's reactions in analysis occur spontaneously. His behavior is
$Ii C`)a*d5NT0response to the rigid infantile setting to which he is exposed. This poses many problems for further investigation.
JC$p JZT_0One of them is how does it react upon thepatient? He must know it, consciously or unconsciously (p. 526, italics
9]&M)]^9k#@0Theresa Benedek said in 1953:
)H"O~&cqof!p(T(o0As the history of psychoanalysis shows, the discussion of countertransference usually ended in a retreat to defensive心理学空间6Q9Pm&k1t"[
positions. The argument to this end used to be (italics added) that the classical attitude affords the best guarantee that心理学空间Q1_a0E.[1}}
the personality of the therapist (author's italics) would not enter the action-field of the therapeutic process. By that
B z~/o8P#Gi0one assumes that as long as the analyst does not reveal himself as a person, does not answer questions regarding his心理学空间a+n#yg`
own personality, he remains unknown as if without individuality, that the transference process may unfold and be心理学空间Z-CX Pc Id
motivated only by the patient's resistances. The patient—although he is a sensitive, neurotic individual—is not心理学空间Z%b f/otU%~
supposed to sense and discern the therapist as a person (p. 202).心理学空间nE(@5\@.s%h

%[mZPf u]0In 1956 Lucia Tower wrote:心理学空间&ua/zo._UI
I have for a very long time speculated that in many—perhaps every—intensive analytic treatment there develops
1d%qY{IoiM0心理学空间$tp.n@`:S nI
something in the nature of countertransference structures (perhaps even a "neurosis") which are essential
9e'e:TnIbA#Q0andinevitable counterparts of the transference neurosis (p. 232)心理学空间 p%U$IV-V
3E/}$_V$A rcAI3|0心理学空间W5q!Lo!mi{
Copyright . 1983 W. A. W. Institute, New York心理学空间8vR)Y'Ko
20 W. 74th Street, New York, NY 10023
0{ x BN&a0All rights of reproduction in any form reserved.心理学空间 c5z/aoPX8}
Contemporary Psychoanalysis, Vol. 19, No. 3 (1983)心理学空间&o0yx'f|e.IW

llHHJ CaH0心理学空间;^ {aXD[5Uu ~$Y
In the sixties Loewald (1960), Stone (1961), and Greenson (1965) added their voices to the already large心理学空间2ah,|4R:P @\*\-@+K
chorus of protest against this remarkably resilient concept. From varying theoretical perspectives, the critiques心理学空间3l~}:v.`8k/yp v)t+G
continued into the seventies and eighties as represented, for example, in the writings of Gill (1979) ; (1982a) ;
+z0?m9e^2W@ |0(1982b) ; (1983) ; (Gill and Hoffman, 1982a) ; (1982b) ; Sandler (1976) ; (1981) and Kohut (1977), among many心理学空间 u W/e%}+My/MW
others. In fact, the blank screen idea is probably not articulated as often or even as well by its proponents as it is by
@,? j,BmPk0its opponents, a situation which leads inevitably to the suspicion that the proponents are straw men and that shooting心理学空间:pv#?oo"V"m?D
them down has become a kind of popular psychoanalytic sport.1心理学空间E {s2V2V P.l_w
心理学空间Z'_a.b\ s
I am persuaded, however, that the issue is a very important one and that it deserves repeated examination and
h/BpVo-o1Y"r0discussion. The blank screen view in psychoanalysis is only one instance of a much broader phenomenon which心理学空间9XC3]lT `z%~
might be termed asocial conceptions of the patient's experience in psychotherapy. According to these conceptions,
G+wxy }#\[0there is a stream of experience going on in the patient which is divorced to a significant extent from the immediate心理学空间8Q2q;m oP
impact of the therapist's personal presence. I say "personal presence" because generally certain theoretically心理学空间Sc'tZLi
prescribed facilitating aspects of the therapist's conduct are recognized fully as affecting the course of the patient's
/n8hS%]+K[K B`a0experience. But the paradigm is one in which proper or ideal conduct on the part of the therapist allows for a flow
4~n)k(^kG5m Pl|0of experience which has an organic-like momentum of its own and which is free to follow a certain "natural" course.
9`$P:]7U+U:X;t-y0An intriguing example of this asocial paradigm outside of psychoanalysis can be found in client-centered therapy.
.Z+i L8|cw&S0Ideally, the classical client-centered therapist is so totally and literally self-effacing that his personality as such is心理学空间S.a%`"uU
effectively removed from the patient's purview. Carl Rogers stated in 1951:心理学空间j!x9F i3H@
心理学空间b%u8e;P%zy t)V
It is surprising how frequently the client uses the word "impersonal" in describing the therapeutic relationship after the心理学空间(i)y#\m`APZ
conclusion of therapy. This is obviously not intended to mean that the relationship was cold or disinterested. It心理学空间7M\&b_6JM,J_7C
appears to be the client's attempt to describe this unique experience in which the person of the counselor—the
*W o,GA9`riE0counselor as an evaluating, reacting person with needs of his own—is so clearly absent. In this sense it is
R RO$n Z0"im"-personal … the whole relationship is composed of the self of the client, the counselor being de-personalized for
Z {&z8e6}fG!Y3e3j0the purposes of therapy into being "the client's other self" (p. 208).心理学空间"S0Wvh[,At4BP

