Carl Iver Hovland
作者: 美国国家科学院 / 17127次阅读 时间: 2012年12月05日
标签: 卡尔霍夫兰

3xlbET.NM i0n a t i o n a l a c a d e m y o f s c i e n c e s心理学空间 l b8~p1K0]9Ca

YUYf4K:Pc(x0Any opinions expressed in this memoir are those of the author(s)
z6M,Cyz:oN fKI+HC0and do not necessarily reflect the views of the心理学空间+scIeA
National Academy of Sciences.

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carl  iver  Hovland

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*bjbA$eW0A Biographical Memoir by心理学空间f G(V h PR

BEH'mgo N0roGe r n. s HePard

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(G5Y4Qx6L^ mG&c{0Biographical Memoir心理学空间v#i7Z`5f

:U%S/x U;_? t.U0Copyright 1998心理学空间 B-Z!z7qQ,Z


NatioNal aCademies press
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心理学空间XE;}Z0h j6Y4K m
June 12, 1912April 16, 1961

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'\%Sm(TIaaX0BY ROGER N. SHEPARD心理学空间:lrV C(@fb


心理学空间 Fj;R1p-m
YALE PSYCHOLOGIST Carl Hovland made singularly
"{] ]}kK cv0important contributions to experimental, social, and心理学空间Ii2m3q*Sfs
cognitive psychology (focusing respectively on human learn-
G{h-K8];V0ing, attitude change, and concept acquisition). In the pro-心理学空间)Zq9`@0ua~`
cess he worked unremittingly "to improve the standards
5a#t)K8|o"P0and quality of research in psychology and related fields,"心理学空间 _7Ho0B#z:in8]#Y9^
earning (in the words of one of his longtime coworkers)
h;r \S*t)Sxa*o0universal recognition as a "statesman of the social sciences"
m7i}WxR/O7Mt0(Janis, 1968, p. 530).


q z(t7[%p-Z0Hovland also served as an insightful and trusted consult-心理学空间3`'YD1lsqk/p}
ant to numerous governmental and educational agencies,心理学空间d:|3ho_#Dc)z+m5JH
industrial organizations, and philanthropic foundations. All心理学空间F y(qS"l1I$f4}
this he did within a life lasting not quite forty-nine years.心理学空间B"Uwy(t7o)cS
He could hardly have foreseen how limited would be the心理学空间Iq8Q{%BX
time available to him (both his parents lived into their
w:w#a1|;dI fk y0nineties). Yet he compensated, in effect, through his re-
d_"W@UL$[:VVM kb0markable precocity, quickness of mind, and productive use
3R{jFkt\dB!Q|0of every waking moment-along with his extraordinary ability心理学空间(PRH RjF
to bring together bright young researchers with widely dif-心理学空间PHkj6aQ;|@
fering theoretical perspectives, to provide them with sup-心理学空间[&Ci9T8]t$zt
port and subtle guidance, and to formulate coherent syn-心理学空间z&M+v;{Xc(l6} P!N9A!Vv
theses of the emerging results. A man of unsurpassed心理学空间.h&y7{OsT"vz+Z
gentleness and moral integrity, he left a deep and perma-心理学空间}g w$whGwr3y6L
nent mark on everyone who knew him.心理学空间6A;wa E+Ge

+T;qZZGb7w)P0I first met Carl Hovland when I arrived for graduate心理学空间3IA?Zy"`$M)W.wA.k3C
study in Yale's illustrious Department of Psychology in the
9TK%oz%doJJ0fall of 1951. Hovland's title, Sterling professor, seemed
/V*HIB;Fi0wonderfully euonymous for this tall, distinguished man,心理学空间 IT Q XB(M
endowed as he was with rare personal qualities and wavy
)S"Bz9JeI?T0hair turning to silver. Now, over forty-five years later, I am心理学空间2GEf(~ph7[c!\
astonished to realize that this revered member of the de-
*KR&ZY&r0partment, who had been serving as chairman of the de-心理学空间9Gd;n_4dX O
partment and director of the Laboratory of Psychology,心理学空间&I1jg3Y$cfnFU,y)D
was at that time only thirty-nine years old!

