Preventing the return of fear in humansusing reconsolidation update mechanisms
作者: Daniela Schille / 7071次阅读 时间: 2011年7月29日
来源: Nature
www.psychspace.com心理学空间网Preventing the return of fear in humansusing reconsolidation update mechanisms心理学空间oDKIw~1||-p"f4l5c
Daniela Schiller1,2,
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Candace M. Raio2, 心理学空间 e,x%YF$^Q:O
David C. Johnson2,
v`#` ~c-j0Joseph E. LeDoux1& 心理学空间qq3G#h7pN{|
Elizabeth A. Phelps1,2
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Recent research on changing fears has examined targeting reconsolidation. During reconsolidation, stored information isrendered labile after being retrieved. Pharmacological manipulations at this stage result in an inability to retrieve thememories at later times, suggesting that they are erased or persistently inhibited. Unfortunately, the use of thesepharmacological manipulations in humans can be problematic. Here we introduce a non-invasive technique to target thereconsolidation of fear memories in humans.We provide evidence that old fear memories can be updated with non-fearfulinformation provided during the reconsolidation window. As a consequence, fear responses are no longer expressed, aneffect that lasted at least a year and was selective only to reactivated memories without affecting others. These findingsdemonstrate the adaptive role of reconsolidation as a window of opportunity to rewrite emotional memories, and suggest anon-invasive technique that can be used safely in humans to prevent the return of fear.
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