Hans Sachs
作者: AROPA / 6831次阅读 时间: 2010年3月25日
来源: freudfile.org 标签: Hans Sachs
www.psychspace.com心理学空间网Hans SachsHans Sachs (1881-1947) played a discreet role in the history of psychoanalysis. His friendship withFreud, and his great loyalty were the qualities history remembers him by. A cultivated person, he was the first non-medic to join the group.Freudappreciated him andSachswas an important presence inWednesday meetingsof the ViennaSociety of Psychoanalysis, where, toFreud's great despair,AdlerandStekelwere playing havoc. He was invited to join thesecret committeeenvisaging to safeguard psychoanalysis.心理学空间A5Z gq0@u(hnm

Together withOtto Rank,Sachswas the co-editor of theImagomagazine, whose content was focused on applied psychoanalysis and enjoyed its glory at the time. His failing health forcedSachsto spend long time in a sanatorium. OnFreud's suggestion, he settled in Berlin as a didactic professional, and joins one of the most dynamic groups of the time.


#WJ!G;o9U0When Nazism started its ascension,Sachsimmigrated to the United States, where he followsFranz Alexanderin the leadership of the Boston, group, then in full crisis.

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CopyrightRené DesGroseillers心理学空间t ZT F?K

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