(F[I6Q7r7Y O Hl.L0In psychoanalysis, the blank screen idea persists in more or less qualified and more or less openly心理学空间j uZ9g\+r;ew,U1F
acknowledged forms.2 The counterpart of the notion that the analyst functions like a screen is the definition of
e/wNo&l7f"f0transference as a distortion of current reality. As Szasz (1963) has pointed out, this definition of transference can心理学空间i v/~.OaJ8OzP
serve a very important defensive function for the analyst. This function may partly account for the persistence of心理学空间)s.^ {Z0a7Z$g
the concept. I believe that another factor that has kept it alive has been the confusion of two issues. One has to do心理学空间 v.HQ"fma\
with the optimal level of spontaneity and personal involvement that the analyst should express in the analytic
X"bg3lo(lA~0situation. The other has to do with the kind of credibility that is attributed to the patient's ideas about the analyst's心理学空间{h-F ZS1fOOB
experience. A theorist may repudiate the notion that the analyst should behave in an aloof, impersonal manner心理学空间ZF0g Lo0_~:\2@o-}
without addressing the question of the tenability of the patient's transference based speculations about the analyst's
I8K3CH9F2_f'A0experience. To anticipate what follows, such speculations may touch upon aspects of theanalyst's response to the心理学空间.b dbq nJ)H
patient which the analyst thinks are well-concealed or of which he himself is unaware. Ingeneral, recommendations
H v ?d3^+j#j0pertaining to the analyst's personal conduct in the analytic situation may very well leaveintact the basic model
+Yw2Z6c'uw/a{NR'x}0according to which the transference is understood and interpreted.心理学空间&Yt"z dY

&_5st)?x:u01It is interesting that critics of the blank screen concept have frequently been concerned that others would think they were beating a dead心理学空间)r)f~:Rx4}DL K-X
horse (see, for example, Sterba, 1934, p. 117) ; (Stone, 1961, pp. 18–19) ; (and Kohut, 1977, pp. 253–255).心理学空间$f2{&stF9r5GW ]

Y9K&~0Oc:Q ys4wN02Dewald's (1972) depiction of his conduct of an analysis exemplifies, as Lipton (1982) has shown, a relatively pure, if implicit, blank screen心理学空间BR;e J;l b$TX ^
4Upt)F ZaF0
e[,I"C3H'm0Standard Qualifications of the Blank Screen Concept心理学空间3j~#{(W^

