作者: mints / 12144次阅读 时间: 2010年10月08日

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E"~N0n1y9xi%X0 研究显示儿童受虐待可能改变大脑基因表现
ci8y Bz y`0  研究人员对自杀人群的尸检显示,儿童早期遭受虐待的经历可能会永远改变大脑的基因表现。心理学空间'et8ZAz,lXRu8m6mu
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  加拿大麦基尔大学的摩西·西夫指出,约70%的自杀者在早期都有遭受虐待或无人照管的经历。他和同事研究了曾在早期无人照管或遭受虐待的13名自杀者的大脑,他们对大脑中被称为海马的部分尤为感兴趣。海马负责记忆和情绪,曾经遭受虐待的人,海马的体积较小。心理学空间(b K@'QMf

7j(x(n)o9Rg!\"M7m(x'@0   研究人员检测了负责控制RNA的海马基因(RNA生成蛋白质)。他们将检测结果与11名年龄和性别相同、成长经历正常、但死于非命的实验对象进行对比后发现,自杀者海马基因关闭的比率要高得多,这表明他们的海马确实不太活跃。
CIe$d&k];X `0   西夫表示,下一步就要证明甲基化水平的改变是童年遭受虐待的结果,并非由自杀本身造成。为此他正在对没有遭受虐待的自杀者进行研究。心理学空间2R-rr,e:s W

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Childhood victims may carry chemical changes to DNA into adulthood心理学空间3r(nd R0C2S

o:rop]St0 London, February 23 (ANI): A new study conducted by researchers of McGill University in Montreal, Canada, has shown that childhood abuse victims can carry chemical changes to their DNA into adulthood.心理学空间 DT E7r6HwM)T#~
Study leader Michael Meaney, a neurobiologist at the university, says that the research team observed that suicide victims with childhood abuse history were more likely to carry such chemical changes in their DNA as could affect their ability to respond to stress as adults.
*v0Tw*`#g%@)z9z t0 He revealed that people without childhood abuse history did not show the same pattern of DNA modification, and had normal expression of NR3C1, a gene linked to stress responses.心理学空间:@}*gS7c0j!q
However, Joan Kaufman, a psychologist at Yale School of Medicine in New Haven, Connecticut, who was not involved in the new study, said that the findings should not be taken to suggest that the effect of childhood abuse is indelible.
y^9n*p#N0a0 “The long-term effects of early abuse are not inevitable, and the more you understand about the mechanisms of risk, the more you can devise treatments,” Nature magazine quoted her as saying.心理学空间'Y;d3gs:PS`'l:VT
The current research builds on animal studies that showed that rat pups that are stressed because they were raised by negligent mothers have extra methyl groups in their DNA in a region of the genome that controls expression of Nr3c1, the equivalent gene in rats.心理学空间-rm*XF'G:~
The researchers point out that such ”methylation” can reduce gene expression.
#Y.\vN1V,~"~0 NR3C1 encodes a protein expressed in neurons that responds to hormones called glucocorticoids. Lower expression of NR3C1 could be harmful because reduced responses to these glucocorticoids have been linked to increased stress.心理学空间)V;M*aL.j
With a view to seeing whether or not the results of animal studies translated into humans, Meaney and his colleagues collected brain samples from the Quebec Suicide Brain Bank.
3qO%R"K2nWGb0 They looked at samples from 12 suicide victims with a history of childhood abuse, 12 suicide victims with no history of childhood abuse, and 12 controls who had died suddenly from other causes.心理学空间1l|'V6f(^0I(V,E U
The researchers revealed that people with a history of childhood abuse had lower levels of glucocorticoid receptors than those who had not been abused or had not committed suicide.
U6HZ*c*M)`(R!g0 According to them, childhood-abuse victims had a similar methylation pattern to that seen in rats that had been stressed as pups.心理学空间0\_mw i
Meaney, however, added that since his team have not yet looked for effects on egg or sperm DNA, it was doubtful that the changes could affect the germline.
7FH-^fB3p)F,|+ML0 The researcher also said that it was yet to be determined whether trauma as an adult produces the same pattern of changes.心理学空间2o5nEvi4c;_8Ck
Martin Teicher, director of the Developmental Biopsychiatry Research Program at Harvard Medical School in Belmont, Massachusetts, says that there may be times during childhood when the developing brain is particularly responsive to abuse.心理学空间&d;yXx#f%o-Y F7\
His team imaged the brains of women who had been victims of child abuse, and found that those abused between the ages of three and five, or eleven and thirteen, had a smaller hippocampus a region in the brain that is important for memory and learning than those who had not been abused2.
'Vv(g#F ?x&r]0 With an eye on searching a way out, the researchers carried out studies on mice, and fould that the methylation changes could be reversed: if pups reared by negligent mothers are later treated with a chemical that removes DNA methylation, their stress responses return to normal.心理学空间o/I5K5l6] R
However, presently, such drugs are not ready for use in humans, and could carry unwanted side effects.心理学空间J9Vm+XTP
But medication may not be the only way to treat victims of child abuse, for psychotherapy has been shown to produce chemical changes in the brain, and might be able to reset the methylation pattern, says Meaney.心理学空间l D5n6]8fQ4q.H
“A social event got you into it. Could a social event get you back out? That’’s a very viable hypothesis,” he said.
+L#q_ fas0 A research article on these findings has been published in the journal Nature Neuroscience. (ANI)心理学空间E4tuZs*e



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