z!gJE*f4Us%^ ]d0

ORz1DR JK0U)J0Particularly striking were the apparent ease and efficiency
#j_2P-s r G9^0with which Hovland managed all the many things in which心理学空间[-[ UdnY2^
he was always engaged and his constructive use of every
zD6eA;?4C/fO0moment of time. While showing genuine interest in every-
v0Q/l|)]{6\0one with whom he had contact, he had a way of keeping心理学空间_9^9X$Z.A`.v$E0cj7Y
administrative interactions brief and to the point. His ex-
0bQ^(K ~1ywreQ0traordinary memory enabled him to carry out much of the心理学空间\n%U1D+GGS
department's business through chance meetings in the hall心理学空间M n]rP/a8p+[}q
or stairway-venues that minimized the risk of someone心理学空间Nm x F$VY"hz
plunking down in a chair in his office for more than the心理学空间b.U+d)a(uC
time needed to resolve whatever issue was at hand. If Hovland心理学空间"[*I&d{"{PJe*T
did not encounter a graduate student sufficiently soon con-
:d#wlx'J-p,R].m:Z0cerning some matter, the student would find a slip of pa-心理学空间%u2T'J3q5zqC*B
per in his or her departmental mailbox with the succinct
cr(C"uuvg0notation: "See me. CIH." More than once, discussions of
1qM.]9ts:kT0my own research were carried out as I tried to keep up
(hAb*}.|O:EKG0with Hovland's rapid stride to the New Haven railway sta-心理学空间FQVu6M4L ?k;kR}1z
tion where he would be catching a train to New York-
X b P"Y\QW0perhaps to consult with AT&T, Bell Laboratories, or the心理学空间uexc4?l6n.]
Rockefeller or Russell Sage Foundations.

d$ti u qm(GY0

5cg"R#C b|0心理学空间/q+Ine(x f
On those occasions when I did actually sit down in心理学空间)dD&n(e;YA.l4e i/C
Hovland's office, he would also be reading his mail and
Rz6HM3m4[0talking with someone else on the telephone. When I called
&^bo6w3C:\+W `0him on the phone, I could hear someone else in his office
*RS&g3n2]?1A*P.n \0and the occasional rattle of a letter being opened. And,
(B!B_^C-M {%xU0when I sent him a note, I imagined that while he was
(N1?o-b%m*DTF0perusing it, he would also be talking with someone in his心理学空间+jG/q:?+DG
office and someone on the phone. I fantasized having the心理学空间7|R9D#B T]{
delivery of my written letter, the playing over the phone of心理学空间,TuE]VE)Yf6tO
my recorded voice, and my physical entrance into his of-
!UkSm n M0fice converge upon him simultaneously-thus gaining, for心理学空间| D'y:f.a&\$TX#B'~
once, his undivided attention! In truth, however, I wel-
gd&ZMYqj0comed the brief hiatuses that Hovland's time sharing en-心理学空间bZ2nr3J}
tailed as I was striving to marshal my ideas for his assess-
4^ nf.J$a*BM$o|0ment.

9zo.J _"C0心理学空间 U$jP5r{u

心理学空间}o TLVZ]
Another Hovland student, Herbert C. Kelman (now Cabot
~b;Y2dUM;vaC0professor of social ethics at Harvard), described to me心理学空间)Y,q a z"P!u6W${b4H
how the drafting of his 1953 paper with Hovland began:
oDM*PAm%x0"In consultation with Carl, I designed and carried out an心理学空间2O&w^0~;Ogi)Re
experiment on the sleeper effect [in which the tendency to心理学空间ap4Iw3d&Pa
endorse a proposition from a low credibility source in-
8^@@1h.T0creases as the source is forgotten]. When the data were
*g ?s/d,o-TYzJ0collected and analyzed, I . . . told him that I would like心理学空间d mJ Bo|L
him to coauthor the article reporting the research. In his
,gT-~ P.q4]^ g;T i0customary generosity, he told me that this was my experi-
"jt+U:\Vr)J1H} t,U0ment and he was not expecting coauthorship. But I in-
c'h9sM5OW5b0sisted-whereupon he pulled out a yellow pad and started心理学空间vE%M)F[ LT^`
writing! Right then and there!" (Kelman, letter of March心理学空间o)z.S-eQ R"I6M
25, 1997).

