作者: 转载 / 7008次阅读 时间: 2015年10月13日
标签: 案例报告

Recommendations for writing a Case Report(Total time for presentation: 30 minutes)心理学空间 `RK)L@v_"Z

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  1. A short note on the patient’s gender, age, education background, marriage situation and vocation
    u-f7d/R CIG0简要记录病人的性别、年龄、教育背景、婚姻状况和职业
  2. Reason for referral: which problems was mentioned. Psychiatric  diagnosis: who made it and when? Do the patient use medication?心理学空间)k#a7YSk8]1R2sI
    就诊原因:提到什么问题。精神疾病诊断:由谁做出的,给出诊断的时间,病人是否使用药物心理学空间 cyC*Sd$f
  3. A short note on your first impression of your patient
  4. Which problems and complaints did the patient mention in the first  interview?. How did the patient present her/his problems and suffering?心理学空间iN+eRi4y,O
    第一次治疗中,病人提到了哪些问题和痛苦?病人是如何描述他/她的问题和痛苦的?心理学空间 Y~^[QW1d-q_:n
  5. Early life background: important others and important experiences. Just  give a clear–cut summary; you don't need to describe in to much detail.
    ;n6WB*A-q Nn0早期生活背景:重要他人和重要经历。只需给出一个清晰明确的摘要即可,不必描述过多细节。心理学空间Bb |'k1s

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1-5 用时 10分钟心理学空间&abW'IA@\B~.We

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  1. Therapeutic setting: contract, sessions, frequency, fee心理学空间6mgn$?.\U
  2. Therapeutic process: A short description of the process so far
    d\/p.|7\ S"u0治疗过程:简要描述迄今为止的治疗过程心理学空间dO"]-mva
  3. 8. Describe shortly how you see the patient's problems: how did they develop, how is it now. What problems do you think the patient is struggling with?
    2@"IvGT r{k5r(_[0简要描述你对病人问题的看法:问题是怎么产生的,现在又是怎样的。你觉得让病人挣扎的是什么问题?心理学空间jt'm1F+P


6-8 = 5 minutes心理学空间 Eh4D BC#IVH

(o+z3NuR5M^06-8 用时5分钟心理学空间v#{/j$P%}


  1. Dialogue: Try to give detailed reports, also with dialogues,  from one or two sessions. This is important and gives us material for  detailed and meaningful discussions of therapeutic work (method and  technique) in supervision.
    :@(C4M5e7dq].y0对话:试做详细报告,同时附一两次治疗中的对话。这非常重要,在督导中它能为治疗工作(方法和技术)提供详细而有价值的讨论材料。心理学空间7f&d(doht.d R B}9~-c?
    心理学空间 m?h Q l

9 = 15 minutes心理学空间'Q3G:I3o#I


9 用时15分钟

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