Preyer, Thierry William儿童(发展)心理学鼻祖普莱尔简介
作者: Max Planck Institute / 19532次阅读 时间: 2010年12月12日
来源: for the History of Science, Berlin 标签: Preyer Thierry William william 简介 普莱尔
www.psychspace.com心理学空间网Preyer, Thierry William
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Wiesbaden, Germany
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Degrees: doctorate (1862)
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Career: 1859 studies of science (especially physiology and chemistry) at Heidelberg; 1862 doctorate; move from natural sciences to medicine and studies in Paris with Claude Bernard and Charles-Adolphe Wurtz, later in Berlin, Vienna and Bonn; 1865 qualification as a lecturer in zoophysics and zoochemistry in the Faculty of Philosophy in Bonn; 1866 medical degree at Bonn; in 1867 qualification as a teacher of physiology at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Jena; 1869 professor of physiology at Jena in succession to Johann Nepomuk Czermak and appointment as director of the Physiology Institute; 1888 retirement and for the rest of his life private scholar in Wiesbaden.
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7m| Z:?7zFHF0Selected works:
&RbP{G5pb Z g0Preyer, William T. 1882. Die Seele des Kindes: Beobachtungen über die geistige Entwicklung des Menschen in den ersten Lebensjahren. Leipzig: Grieben
`&J&xuzs\*V0Preyer, William T. 1880. Naturwissenschaftliche Thatsachen und Probleme. Berlin: Paetel心理学空间1KA6z'K5uBe L.v
Preyer, William T. 1883. Elemente der allgemeinen Physiologie: Kurz und leichtfasslich. Leipzig: Grieben
LRXE+K \;Zrb9H0Preyer, William T. und Ferdinand Zirkel. 1862. Reise nach Island im Sommer 1860: Mit wissenschaftlichen Anhängen. Leipzig: Brockhaus心理学空间%r/MUa_6}:r
Preyer, William T. 1866. De haemoglobino observationes et experimenta: Dissertatio inauguralis. Bonn: Cohen
*E6W`1SfdI }0search the library or the technology database
.[,S7z$vR0Sources: DSB
t-PG1cLj7[0Related: ADB


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