當選擇讓人失去動力 When Choice is Demotivating
作者: 人格和社會心理學期刊 / 10745次阅读 时间: 2011年10月02日
来源: 心理学空间整理 标签: Lepper
www.psychspace.com心理学空间网當選擇讓人失去動力 When Choice is Demotivating心理学空间#U_fO+L6K

哥倫比亞大學商學院教授席納·伊言格/希娜‧艾恩嘉(Sheena S. Iyengar)和史丹福大學心理學系教授馬克·列波爾(Mark R. Lepper)發表在2000年《人格和社會心理學期刊》(Journal of Personality and Social Psychology心理学空间k!\a GbJ-C
实验:心理学空间Wi'eY,kr{2[ e.nck9g2x
2000年,在加州某超市进行的一项研究中,哥伦比亚大学的希娜·亚格尔教授(Sheena Lyengar)和斯坦福大学的马克·莱珀教授(Mark Lepper)在超市内设立了一个可品尝不同品种果酱的摊位。当这个摊位摆放24种之多的果酱时,约有60%的过路人会在摊前驻足;而陈列6种果酱时,仅有40%的顾客会停留。但在最终选择要买的果酱时,比例发生了戏剧性的逆转:在光顾24种果酱摊的顾客中,最终只有3%的人掏钱,而30%的顾客在陈列6种果酱的摊位前购买了果酱。在将客流量转换成销售量方面,较少的选择效果好得多。


qy"N_9ad2dF@)u$qc2K0When choice is Demotivating: Can one Desire Too Much of a Good Thing?心理学空间$G`{:{9GVMS


Summary心理学空间W y!g X/I"v
Researchers study three cases in which they give participants either very little choices, huge variety of choices, or no choices at all. They want to find how rewards and the amount choice affect individual to make choices.
/VO/k+`0v*n&[R0Case 1心理学空间[4R t Vz8Y(A
Researchers use two graduate school students in which they assign them to a grocer store. There they had to see how having very little options to a huge amount affect consumers ability to choose jam.心理学空间-wQ#fb;C{Cn%S
They concluded that having to many options affect they way individuals buy. Having very little option the consumer found that it might be something special about the product and they more then often went with that less choice option.心理学空间Y7X;nuiy1?x
Case 2
6}X ?0](K5Z$h:O$c0Researchers choose participants at Stanford college, Social psychology class to perform a task in which they wrote an essay and receive extra credit. But what the participant didn’t know was that some students would have more essay options to choose from then others.心理学空间.\U!h6`"k#?XG
They concluded that student with the extensive choice felt less opt to perform the assignment because the variety of choice.
3k1mQZ \^V9}`.W0Case 3
l/U @~%W%Z&_5J0This study was more lab base in which it was a very control setting. Participants had a choice of array of chocolates some individuals had a lot of option to choose from, some had very little and others had no control of what they could chose from.
i v-m `:\bd;DL0They concluded their were no real significant differences between the size of choice and the set of participants.心理学空间`.Qd2w b
Each case study wanted to prove the affect of choice whether having to many choices overwhelmed the participants and how the participant were motivated in their decision making process.心理学空间#Q/j4pG7H g+H


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