The Origin of Concepts
作者: Susan Carey / 5707次阅读 时间: 2009年10月01日
来源: Oxford University
The Origin of Concepts 作 者:Susan Carey
出 版:Oxford University
书 号:9780195367638
原 价:¥740.00元
www.psychspace.com心理学空间网Only human beings have a rich conceptual repertoire with concepts like tort, entropy, Abelian group, mannerism, icon and deconstruction. How have humans constructed these concepts? And once they have been constructed by adults, how do children acquire them? While primarily focusing on the second question, in The Origin of Concepts, Susan Carey shows that the answers to both overlap substantially. Carey begins by characterizing the innate starting point for conceptual development, namely systems of core cognition. Representations of core cognition are the output of dedicated input analyzers, as with perceptual representations, but these core representations differ from perceptual representations in having more abstract contents and richer functional roles. Carey argues that the key to understanding cognitive development lies in recognizing conceptual discontinuities in which new representational systems emerge that have more expressive power than core cognition and are also incommensurate with core cognition and other earlier representational systems. Finally, Carey fleshes out Quinian bootstrapping, a learning mechanism that has been repeatedly sketched in the literature on the history and philosophy of science. She demonstrates that Quinian bootstrapping is a major mechanism in the construction of new representational resources over the course of childrens cognitive development. Carey shows how developmental cognitive science resolves aspects of long-standing philosophical debates about the existence, nature, content, and format of innate knowledge. She also shows that understanding the processes of conceptual development in children illuminates the historical process by which concepts are constructed, and transforms the way we think about philosophical problems about the nature of concepts and the relations between language and thought.


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Anyone with the slightest interest in the nature of mathematics should give [Carey] serious study. James Robert Brown and James Davies. The Philosophical Quarterly ...a welcome addition to the literature on concepts...The book is challenging not only in its arguments but also in its breadth. Science and Education This is a must-read for researchers conducting research on cognitive development...It is destined to be the focus of many graduate-level seminars and to provide inspiration for many future research projects. PsycCritiques - Contemporary Psychology: APA Review of Books Susan Carey's book TLS心理学空间 xb%HG H-m8\0X)??

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1. Some Preliminaries;

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2. The Initial Representational Repertoire; 心理学空间$FNmi8GT9P

%[/Ik(N8[c03. Core Object Cognition;

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4. Core Cognition: Number;


'v/c1Nx2|3~05. Core Cognition: Agency;


KP/i X x o9Z06. Representations of a Cause; 心理学空间+lJ BMl

'yfH6s_t07. Language and Core Cognition; 心理学空间]Vl rDg

(QO HAC08. Beyond Core Cognition: Natural Number; 心理学空间5A2V:l)q&Ln(B

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9. Beyond the Numeral List Representation of Integers; 心理学空间]2U*Ur.M7l d9?


10. Beyond Core Object Cognition;


)Y)r3`a*L]f011. The Process of Conceptual Change;

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_UM1}"py5RG)j1X012. Conclusion I: The Origins of Concepts;


^qNZ,N%i013. Conclusion II: Implications for a Theory of Concepts心理学空间!A&S0r-c6cSv \

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