p3y$K/um X$iz0

6J8N]&^Zfsx w0心理学空间c Q.uiX
Hovland was the most efficient and organized individual
.H&_|/gxr| j0I have ever known. But the efficiency and organization
)` RlwF/{f1N1P0was all in his head; it did not depend on external aids. He心理学空间ON1Fk sR
conducted classes and chaired meetings in his quiet, infor-
e7z4\,W)}c,Y0mal manner without notes, while the desk and side table
fWK*B6t3iH0in his office remained piled with papers in no visible or-心理学空间_@ }4~:MJ
der. When another of my fellow graduate students inquired心理学空间i#O\!PKL{|ok
whether he might retrieve a term paper to correct an error, 心理学空间7Pb7tw ogS"o
Hovland briefly rummaged through papers piled on心理学空间 QM#yA.zo
the side table. Then turning to my waiting friend, he re-
/t:t7R5p q:d4@z0marked, "You may think there is no order here. Actually,心理学空间e.}&_.B(g8h N]
there is an order; it's just not an order designed to meet
#Shz R6v2J\H'L0that particular type of request." And order there evidently心理学空间Z p3g)Yx2P
was; Hovland's secretary, Jane Olejarczyk, told me, "Quite
%N Rc3`8h4f(j0often he would call and ask me to retrieve some document
|.i~C'?+T$k q+f0with instructions like: it's in the third pile from the left on
t#gX.K9k0the table by my desk, about a third of the way down, and
5V"dw @|2zjV3{eY0there's a Russell Sage report, printed on blue paper, just心理学空间 I"G nWB9`dx5c
before you get to it . . . Amazing! He was always on target"心理学空间}5wC V2u{8v!?
(personal communication of May 29, 1997).

,\~,p%H bc0M p}f0

T!U+A;P S(]"C-s,W0
_8NU1B#R$L0Hovland was a master of the Socratic method. Seem-
\{ B)`;MOY4c0ingly without any prepared agenda, he would ask the graduate心理学空间!m V:H'EsA+[3S
students around the seminar table for their comments on心理学空间jD.vrMbD C
the (always seminal) readings he had assigned, or for their
'P;uU l5o8I \T0proposals concerning an illustrative problem of experimental
E,Jup'KA R*[0design or data analysis he was working through on the
t ~!QZm$d/F;U0chalk board. At first, this evoked frustration or anxiety in
0{ E6T6ZvZ0students accustomed to more structured styles of instruc-
-d0p#}:g3oX0tion. (A student who had volunteered to calculate-in those心理学空间B/SKG!KP.Rm_u
days, by means of a slide rule-a number called for by the心理学空间e#yU.n8wCf9u~
illustrative problem might find that, before he or she was心理学空间%~^R6U*V7`}.k ]
able to come up with the answer, Hovland was already心理学空间2{Sp`*{r
writing it on the board, apparently having arrived at it by
-eA{,N o_0his own swifter, purely mental calculation.) Former Yale心理学空间L:cku(Pi-Q D
student Philip Zimbardo (now a professor of social psy-
C1~S`PZ4KI0chology at Stanford) remarked that the combination of
\#@}7D W$h6lW0Hovland's shyness and intellectual mastery may have pre-心理学空间.X4~)gXx'J3^
vented him from even suspecting that some students found
sE|S%U;| tl E0f0him intimidating (personal communication of April 3, 1997).心理学空间,J{Vx S6KL
Nevertheless, out of our bumbling efforts a coherent pic-心理学空间g8]0e)eD,P+L%y
ture would gradually crystalize, to be succinctly articulated
F EX AF\ZKF&~0by Hovland at the end of each class session. It was the goal心理学空间'z| Sz&_"{+w@
toward which Hovland evidently had been subtly guiding心理学空间.q+m0L{@#H
us all along.

