Latent Curve Models: A Structural Equation Perspective
作者: Patrick J. Curran / 5395次阅读 时间: 2006年11月07日
来源: Wiley-Interscience 标签: 结构方程
Latent Curve Models: A Structural Equation Perspective 作 者:Patrick J. Curran
出 版:Wiley-Interscience 2005
书 号:9780471455929
原 价:¥990.00元
www.psychspace.com心理学空间网心理学空间 F VGc1?JZ

Latent Curve Models: A Structural Equation Perspective

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Kenneth A. Bollen (作者), Patrick J. Curran (作者)心理学空间-c!n,p ^B(t*FZN&~o[


出版社: Wiley-Interscience; 1 (2005年12月23日)

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WW~&ng-N0丛书名: Wiley Series in Probability and Statistics心理学空间3s;paNN9Ombkb

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精装: 312页

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语种: 英语心理学空间k{ [[(b

3~$~D e*BA[0ISBN: 047145592X心理学空间6VFgV3HcB

;k*q{&s{C0条形码: 9780471455929心理学空间'iDC7t2iT`4pbl

5q(z3EUk(O6z_&[0商品尺寸: 16.5 x 2.3 x 23.5 cm心理学空间9D ao{1g'D9u1R


商品重量: 603 g


An effective technique for data analysis in the social sciences


Y0j*gM![ e0The recent explosion in longitudinal data in the social sciences highlights the need for this timely publication. Latent Curve Models: A Structural Equation Perspective provides an effective technique to analyze latent curve models (LCMs). This type of data features random intercepts and slopes that permit each case in a sample to have a different trajectory over time. Furthermore, researchers can include variables to predict the parameters governing these trajectories.心理学空间g6h!C1VH5n&EAb

D,?g(WdZ0The authors synthesize a vast amount of research and findings and, at the same time, provide original results. The book analyzes LCMs from the perspective of structural equation models (SEMs) with latent variables. While the authors discuss simple regression-based procedures that are useful in the early stages of LCMs, most of the presentation uses SEMs as a driving tool. This cutting-edge work includes some of the authors' recent work on the autoregressive latent trajectory model, suggests new models for method factors in multiple indicators, discusses repeated latent variable models, and establishes the identification of a variety of LCMs.心理学空间[w"_#Xm$|

4S:x])EG|%Cv0This text has been thoroughly class-tested and makes extensive use of pedagogical tools to aid readers in mastering and applying LCMs quickly and easily to their own data sets. Key features include:心理学空间(@ ~(I^ sg

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Chapter introductions and summaries that provide a quick overview of highlights

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9rx.U:L{0@0Empirical examples provided throughout that allow readers to test their newly found knowledge and discover practical applications

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Conclusions at the end of each chapter that stress the essential points that readers need to understand for advancement to more sophisticated topics

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Extensive footnoting that points the way to the primary literature for more information on particular topics


With its emphasis on modeling and the use of numerous examples, this is an excellent book for graduate courses in latent trajectory models as well as a supplemental text for courses in structural modeling. This book is an excellent aid and reference for researchers in quantitative social and behavioral sciences who need to analyze longitudinal data.心理学空间;B#Ktz.j5{\



"…an authoritative account of the subject…" (Journal of the American Statistical Association, December 2007)心理学空间 LF nW?#K(~hdea5T

lM ndlYX_l0作者简介

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f8s SF/UI't rn _0KENNETH A. BOLLEN, PhD, is Henry Rudolph Immerwahr Distinguished Professor of Sociology, Director of the Odum Institute for Research in Social Science, and an Adjunct Professor of Statistics at The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. He is the author of two books, including Structural Equations with Latent Variables (Wiley), and more than 100 scholarly papers.心理学空间'LDiW[c

FE+Ll8d _0PATRICK J. CURRAN, PhD, is Associate Professor of Psychology in the L. L. Thurstone Psychometric Laboratory at The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. He has made contributions to the development and application of new quantitative methodologies in the social sciences through his integrated program of research, writing, and teaching.心理学空间8O;e+Ea3EYH

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1 Introduction.


5`!opi)_4I } ^M01.1 Conceptualization and Analysis of Trajectories.心理学空间0L(Qs4S{U_M

3tm/R1CU?7W01.2 Three Initial Questions About Trajectories.


1.3 Brief History of Latent Curve Models.

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-M~&WL#Dh%KUOi a01.4 Organization of the Remainder of the Book.


