基思·霍尔约克Keith J. Holyoak 翻译的中国古诗词
作者: 基思·霍尔约克 / 8497次阅读 时间: 2011年10月01日
来源: Keith J. Holyoak
www.psychspace.com心理学空间网基思·霍尔约克Keith J. Holyoak 翻译的中国古诗词心理学空间A:z9{5_1S

#eX+b1~ X/B6| ]GS0
*Rn:f*|x ` g0Going to Visit the Daoist Master on Daitian Mountain But Not Finding Him 心理学空间Z A8Sv4hs*E
李白《訪戴天山道士不遇》心理学空间t&i8yKe| iQm+nm"I*I
Li Bai (701-762 CE)心理学空间2X M p"LHT

*NQk!de'dM'w0z0A dog barks
/p+?V(E K.usW`0amidst the sound of water;心理学空间y,J*J \n@l.S
peach blossoms心理学空间N!cXcY'f-O rfT
hang heavy with dewdrops.
0J)o!s/T-j,i0犬吠水聲中, 桃花帶露濃。心理学空间1b{/Q9|n1u6F
心理学空间(op{6P"D+Vg7BH y
In the deep forest
h k&^ O(^l u s{ U0o4H0I glimpse a passing deer;心理学空间p;gG6C7\F*\^.`Q
the rushing brook
|)B3u8@ Ur:KJ"v4{0muffles the noonday bells.
1iqU5{R%dyd.P0樹深時見鹿, 溪午不聞鐘。
%daRJ%y.x0心理学空间.cr&uww Tb]!B
Wild bamboos心理学空间+~1dz,I u f4U
slice through the green mist;
c'[U7]$S1fLYd0streams in flight
K]gIH-JsyV0hang between emerald peaks.
L9OTth0野竹分青靄, 飛泉掛碧峰。
6`c \0LXk0
-ZTM-w/{wKv0Nobody knows心理学空间pH(t*@/O
where the master has gone—心理学空间i o1Xo@'h JB
left to wonder,心理学空间KZZi#I_
I rest among some pines.心理学空间[g?0}:k]*a,`'O
無人知所去, 愁倚兩三松。心理学空间hQ#I3A nm
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Farewell at a Jinling Tavern 金陵酒肆留別 心理学空间8|*l.{Zsp$J
Li Bai (701-762 CE)心理学空间&o0j3z*s6G-h!h8?5{
The wind blows catkins off the willows;心理学空间2O,| z,QN"[]VD
their fragrance fills the tavern.心理学空间?.N}V/mI9~
Our hostess brings the guests new wine
2G|\7KY2e(^#^Y0she urges us to savor.心理学空间W!R5} q1AoB0@
風吹柳花滿店香,吳姬壓酒喚客嘗。心理学空间|eHNm S?
Young friends from Jinling came today心理学空间a8_~p"E9g
to drink and see me off.心理学空间5Ptss^at'q
I must leave, and they must stay—心理学空间'cr T!H8j^
we let our last cups linger.
U(s @(E4c"Q0金陵子弟來相送,欲行不行各盡觴。心理学空间J)zP O j0^7My(k~mJ~
心理学空间u Uk-~%o9H
Friends, let’s ask the water flowing心理学空间W'A]$M*]^5G
far away to the east:心理学空间aK2C;NUA3C]3rn;vN!@K
The river, or sadness of farewell—心理学空间0_g1Li'xS8f
which of the two is longer?
%Q^+|Zz$J3g2?0請君試問東流水,別意與之誰短長。心理学空间 W O!gV_(h}

/hB'P Y_S4~0
心理学空间0c&c a;pi;]e6V!W

Overnight in the Pavilion by the River
L|gws U0Du Fu (712-770 CE)
8f@n2b3M2YP+d9G,ph!F0As evening approaches
3j(CKJnK+M0along the mountain paths心理学空间$^f%L cf x
I come to my chamber
c }rC3xML_m:iO0above the Water Gate.心理学空间%T:y&@x T Q'@
b&s;ite0Wisps of cloud
t1U5M)O S0rest on the edges of cliffs;心理学空间)` b5HX|&k
a lonely moon心理学空间 @g dX4A o|
slowly turns in the waves.
Z;Y X6C)N3c&FQW0
Q3gl]5S5c4h0A line of cranes
~6dR@-|0flies past on its silent hunt;
^ B'g{@5~+kyV)S1{0a pack of wolves心理学空间`)GN5U\0P
howls around its prey.
s/aS4Ee0鸛鶴追飛靜,豺狼得食喧。心理学空间.ac$ed)B U
I cannot sleep,
S.Hlh \.n5y cJ'N0plagued by thoughts of war,
fc2f4H T(i)^0and powerless
_6P]5X0`?3E"oI0to spare the world its fate.心理学空间4f2GqK/[FTe

心理学空间AY y&N4l/fy

Missing My Little Son 心理学空间a k QeI
(Pony Boy) 心理学空间6|L+Ho,R.@ l*\G3l{
Du Fu (712-770 CE)心理学空间,`%_z9rCO

)PgeSn Tv M!eJ0It’s spring, and still心理学空间r4T&|%] r L
you're away, my Pony Boy,
.DZ%y*{H?p0while the days grow warm
,g|,CY$BX%FP0and birdsong swells to crescendo.
3HyE3DE*tM0This change of season心理学空间 {2@$t(|#jtX4}
cuts like a new farewell—心理学空间t9rJ!ne[M
now who do I have
u7Ya+[#R0to share my bits of wisdom?
*WEr1Q)R3|%J,K0別離驚節換,聰慧與誰論。心理学空间y%D Hk3}f
心理学空间2I'{%Q%~ x/T
The stream runs free
\C/b/L)EP0alongside the empty path,
M~[ShR c.yg0from village gate
A5u/H/xM0down into distant shadow;心理学空间 pg.Ne}^?


