分离保护者模式简介The detached protector
作者: Arnoud Arntz / 11872次阅读 时间: 2013年11月13日
来源: Schema Therapy for Borderline Personality Disorder 标签: protector 来访者 欲望 咨询师 自卑感

0VtS;v:L3x0The detached protector分离保护者模式

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When the patient is in the detached protector mode, the patient seems relatively mature and calm. A therapist could assume the patient is doing well. In fact, the patient uses this protective mode in order to avoid experiencing or revealing her feelings of fear (abandoned child), inferiority (punishing parent) or anger (impulsive child). Underlying assumptions that play important roles here are those of: it is dangerous to show your feelings and/or desires and to express your opinion. The patient fears losing control of her feelings. She attempts to protect herself from the alleged abuse or abandonment. This becomes particularly evident as she becomes attached to others. The protector keeps other people at a distance either by not engaging in contact or by pushing them away. Should others discover her weaknesses, the patient would face potential humiliation, punishment and/or abandonment. Therefore, for her it is better to not feel anything at all and keep others from getting too close to her.心理学空间8y4Dt jm

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Sample dialogue with a patient in the protector mode


(In this example and following dialogues, ‘ t' is therapist and ‘p' is patient.)

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t : How are you doing?心理学空间;`XWID} \e


p : (with no emotion) Good.心理学空间:WP6] R4hH#d9Z

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t : How was your week, did anything happen that you would like to talk about?心理学空间d"])x3E%g2c6\

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p : (looks away and yawns) No, not really.

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t : So, everything's OK?心理学空间|,m*c)cp;tH


p : Yeah, everything's OK. Maybe we could have a short session today?

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来访者:很好。心理学空间{1ek @2e2?a)V|Y"y;U2R




E'e8[&d3Mt.]0来访者:(视线穿过窗户)没有,真的没有!心理学空间F T1cK,^)r

&@Fq(c7^ S SM2r~om0咨询师:所以,一切都好么?

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来访者:是的,都挺好。或许今天我们可以缩短会谈时间。心理学空间%P:C$d$Q0u8C:c eh

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Should simple methods of avoiding painful emotions prove ineffective, she may attempt other manners of escape, such as substance abuse, self - injury (physical pain can sometimes numb psychological pain), staying in bed, disassociation or attempting to end her life. BPD patients often describe this mode as an empty space or a cold feeling. They report feeling distanced from all experiences while in this mode, including therapy.


$G%u#|Se0T)| l/v0一旦简单的避免伤痛情绪的模式被证明有效,她会尝试其他方式躲避,例如物质滥用、自伤(躯体疼痛一定程度上可以缓解内心的痛苦),躲在被窝里,解离或者试图结束自己的生命。BPD患者经常描述空旷的空间或寒冷感觉的状况。当他们处于这种状态时,会有远离所有的经历感觉,在治疗中也如此。心理学空间t5N#e(E0Cv-@


If the patient is not successful at keeping people at a distance, she can become angry and cynical in an attempt to keep people away from her. It is important for the therapist to recognize these behaviours as forms of protection and not be put off by them. If this angry state is very pronounced, it can be distinguished as a separate ‘ angry protector' mode.心理学空间#[a6` |h



It is difficult to distinguish the angry protector from the punitive parent, especially during the initial stages of the therapy. One manner of distinction is to observe the direction of the patient's anger. While the angry protector's rage is directed towards the therapist (or someone else), the punitive parent's anger is directed towards the patient herself. If the therapist is unsure of the mode he is presented with, he can simply ask the patient if she is able to disclose which ‘ side' of her personality is currently active.



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TAG: protector 来访者 欲望 咨询师 自卑感
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