5KW;J zy_/g+OZ:y02 Unconditional Latent Curve Model.心理学空间{chn(` _AL^%`

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2.1 Repeated Measures.

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2.2 General Model and Assumptions.心理学空间`%JV;v7Kiv3R


2.3 Identification.心理学空间)|^n5Z:YcJm

'M"y x1n6v?$^D7]t02.4 Case-By-Case Approach.心理学空间.t|O%TMD}

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2.5 Structural Equation Model Approach.

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2.6 Alternative Approaches to the SEM.

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E0F,S4Yh0`02.7 Conclusions.


C{{4d-YYve0Appendix 2A: Test Statistics, Nonnormality, and Statistical Power.

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1Sg:CF(_6tEJ)D03 Missing Data and Alternative Metrics of Time.心理学空间 _j+W1p al h-N

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3.1 Missing Data.

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3.2 Missing Data and Alternative Metrics of Time.


3.3 Conclusions.心理学空间LyK)b2C6va r,U&F

/g8H-GeqX0k(d:EW04 Nonlinear Trajectories and the Coding of Time.

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sLx}U)D04.1 Modeling Nonlinear Functions of Time.

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4.2 Nonlinear Curve Fitting: Estimated Factor Loadings.心理学空间qx+P5h {

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4.3 Piecewise Linear Trajectory Models.

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2MU9HOb)wR5BE04.4 Alternative Parametric Functions.心理学空间3Gd\bJ-k+?

Q Q`(Uk7xA gv04.5 Linear Transformations of the Metric of Time.心理学空间CEPr1n1y

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4.6 Conclusions.心理学空间8TY6_y/q/NzN*K

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Appendix 4A: Identification of Quadratic and Piecewise Latent Curve Models.

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,O7C3GDD/}!AT4ZP04A.1 Quadratic LCM.

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4A.2 Piecewise LCM.心理学空间/_&]3mVW|I#p

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5 Conditional Latent Curve Models.心理学空间WyD1_1nXI8o

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5.1 Conditional Model and Assumptions.心理学空间o/Z SS8S#V9K


5.2 Identification.心理学空间2RJDI v#R5ccs


5.3 Structural Equation Modeling Approach.心理学空间5H*T*n:fF-}r&K q4g

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5.4 Interpretation of Conditional Model Estimates.心理学空间]4w3XR0z;H3~ n {)y


5.5 Empirical Example.


(Q*Xjmf6P05.6 Conclusions.心理学空间3YYdMiVfPz1Q

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6 The Analysis of Groups.心理学空间J8BEp`KH

Z2sR(b!l-ae;L{06.1 Dummy Variable Approach.

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6f%j'N$n3Z06.2 Multiple-Group Analysis.心理学空间^}0Q6t4G

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6.3 Unknown Group Membership.

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6.4 Conclusions.心理学空间*DkL.AX|f!q4X*a


Appendix 6A: Case-by-Case Approach to Analysis of Various Groups.心理学空间 x |'gCY2dG T.S`qA


6A.1 Dummy Variable Method.

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M8n6s b,n@ mw~/]06A.2 Multiple-Group Analysis.

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6A.3 Unknown Group Membership.


uU}UyC06A.4 Appendix Summary.

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7 Multivariate Latent Curve Models.

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7.1 Time-Invariant Covariates.


7.2 Time-Varying Covariates.


7.3 Simultaneous Inclusion of Time-Invariant and Time-Varying Covariates.心理学空间;[-v!Vx$i


7.4 Multivariate Latent Curve Models.

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7.5 Autoregressive Latent Trajectory Model.

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7.6 General Equation for All Models.心理学空间l-PCB5X'^G%s9Px

?VAz~:Z pKRz07.7 Implied Moment Matrices.心理学空间1\ x OCt[\3X.I


7.8 Conclusions.

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;]o6RP!_\08 Extensions of Latent Curve Models.心理学空间b#CfL*VSV

4jke Rhc3B5[A[08.1 Dichotomous and Ordinal Repeated Measures.

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\~kPZw:^T7k08.2 Repeated Latent Variables with Multiple Indicators.心理学空间E,Y B0d+s I

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8.3 Latent Covariates.心理学空间0xW1{p~2~4Q

6e}8? tK08.4 Conclusions.心理学空间9\?!_ d2^VrR$D2S

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References.心理学空间 nQ F Q(Vo#Z

0aX K:]z9r)p0Author Index.

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[A N,IS8G0Subject Index.

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