Evo. psych.:听嗓音判忠诚
作者: 心理学 / 5798次阅读 时间: 2011年5月26日
来源: 转载


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研究人员强调,嗓音并非一个人品性的必然证明,不忠不能归咎于生物学原因。心理学空间1B D-jDV;Z U

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:G0~'i(x&X:FU0加拿大麦克马斯特大学心理学、神经学与行为学院博士生吉莉恩奥康纳带领研究人员研究嗓音高低与性忠诚度之间是否存在关联。心理学空间}&K$H COhZ

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;r\L5\ `A0年龄19岁,分别录制其中9男9女的英语单元音发声,随后用声音软件制作数段录音。每段录音各有两个版本,一版为高音女声,一版为低音男声。

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随后,研究人员要求志愿者评估每段录音中哪个版本声音的发声者最可能在性行为方面欺骗伴侣。心理学空间 _GN\ ~)mr



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范伯格说:“睾丸素水平较高的男性嗓音较低沉,雌性激素水平较高的女性嗓音较高。这些激素水平高低与不忠行为有关。”心理学空间w ?Ki"y0n+Yi

.MEQ,]9^#x%f0先前研究结果显示,睾丸素较高的男性对夫妻或伴侣关系投入较少,对与第三者发生性关系兴趣较高,或者性伴侣较多。青春期睾丸素水平较高使声带更长、更厚,嗓音更低沉。心理学空间gd I{U

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与此同时,雌激素水平较高的女性性欲更强,生育能力更强,不忠可能性也相对较高。心理学空间W6FD/v S'h

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奥康纳强调,这一警示并不意味着人们需要对此采取行动,性感的声音不是一个人品性的必然证明,“不忠是一种非常复杂的行为,我们不能将它归咎于生物学原因”。心理学空间 Y)r&vP8O

_ h$V-fObG0推荐原文原文出处:心理学空间V7| w+[)v9EXH

N a.l-_5C0q'?Y ]7om4D0Evolutionary Psychology 2011. 9(1): 64-78

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0FY4`3n!w#F2n v0Voice Pitch Influences Perceptions of Sexual Infidelity

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Jillian J.M. O.Connor, Department of Psychology, Neuroscience and Behaviour, McMaster University, Hamilton, Canada.


(o R U"D+A~T$W0Abstract: Sexual infidelity can be costly to members of both the extra-pair and the paired couple. Thus, detecting infidelity risk is potentially adaptive if it aids in avoiding cuckoldry or loss of parental and relationship investment. Among men, testosterone is inversely related to voice pitch, relationship and offspring investment, and is positively related to the pursuit of short-term relationships, including extra-pair sex. Among women, estrogen is positively related to voice pitch, attractiveness, and the likelihood of extra-pair involvement. Although prior work has demonstrated a positive relationship between men.s testosterone levels and infidelity, this study is the first to investigate attributions of infidelity as a function of sexual dimorphism in male and female voices. We found that men attributed high infidelity risk to feminized women.s voices, but not significantly more often than did women. Women attributed high infidelity risk to masculinized men.s voices at significantly higher rates than did men. These data suggest that voice pitch is used as an indicator of sexual strategy in addition to underlying mate value. The aforementioned attributions may be adaptive if they prevent cuckoldry and/or loss of parental and relationship investment via avoidance of partners who may be more likely to be unfaithful.


Keywords: Infidelity, voice pitch, masculinity, testosterone, attractiveness心理学空间^,ix%h N*{H/p

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