My torrent of sadness
2x(VQ^t0will drain away in my dreams
9^o n6uE4Zn_0X1O0while my back is warmed
9dV4n @*L6y0by spring sun through my window.
F/],ZK0^ E0 

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"X+y} w%g6yY0Moonlit Night
k+K ["U8o5nfw0Du Fu (712-770 CE)
.M g+W(s9c ~0月夜
m@B pR,nsk0Tonight the moon
m-`!h9JY#a,BiVp0is also full in Fuzhou,
]z p.T:I0d\8` S0where my wife can only
JP.`R[!?0wait and watch alone.心理学空间'E'lE8jr;LT(B
今夜鄜(fū)州月, 閨中只獨看。
1S5G`d Q NplO0
`$by)sm_;N0I’m sad to think心理学空间u"R4k!C-Ip
of my little sons and daughters,
\3} Nc[Q,F d0too young to know心理学空间3v#s;W8K q7~9r"{*w
why I’m far away in Changan.
s"W2`*U'r+P#R0  遙憐小兒女, 未解憶長安。
Her cloud of hair心理学空间J#eu.q9x ur k
must be damp from the scented mist,心理学空间%sQ+W0{B$["P6}oZ,w-u1{\
her jade-white arms
S j rW:\xq0chilled as the light pours down.
R?pn?N0  香霧雲鬟濕, 清輝玉臂寒。心理学空间 w.YPab.l1_O`
心理学空间 F_| L+}5|reJ9j
When will we both
TE R9QZX"@0lean at the open window,
4E*Y6Ro+d7{9K%De0drying our tears心理学空间P)Y)RFs(g O
in the glow of an autumn moon?
A;kFp3N"lK%b0  何時倚虛幌(huǎng), 雙照淚痕幹。心理学空间(J!B:{5c7S"]ryP.j;y6b

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On the Heights心理学空间}XQ;bA y y
Du Fu (712-770 CE)心理学空间S.w)CxYp'bQx1n?.w
登高心理学空间6~J[jJP"BZML k0p

hj5?"hcCYC(@&rU0The wind is keen and the sky wide,
_D8] BdO _0apes howl mournfully;心理学空间9b3]:_&XBxq4G
the islet is clear and its sand white,
P,e]-qN}0birds wheel round and round.心理学空间ia)W!tZ
*n8X,t @@*Ge0
q#C iB.~v7t @0In the boundless forest swirling leaves
/o(v)~ m;Q \FN F0go rustling, rustling by;
] wYd|6mf E/oR0down the endless river surging waves心理学空间5pqD:a4T!e t8?'Sa
come rolling, rolling, on.
fc8nw&G _ E0  無邊落木蕭蕭下,不盡長江滾滾來。
K2f'?t^/{Lp\0心理学空间O4Gp#~ i@ W
I am a constant traveler
F6p#?7YC Z9VD0this melancholy autumn—
?/W^]hBO#k+h7X0an old man now, racked by sickness,心理学空间-Mef.gTq
I scale these heights alone.心理学空间F8I~n8l+m
  萬里悲秋常作客,百年多病獨登臺。心理学空间 H K\#|Hd
心理学空间)cr!C(Q ^L1UE9aK-_0s a
This life, so hard, full of bitter pain,
F1o)q{m6m0has turned my hair to frost,心理学空间7E"U&n2B8C3d
left me so poor that my last cup心理学空间Rx)w Uf&i'@
of cloudy wine is gone.
?7O6Y7i'm7H8B `|0  艱難苦恨繁霜鬢,潦倒新停濁酒杯。

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Thoughts Written While Traveling By Night 心理学空间T5F ]3zK!n8SA5s
Du Fu (712-770 CE)心理学空间 szzQE
旅夜書懷  杜甫心理学空间KY8XTC

.F4}#f.a,@7p!N1?P0The fine grass心理学空间#jf0K u HEr
by the riverbank stirs in the breeze;
-JlT r$H6L9{W0the tall mast心理学空间;CIfn_+l
in the night is a lonely sliver.心理学空间ru P.MwX0r4Y
LbC N!R"uFi'Vd8vK0心理学空间p4I }{*L6I2S
Stars hang心理学空间 S6zdt(qBc
all across the vast plain;
7FQ?ZL*r1L0the moon bobs
`#_/_WX:ir!V0in the flow of the great river.心理学空间"cnBNgsm
My poetry
4n;aYCAXy0has not made a name for me;
uJ2eYG2Q0now age and sickness
oc8`I)Y\0have cost me the post I was given.
9iCP"zO)g#R XhYv0  名豈文章著,官應老病休。
a x"F'] e5c0心理学空间7hg"}-h8vX
Drifting, drifting,
%w;z!lj.t#KG0what do I resemble?心理学空间 CUSV fP { mv2z
A lone gull心理学空间&fXEjB+nU
lost between earth and heaven.心理学空间6G)ra!{/D;Mc1\
-w5Us8p \-a0 

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