r8O%A @%Na0心理学空间?5au a,w0|,}#B

%M2kJ'Y!J X:i0I asked Hovland to serve as my dissertation advisor not心理学空间/omP1G_UH
only because I valued his quick intellectual grasp but also
"F1|R$y1fvqXp0because he seemed uniquely free of commitment to any
*X8Y0]y? @1G:X}[0particular theoretical position and, hence, supportive of
:DX:v;` f0the exploration of promising ideas, wherever they might心理学空间9y6g` a `D T J
lead. Because of the great respect everyone had for him,心理学空间5mRz6I'S&FBj3H
Hovland was also able to give my career a couple of unex-
`M^Y2V2K{8I0pected boosts at its very start. He endorsed the suggestion心理学空间 ~hh*f@ Dvj
of a younger member of my dissertation committee, Bur-
O'OL/M9w,D0ton Rosner, to take the unusual step of recruiting a math-心理学空间qn(X"T%AG}
ematical psychologist from outside Yale to serve on the心理学空间 u-?*s7m nH
orals committee of my more-than-usually mathematical dis-心理学空间#AZ:DK6SN1]
sertation. One consequence was that the up-and-coming心理学空间&J,pCfY|
outside examiner selected, George A. Miller, invited me to心理学空间3h"T/O2caM+J
join him a year later as a postdoctoral associate at Harvard.
*xgx$y6L0Then, following those two postdoctoral years, both Hovland
+Q b$e@ r(E/Q*|0and Miller recommended my appointment as a member of心理学空间!tS.NBh
technical staff in a small basic research group that Hovland心理学空间;lV\w:|7`i
had been instrumental in establishing in the Bell Tele-
+^'{A:D ~bC;X3L$k0phone Laboratories, Murray Hill, New Jersey. The research心理学空间5y1|y1_D'OWre
I was able to carry out during my two postdoctoral years
_f Ul&~X!w.fC0k0at Harvard (where I first learned to program on the Univac心理学空间U2ea7S Q
1, just given to Harvard) and during the next eight years心理学空间S*HV$Q)N Wv
at the Bell Labs (where I had access to a major computer
5uY?{ m6x0facility) undoubtedly contributed to my own ensuing ap-心理学空间Uy4^ w ^%_#Zf
pointment to a professorship at Harvard.


WG(z5e`FPD0In 1957 I participated-along with both Miller and
|$V$t { u;y wHU0Hovland-in a Summer Institute on the new computer simu-心理学空间eiJ'y B t/c
lation approach to modeling human cognitive processes心理学空间+B:mn3m_x,y%Fy4i
organized by Alan Newell and Herbert Simon at the RAND心理学空间_6p;mYiF*d?O
Corporation in Santa Monica. Simon, who remembers心理学空间^ pyZi|"k0B
Hovland "with great fondness," mentioned that Hovland心理学空间W3F$\Ep|2l)c
and Miller had "co-opted" him to join their small ad hoc心理学空间"tLV EL9D
committee of the Social Science Research Council, which心理学空间ozDW5r4?!S-k.T4p
had some Ford Foundation money for work in cognition.心理学空间 Tj}^ JK(R/i^&D
It was this money, Simon said, that made possible their
4Mb:B*r}t\0Summer Institute (personal communication of May 27, 1997).
6C n6e3@.n7oJ)_0Over a lunch with Hovland in Santa Monica that summer,
Kh\#H4q(BVF0I recalled how my doctoral research at Yale only two years心理学空间&M)zG$_}m
before had necessitated my approximation of the eigen
/k*i$nnG \0roots and vectors of matrices by hours of tedious computa-
{,ZAK_^%Z*fJ0tion on mechanical desktop calculators. "When," I won-心理学空间?N}-_|/Wb%t/D7X
dered, "would Yale obtain a programmable electronic com-心理学空间2w1b;K xHQ&G3]uj9~N
puter?" With a wry smile, Hovland replied that he was on
CGVI4W+l;A;t5\4u0a committee that had just been established at Yale to re-
UT C xAH'BJ0ceive the gift of such a computer-in case one should be
r/R:w#t)Yo y0offered! Only three years later, the 1960 papers on com-心理学空间 T1S$E2x:k+dh5X H
puter simulation of thinking and concept attainment
C q5e*c.k2z@-` Q,B0authored by Hovland, alone and with his student Earl Hunt,心理学空间Pu ?/D[;y `9`;at
were already appearing.心理学空间9k8izD cIR+g"p?

It was shortly after joining the Bell Labs that I began my心理学空间7Mt4L/bi(YJ
one direct research collaboration with Hovland. Herbert心理学空间? i {^!E
Jenkins and I had undertaken a study of classification learn-
g h|"t;QoK j0ing in which human subjects learned by trial and error心理学空间 xB[0sJR^q9J1~
which of two responses was correct for each of the eight心理学空间H1_(AA,[9g+[ P
possible stimuli having either of two values on each of心理学空间m w#?zj1}:U U
three binary dimensions (for example, square or triangu-心理学空间 Z%r-h6[^Gd
lar, large or small, and black or white). Jenkins and I sought心理学空间^8_%jT] E
to determine the number of trials required to learn differ-
u.Dj$R?-G0ent classifications in which correct responding required心理学空间%i ?d Y!G`7Gy
taking account of values on just one, on two, or on all
-Y+[ _ Wj0three of the stimulus dimensions.心理学空间 W!^5Xz(}lqz:OI

