迈克尔·艾森克 Michael william Eysenck 简介
作者: 心理空间整理 / 12559次阅读 时间: 2010年4月07日
标签: eysenck Eysenck Michael William william 简介

x5M B(R ~.k%LLCM0迈克尔·艾森克Michael william Eysenck,1944- ),英国著名心理学家汉斯·艾森克(Hans Eysenck)之子,1944年2月8日生于伦敦,1965年获伦敦大学心理学荣誉学士学位,973年获伦敦大学哲学博士学位,先后在伦敦大学Birkbeck学院和Royal Holloway学院工作,是Europen journal of cognitive psychology的第一任主编(1989-1990),英国伦敦大学皇家霍洛威学院(Royal Holloway University of London)荣休教授,曾任学院心理学系主任,主要研究领域为认知心理学,著有《认知心理学:学生手册》(Cognitive Psychology:A Student's Handbook,2000,2005,与Mark Keane 合著)、《认知心理学原理》(Principles of Cognitive Psychology,1993,2001)等。
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e;w E1D\'p {h5`iy0Eysenck教授的主要研究领域是焦虑与认知。他利用认知范式对特质焦虑和焦虑障碍进行了广泛研究,并根据这些研究成果发表了两部专著:《焦虑的认知观》和《焦虑与认知:一个统一的理论》。Eysenck教授至今已出版27本著作和发表130余篇论文。


C}a.z1t.r0心理学:国际视野 by M.Eysenck
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l8gb0vzE!H0a K0Research Interests

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Professor Michael Eysenck's research focuses mainly on cognitive factors associated with anxiety in normal and clinical populations. He has recently developed two new theories. First, there is attentional control theory (with Nazanin Derakshan, Rita Santos, and Manuel Calvo), which provides a cognitive account of the effects of anxiety on performance. Second, there is vigilance-avoidance theory (with Nazanin Derakshan and Lynn Myers), which provides a detailed theory of repressive coping. His current research with collaborators is desinged to test these two theories in detail.心理学空间1BA)fsA In

pW8d.n~0Specific Interests: Cognitive factors in anxiety, including clinical anxiety and implications for therapy. Memory functioning and attentional mechanisms. Personality and mood. Modular approaches to trait anxiety.心理学空间 HrH]7LS6W


Selected Publications心理学空间vsB-c Bz

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1. Derakshan N, Eysenck MW, Myers LB (In press). An emotional information-processing analysis of the repressive coping style: Introducing the vigilance-avoidance theory. Emotion.
$\"F{*@0g)N my4l%O9l02. Eysenck MW (In press). Theories of anxiety and cognitive performance. In E. Eliasz & M. Fajowska (Eds.), Disturbances and optimalisation of emotional and cognitive processes: A new research perspective. Warsaw: Gadanski Wydawnictwo Psychologiczne
^V WiM,yvI03. Eysenck MW, Derakshan N, Santos R, Calvo MG (2007). Anxiety and cognitive performance: Attentional control theory. Emotion. 7, 336-353.
vi(gt9]}04. Eysenck MW, Payne S, Santos R (2006). Anxiety and depression: Past, present, and future events . Cognition and Emotion. 20, 274-294.心理学空间 X W0k:\-OI8z6df
5. Derakshan N, Eysenck MW (2005). When the bogus pipeline interferes with Self-deceptive strategies: Effects on state anxiety in repressors . Cognition and Emotion. 19, 83-100.心理学空间)IW%\Nc@;V2ez
6. Eysenck MW, Payne S, Derakshan N (2005). Trait anxiety, visuo-spatial Processing and working memory . Cognition and Emotion. 19, 1214-1228.

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TAG: eysenck Eysenck Michael William william 简介
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