oT;^E\6B8CV0The notion that ideally the analyst functions like a screen is always qualified in the sense that it applies to only
:F*nm6l]dM0a part of the patient's total experience of the therapist, the part which is conventionally regarded as neurotic心理学空间y.i?L5J}t wO4m
transference. This is the aspect of the patient's experience which, allegedly, distorts reality because of the persisting心理学空间ZgYy2VN lK/X
influence of childhood events, wishes, conflicts, and adaptations. There are two kinds of experience which even the心理学空间v;gd;Q7Y.]
staunchest proponents of the screen or mirror function of the analyst recognize as likely to be responsive to心理学空间p"e)uP-Mi5i
something in the analyst's actual behavior rather than as expressions of pure fantasy. One is the patient's perception
(j~Z aj'sz3ls0of the analyst as essentially trustworthy and competent, a part of the patient's experience which Freud (1912)心理学空间J]d0E5eJ
subsumed under the rubric of the unobjectionable positive transference but which others, most notably Sterba
C*\5{ ?uD1p z,k0(1934), Greenson (1965), and Zetzel (1956) have chosen to exclude from the realm of transference, designating it as
&I&KVl{d0the experience of the working or therapeutic alliance.3 The second is the patient's recognition of and response to心理学空间%da i[$d}
relatively blatant expressions of the therapist's neurotic and antitherapeutic countertransference. Both categories of心理学空间&w d` J%|4c'tZr~#G
experience lie outside the realm of transference proper which is where we find the patient's unfounded ideas, his心理学空间 uc!a6XAO_I2{gE
neurotic, intrapsychically determined fantasies about the therapist. The point is well represented in the following心理学空间vb b-fe~%f B*^F
statements (quoted here in reverse order) which are part of a classical definition of transference (Moore and Fine,
'G"Y DUeAL!vbb01.心理学空间5^0Y#yJ}fvwF
Transference should be carefully differentiated from the therapeutic alliance, a conscious aspect of the
D9F+w?#|a#b0relationship between analyst and patient. In this, each implicitly agrees and understands their working心理学空间XM7C HU&[bG7z
together to help the analysand to mature through insight, progressive understanding, and control.
Ds0_UW-k;hv0One of the important reasons for the relative anonymity of the analyst during the treatment process is the fact
%ETJB[(O:y+a0that a lack of information about his real attributes in personal life facilitates a transfer of the patient's revived
9f N U#drA8IlP0early images on to his person. It also lessens the distortion of fantasies from the past by present perceptions. It心理学空间#EDf-Vm}-j? ^7C6x
must be recognized that there are situations or circumstances where the actual behavior or attitudes of the心理学空间9Uh5}.]'dF4C?QL
analyst cause reactions in the patient; these are not considered part of the transference reaction (See心理学空间#a,K @X8`~6Q
countertransference) (p. 93).
.j0K0|BG,g0Two Types of Paradigms and Critiques
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eP&c9DYI2{0In my view, critiques of the screen concept can be classified into two major categories: conservative critiques
Vw)]n;Ia0and radical critiques. Conservative critiques, in effect, always take the following form: they argue that one or both
4?8T&z(u7sn*t-W0of the standard qualifications of the blank screen view noted above have been underemphasized or insufficiently心理学空间Hh)q.[ N#dC0s2qE
elaborated in terms of their role in the analytic process. I call these critiques conservative because they retain the
_ w"?c4D/^-p#I0notion that a crucial aspect of the patient's experience of the therapist has little or no relation to the therapist's actual
R`(D JV%D4S0behavior or actual attitudes. The conservative critic reserves the term transference for this aspect of the patient's
:i0Y7cMp8q6A1@0experience. At the same time he objects to a failure to recognize sufficiently the importance of another aspect of the心理学空间+U3p)TS&v+h[t2b%?
patient's experience which is influenced by the "real" characteristics of the therapist, whether these real心理学空间vT ?/pa(G
characteristics promote or interfere with an ideal analytic process. The dichotomy between realistic and unrealistic
s+pF_Z%MY \&v1h0perception may be considered less sharp, but it is nevertheless retained. Although the realistic aspects of the
ev"JHdF~^+t.r0patient's experience are now given more careful consideration and weight, in relation to transference proper the心理学空间.P1oJ-qS g4w"K
therapist is no less a blank screen than he was before. By not altering the standard paradigm for defining what is or
t4o3vM$MBY$Z[0is not realistic in the analytic situation, conservative critiques of the blank screen fallacy always end up perpetuating
"?&|!A3AB_-kQ0that very fallacy.心理学空间~ o!Ua\
3For discussions of the implications of Freud's position on this matter see Lipton (1977a) and Gill (1982, pp. 9–15).心理学空间;y4x5g1hgE m
心理学空间iia1~J hL
In contrast to conservative critiques, radical critiques reject the dichotomy between transference as distortion
XL pr5Apw0and non-transference as reality based. They argue instead that transference itself always has a significant plausible
X'{2z:] _ P8M0basis in the here-and-now. The radical critic of the blank screen model denies that there is any aspect of the patient's心理学空间n/j:f }5j]n
experience that pertains to the therapist's inner motives that can be unequivocally designated as distorting of reality.
9W,TT?+b0Similarly, he denies that there is any aspect of this experience that can be unequivocally designated as faithful to reality.心理学空间9Q.yDc*|,h G5?)}U
The radical critic is a relativist. From his point of view the perspective that the patient brings to bear in interpreting the
bY5q7KY0therapist's inner attitudes is regarded as one among many perspectives that are relevant, each of which highlights心理学空间#v(N B6E3_r
different facets of the analyst's involvement. This amounts to a different paradigm, not simply an elaboration of the
'^1G:u:_A)c z0standard paradigm which is what the conservative critics propose.心理学空间+I)`R-@aj~V(i6Gs

