PLoS ONE:左西年等发现大脑功能架构反映人格特征
作者: 中科院心理研究所 / 10830次阅读 时间: 2011年12月09日
来源: 中科院心理研究所 标签: 大五 尽责性 开放性 人格 神经质 随和性 外倾性

0`&d6u2d5UF0A0近期,著名杂志PLoS ONE刊登了中科院心理研究所研究人员最新的一项研究成果“Personality Is Reflected in the Brain's Intrinsic Functional Architecture。”研究人员通过研究发现大脑内在功能架构反映人格特征。心理学空间w \ S8bx:R?Rb cD

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该项研究考察了“大五”人格五因素的大脑内在功能架构关联:神经质情绪稳定性(Neuroticism),外倾性(Extraversion),开放性(Openness to Experience),随和性(Agreeableness)和尽责性(Conscientiousness)。39名右利手成年志愿者(18名男性,平均年龄30±8岁)完成NEO人格量表修订版之后,参加了1至5次静息态功能磁共振成像扫描,并且在完成最后一次扫描的一年内,再次进行一次该人格量表测量。
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4uX8| lUw!A0上述研究发现为使用静息态功能技术来探索心-脑关联,并进一步研究相应人格障碍的神经环路提供了一个新的视角,对于人格障碍的神经心理病理学机制研究有启发。该项研究得到了中科院心理研究所特聘研究员启动科学基金的资助。(生物谷心理学空间N4?y}]v-]2h

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Jonathan S. Adelstein, Zarrar Shehzad, Maarten Mennes, Colin G. DeYoung, Xi-Nian Zuo, Clare Kelly, Daniel S. Margulies, Aaron Bloomfield, Jeremy R. Gray, F. Xavier Castellanos, Michael P. Milham心理学空间!t DdX3NbsY"iP
Personality describes persistent human behavioral responses to broad classes of environmental stimuli. Investigating how personality traits are reflected in the brain's functional architecture is challenging, in part due to the difficulty of designing appropriate task probes. Resting-state functional connectivity (RSFC) can detect intrinsic activation patterns without relying on any specific task. Here we use RSFC to investigate the neural correlates of the five-factor personality domains. Based on seed regions placed within two cognitive and affective ‘hubs’ in the brain—the anterior cingulate and precuneus—each domain of personality predicted RSFC with a unique pattern of brain regions. These patterns corresponded with functional subdivisions responsible for cognitive and affective processing such as motivation, empathy and future-oriented thinking. Neuroticism and Extraversion, the two most widely studied of the five constructs, predicted connectivity between seed regions and the dorsomedial prefrontal cortex and lateral paralimbic regions, respectively. These areas are associated with emotional regulation, self-evaluation and reward, consistent with the trait qualities. Personality traits were mostly associated with functional connections that were inconsistently present across participants. This suggests that although a fundamental, core functional architecture is preserved across individuals, variable connections outside of that core encompass the inter-individual differences in personality that motivate diverse responses.心理学空间s3B c}h

TAG: 大五 尽责性 开放性 人格 神经质 随和性 外倾性
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