When we mentioned this study to Hovland, we learned
$X @*?qEo0that quite independently, he and two research assistants
"},l;V4{ ?n'v7X0had just begun presenting subjects with explicit classifica-
"vnW Gy&u{5?x0tions of just such binary-valued stimuli into two groups of心理学空间`zx[F Oq
four (one displayed on the left, the other on the right).
NL Zz5l0K0They, however, were measuring subjects' speeds and accu-心理学空间 Q8L"}?E+BnS
racies of reconstruction of the two groups from memory,
D V,HoC ^&h:n0and recording how the subjects described the rules they心理学空间*Y HD1NzB A? w
found to govern each classification. We quickly agreed to
7p4S],gU&y9u0join forces and, during our ensuing collaboration, Jenkins
(jtq~ HY J'K0and I (often together with the Bell Labs learning researcher心理学空间Cx^9R@
Ernst Rothkopf) would meet with Hovland-usually at his
6n)KA%JS2`!q0home in Hamden, outside New Haven.


V(V4sH\ \-N0On these visits, the Hovlands' longtime housekeeper Eliza-
V#C9t.rNxa^ K0beth would serve us lunch, elegantly presented with fine心理学空间mabk!G tchu
china, silver, and linens in the Hovland's formal dining心理学空间#f+~ \0Q$\G N
room. I must have been seated in Mrs. Hovland's custom-心理学空间 ] d_%y8{/]/LZ
ary place. For, under a slight bump in the rug there was a心理学空间#vym%y)g(J4p
button that I sometimes inadvertently hit with my foot,
G6K3D2`:t$?9K%y'r0summoning the housekeeper, to my mounting chagrin.
0@6K GK1S r0At about this time, a growth in Hovland's neck (in the心理学空间AEYAojR'b P
parotid gland just below his right ear), which had been心理学空间"Y#aL6L[ A
diagnosed as benign some years earlier, had recurred and心理学空间f2_jl g^Su
was now determined to be malignant. Both the advance of
qZP d r7O!p0the cancer and the measures undertaken for its treatment心理学空间"_7z%U#\]
(surgery, radiation, and a then highly experimental che-心理学空间1HR ] J OI `(X*N
motherapy) were soon exacting a toll on Carl's previously
\J&XSC*Y9}0inexhaustible energy, entailing a temporary loss of his full心理学空间2L6q4z|%uU8Dv:I6m
head of hair, which had rapidly turned entirely white, and
(v6p/^ Q:t1g8I0a total deafness in his right ear.

T'A/a&@A!hj+@]0心理学空间/a3b+r#oo:D$} Mz:b

心理学空间y.wf3m7r f;{_
Long before, Carl's wife Gertrude, like himself, still rela-
zB*`W}.\6}0tively young and universally regarded with admiration and心理学空间xV.?Y8LF
affection, had been increasingly afflicted with rheumatoid心理学空间kb b5X,FT
arthritis. Anticipating his own impending death, Hovland心理学空间^ z8c&Alb
became deeply concerned about his wife's growing help-心理学空间2l+Wb+H9OEav1w I3XB
lessness. Her neck was now so fragile that she had to wear心理学空间2gXd&t/O%H#E
a neck brace whenever she was up and about.

Q5l3_zy D9G*V0

7k*z$g)l Ap }g*Y,I0
W`{G2M*ip |)YU |8s0On August 26, 1960, my two colleagues and I made our
;I ` BOag uJ0P5~#g0last scheduled trip from the Bell Labs to the Hovlands'
._WY y.i-Wi%d^0home to discuss the final stage of our collaborative project.心理学空间c1C V?E*h
We were met at the door by housekeeper Elizabeth, who,
B!lR?)Gd NX7zGR5j0tearfully and barely able to speak, informed us that Mrs.心理学空间| L0CMh mAk
Hovland had an accident earlier that morning and that
,v"[n-e7?:r7} e0Mr. Hovland would not be able to meet with us. We got in心理学空间`K#xRq[ S
the car and headed back to New Jersey.心理学空间(^iz(HVF{