7| u~dl$B7ai0In rejecting the proposition that transference dominated experience and non-transference dominated experience
$iS] S0t,H_0can be differentiated on the grounds that the former is represented by fantasy which is divorced from reality
N[%M{KD]YP0whereas the latter is reality based, the radical critic does not imply that the two types of experience cannot be
\f\e}!?0distinguished. Indeed, having rejected the criterion of distorted versus realistic perception, he is obliged to offer心理学空间Y-Mh}a!`9c0I8v @%|
other criteria according to which this distinction can be made. For the radical critic the distinguishing features of
aU?e`8Eq0the neurotic transference have to do with the fact that the patient is selectively attentive to certain facets of the心理学空间,yJ&gS;n
therapist's behavior and personality; that he is compelled to choose one set of interpretations rather than others; that
d;iMm7?K0M0his emotional life and adaptation are unconsciously governed by and governing of the particular viewpoint he has心理学空间 tO(r {7~0~1R
adopted; and, perhaps most importantly, that he has behaved in such a way as to actually elicit overt and covert心理学空间W!M%wO+}-j&^5t Q GP
responses that are consistent with his viewpoint and expectations. The transference represents a way not only of
4q$K:xE"f"B o5eO0construing but also of constructing or shaping interpersonal relations in general and the relationship with the analyst心理学空间c+F,eTY8J)N E/Hc0c
in particular. One could retain the term "distortion" only if it is defined in terms of the sense of necessity that the心理学空间5C*{kb3Kn`3]
patient attaches to what he makes happen and to what he sees as happening between himself and the analyst.
%Iv"dXLC RG!H)o0
a~@ Y0W8x$k0The radical critiques are opposed not merely to the blank screen idea but to any model that suggests that the
x/U7N\n0|0"objective" or "real" impact of the therapist is equivalent to what he intends or to what he thinks his overt behavior心理学空间 fHrb2OgI P&H
has conveyed or betrayed. What the radical critic refuses to do is to consign the patient's ideas about the analyst's
7LXyn ]"E/o^;v0hidden motives and attitudes to the realm of unfounded fantasy whenever those ideas depart from the analyst's
F@:X9gw$a3C0judgment of his own intentions. In this respect, whether the analyst's manifest conduct is cold or warm or even
y ?4cg3J |0self-disclosing is not the issue. What matters to the radical critic in determining whether a particular model is心理学空间^2VG i'TH0Ik+c:hu
based on an asocial or truly social conception of the patient's experience is whether the patient is considered capable心理学空间N:f-B4]b*jbfa
of understanding, if only preconsciously, that there is more to the therapist's experience than what meets the eye,心理学空间(]1o@)yn(i
even more than what meets the mind's eye of the therapist at any given moment. More than challenging the blank心理学空间yNg%l*sm&O(W
screen fallacy, the radical critic challenges what might be termed the naive patient fallacy, the notion that the
O|-F)d#~$}0patient, insofar as he is rational, takes the analyst's behavior at face value even while his own is continually
6a/_ b*V ku0scrutinized for the most subtle indications of unspoken or unconscious meanings.
];w1yUdG0心理学空间 T w(LTD0GnQr
Although we now have a broad range of literature that embraces some kind of interactive view of the心理学空间Z(o1qZ6ma+B2b
psychoanalytic situation (Ehrenberg, 1982), emphasis upon interaction per se does not guarantee that any particular
N Y"`ZF0theoretical statement or position qualifies as one which views the transference in relativistic-social terms.
K#p;P+].H|K N0Moreover, emphasis on interaction can obscure the fact that a particular theorist is holding fast, for the most part, to
K*UFGm0the traditional view of neurotic transference as a distortion of a given and ascertainable external reality.心理学空间 ](m*yyE

TAG: Analyst Experience Interpreter Patient The
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