A bibliography on G.A.Kelly’s Psychology of Personal Constructs
作者: Kelly / 9056次阅读 时间: 2010年2月27日
来源: http://www.icp-italia.it/ 标签: Constructs Kelly kelly

od q'A Z5neM0A bibliography on the Psychology of Personal Constructs心理学空间!^&u9H?j;W
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Essential English Bibliography心理学空间6g+yDO+}N*I/@2^ q

r1EG }c5p)B#] e0Texts by G.A. Kelly
{~|~D%~(K5Q,pN0Kelly, G.A. (1955). The Psychology of Personal Constructs. Vol. I& II. Norton, New York. (2nd printing: 1991, Routledge, London, New York).心理学空间p$Yr6m8E3l$_
Kelly GA (1963). A Theory of Personality. The Psychology of Personal Constructs. Norton, New York (capitoli nn.1-3 di Kelly 1955).心理学空间R'd9M#M/Oa$W{4c8k
Kelly, G.A. (1969). Clinical psychology and personality: The selected papers of George Kelly (B. Maher Ed.).Wiley, New York.
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General introductions, historical epistomoligic frameworks
!k+T7mC!Z l0Neimeyer, R. A. (1985). The Development of Personal Construct Psychology. University of Nebraska Press, Lincoln.
c;X8PW@]1vS)AZ0Fransella, F. (1995). George Kelly. Sage, London.
Yw1v+xw2Z"s:O0Warren, W. G. (1998). Philosophical Dimensions of Personal Construct Psychology. Routledge, London.心理学空间S-j*c^&w
Fransella, F. (Ed.) (2003). International Handbook of Personal Construct Psychology. Wiley, Chchester.心理学空间N1]!IR r_
Butt, T. & Burr, V. (2004). Invitation to Personal Construct Psychology. Whurr, London. (2nd edition).心理学空间ILY,N?sV
Fransella, F. (Ed.) (2005). The Essential Practitioner’s Handbook of Personal Construct Psychology. Wiley, Chichester.
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Advances and periodical updates心理学空间-JZ"U$c7m`c'|v.C9P
Neimeyer, G. J. & Neimeyer, R. A. (Eds.) (1990).Advances in Personal Construct Psychology. Volume 1.JAI Press Inc., London.
+Vr/\ v`5YG0Neimeyer, G. J. & Neimeyer, R. A. (Eds.) (1992).Advances in Personal Construct Psychology. Volume 2.JAI Press Inc., London.
%he/|:s6HE7FWo B4d"J0Neimeyer, G. J. & Neimeyer, R. A. (Eds.) (1995).Advances in Personal Construct Psychology. Volume 3.JAI Press Inc., London.
,ZW!k[$l&]0Neimeyer, G. J. & Neimeyer, R. A. (Eds.) (1997).Advances in Personal Construct Psychology. Volume 4.JAI Press Inc., London.
Kj#G Fiwkn'l a0Neimeyer, G. J. & Neimeyer, R. A. (Eds.) (2002).Advances in Personal Construct Psychology. New Directions and Perspectives. Praeger, Westport (Connecticut).心理学空间5W8@n OAr
Repertory grid technique
$X J){6@x]g}0Fransella F, Bell, R., Bannister D (2003). A Manual for Repertory Grid Technique. 2nd ed. Chichester: Wiley, Chichester (2nd edition).心理学空间?~!R!o/W$S
Jankowicz, A. D. (2003). The Easy Guide to Repertory Grids. Wiley, Chichester.
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Clinical Practice心理学空间H6~$O(LnOR
Winter, D. (1992). Personal Construct Theory in Clinical Practice. Routledge, London.
O"\v(GwL*c a/]0Winter, D., Viney, L. L. (Eds.) (2005). Personal Construct Psychotherapy: Advances in Theory, Practice and Research. Wilwy, London.心理学空间\%]'NO }&a;[#@

/@y[!n1M0Application in education and the psychology of development心理学空间"d3g,d#~? J#@"D(|_
Butler, R., & Green, D. (1998). The Child Within. The Exploration of Personal Construct Theory with Young People. Butterworth & Heinemann, Oxford.心理学空间sQ icNJ%q
Ravenette, T. (1999). Personal Construct Theory in Educational Psychology. A Practitioner's View. Whurr, London.心理学空间;b6]/v,}.B7~&Z%`
Salmon, P. (1995). Psychology in the Classroom: Reconstructing Teachers and Learners. Cassell, London.心理学空间.]W#i4N P)EO
Pope, M., & Denicolo, P. M. (2001). Transformative Education: Personal Construct Approaches to Practice and Research. Whurr, London.
u _6eG3J A!y|?J0Denicolo, P., & Pope, M. (2001). Transformative Professional Practice. Personal Construct Approaches to Education and Research. Whurr, London.
6~TbQ.S{$h y6?j&v0Application in social and cultural fields
Z d*lr`;}Kw!UIb0Kalekin-Fishman, D.& Walker, B. M. (Eds.) (1996). The Construction of Group Realities. Krieger, Malabar (Florida).心理学空间l7Ub:J&AK:[v^
Scheer, J. W. (Ed.) (2000) The Person in Society. Challenges to a Constructivist Theory. Psychosozial-Verlag, Giessen.心理学空间 h)JNT[5vh`Fr
Scheer, J. W. (Ed.) (2003) Crossing Broders - Going Places. Personal Constructions of Otherness.Psychosozial-Verlag, Giessen.
o+U:{&y}!`0Forensic Psychology
[$@o*@$B4v1Y.R0Horley, J (Ed.) (2003). Personal Construct Perspectives on Forensic Psychology. Brunner-Routledge, London.心理学空间7]/b_%{E`)fY7C

O*AHw5d,L0Constructive psychology in the arts
|j8V.c2o+?0Scheer, J. W., & Sewell, K. W. (2006). Creative Construing - Personal Constructions in the Arts.Psychosozial-Verlag, Giessen.

Z"E(m-k!a L2U)[6g0www.psychspace.com心理学空间网
TAG: Constructs Kelly kelly
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