?4nq H1S0
?n*JLn7?.z[0I later learned that Gertrude, having gotten out of bed
pK o\|/f j OX @p%|0without her protective collar, stumbled and fell. Her weak-
;mc h p(CV/^*d0ened neck snapped and she died instantly. A few days later,
rn8Kbhik0Carl called me to apologize for not being able to meet
@ uXkP m'@0with us after our long drive. When I assured him that no心理学空间"~d;i+pe'a
apology was necessary and expressed my heartfelt sympa-
3{!u:w,Is%q)Qf0thy, he became, for the only time in my experience, choked
9P O t?,W&h0with emotion and was briefly unable to speak. The loss of
4w&Ut7g!d!y4X0his beloved wife was a terrible blow to this most caring心理学空间's;i"E*iHZ
and responsible of men-left, as he now was, with two心理学空间6t%s!p:h!o(?xfu
children in their late teens and with less than a year re-
8w`NEVM,z(P0maining of his own life.心理学空间 pyUe'q_rM


#m!m/WvT1I,P ~0Right up to the end, Hovland continued doing (to the
d*r)~&{:e)F0extent that he was physically able) just what he had been
n*{0dc.e*`0doing even before he learned that he was mortally ill.心理学空间n q7m;d;[Nvy3Z TT|v
Apparently, Hovland had always proceeded each day with心理学空间(xZI&v0B"F-f
what he regarded as most important-as if that day might心理学空间 w_%q'I^a
be his last. To avoid the stairs, his final weeks were spent
a5B-n/ea][J c ]8C2l+^0in a bed that had been set up in the same dining room心理学空间 gz.l_.E9X~(_&iK1O
where my colleagues and I used to talk with him over心理学空间$`#e)JV;UCa\Z1d
lunch. He was cared for by his son David, then an under-心理学空间T6i-W4Z*\ g|-s^Va
graduate at Yale, and by his daughter Kathie, who, having心理学空间MT)} _ ]#`\r:Z
just entered Wellesley College, traveled down from Massa-
q_Cy w9I;RM!U0chusetts to be with her father during the weekends. Carl心理学空间h\t'X:} a4v9cf
died on Sunday night, April 16, 1961, just after Kathie left
,{0oJr.b ~e'Y0for her trip back to Wellesley. Coincidentally, problems心理学空间7|}n&CL9E_n
arising in their necks had cut short the lives of Carl and心理学空间/H;w2e,H!T'hH p8g'GGx
Gertrude alike, near the ends of their forty-eighth years.心理学空间UHa0S]d0R j5v
The 1961 Shepard, Hovland, and Jenkins study "Learn-心理学空间2W7a6Y$kgb{
ing and Memorization of Classifications" appeared in the
sF2R9_C0Psychological Monographs in that same year-but not in time
.N^ O$SOe&m0for Hovland to see it in print. Along with Hovland's own
~mki.C5e9U o0last book Social Judgment, written in collaboration with心理学空间3?F-W7~-K;E ^
Muzafer Sherif (who completed it after Hovland's death),
Dt}3\ni!qh YN_N0our monograph was thus one of the last publications on心理学空间h~~2Ur] ~4buj2~
which Hovland appeared as an author. Some thirty years心理学空间9v`A#c7B3_ jjr3`
later, this monograph attracted renewed interest among心理学空间)K'r!S5TMrf|0m
cognitive scientists, who have used our results to test alter-心理学空间!F*Q zB)U0~ u\
native connectionist or "neural net" models for classifica-
a1tF}&rxw~0tion learning; or to elucidate the roles of stimulus dimen-
X tEOf M},F0sions called perceptually "separable" (like size and shape-as
h(D m.d&W1RJn0in Shepard, Hovland, and Jenkins, 1961, p. 3) versus those心理学空间 LreX?
called perceptually "integral" (like lightness and satura-心理学空间)d[sc+A'gs
tion of colors-as in Shepard and Chang, 1963, p. 96). And心理学空间5c:qH{ G,r.gF"x&e$H:}
the three students who served as research assistants in this心理学空间 |d;e!b Al0t
work-Albert Bregman and Earl Hunt (with Hovland) and心理学空间O6Y |:z)e3DetQ8k
John Gibbon (with Jenkins and me)-have all gone on to心理学空间n2dW'n)Y3Z~O
make their own influential contributions at three major
M(w5?N"rNC"F0universities (Bregman in auditory perception at McGill,心理学空间}(_'bHw_"V+N
Hunt in human cognition at the University of Washington,
_&?W3a)N0and Gibbon in timing behavior at Columbia).

8H,Y!uF1e:zGI;yc?;M0心理学空间o N!zD.cMz

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TAG: 卡尔霍夫兰
«贺夫兰(Carl Hovland)与「传播与态度改变研究」 Carl Hovland,卡尔·霍夫兰
《Carl Hovland,卡尔·霍夫兰》