加西亚效应(Garcia effect)味觉厌恶(Taste aversion)
作者: 转载 / 22912次阅读 时间: 2013年4月01日
标签: GARCIA 加西亚 加西亚效应 味觉厌恶
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加西亚效应(Garcia effect)味觉厌恶(Taste aversion)


味觉厌恶(英文:Taste aversion),也称加萨效应、加西亚效应(Garcia effect),为心理学的古典条件作用的一种典型现象,该经典反射行为通过味觉(应激源)和潜在结果一次匹配即可形成。

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D8A|+m7O QrjHv0其最初的研究为约翰·加西亚(John Garcia)和罗伯特·库林(Robert Koelling)通过老鼠试验,和巴甫洛夫的狗试验不同,加西亚证明老鼠存在一种先天的特定刺激和特定结果相联结的偏好,其行为反射还依赖于遗传预设的有机体对待环境刺激的方式[1]。加西亚还通过在饱受狼群袭击的牧场四周放置引发狼生疾病的毒羊肉汉堡,这些狼群在吞食了汉堡后反映出强烈的呕吐等疾病反应,此后这些狼对羊肉产生厌恶,并远离羊群和牧场。

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Conditioned Taste Aversion

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In the mid 1950′s, John Garcia and his colleagues at the Radiological Defense Laboratory at Hunters Point in San Francisco assessed the effects of ionizing radiation on a myriad of behaviors in the laboratory rat. One of their behavioral findings was that radiated rats avoided consumption of solutions that had been present during radiation, presumably due to the association of the taste of the solution with the aversive effects of the radiation. These results were published in Science and introduced to the literature the phenomenon of conditioned taste aversion learning (or the Garcia Effect). Subsequently, Garcia and his colleagues demonstrated that such learning appeared unique in a number of respects, including the fact that these aversions were acquired often in a single conditioning trial, selectively to gustatory stimuli and even when long delays were imposed between access to the solution and administration of the aversive agent. Together, these unique characteristics appeared to violate the basic tenets of traditional learning theory and along with a number of other behavioral phenomena (e.g., bird song learning, species-specific defense reactions, tonic immobility and schedule-induced polydipsia) introduced the concept of biological constraints on learning that forced a reconceptualization of the role evolution played in the acquisition of behavior (Garcia and Ervin, 1968; Revusky and Garcia, 1970; Rozin and Kalat, 1971).心理学空间-T5fJR1sc.gPDM

TAG: GARCIA 加西亚 加西亚效应 味觉厌恶
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