作者: 周永生 / 7691次阅读 时间: 2011年12月26日
来源: 現代哲學 2008卷4期 标签: 存在主义 苏格拉底 哲学咨询 中国哲学 周永生

@|C*vR Ha0An Ecological Glance at Philosophical Counselling in North America心理学空间 n?-hw;xG-iV+M BT
周永生;Davina Y. D. Hu心理学空间5N&C ^ h@'W-mX
哲学咨询;精神疗法;实践智慧;苏格拉底存在主义;philosophical counselling;psychiatric therapy;Phronesis;Socrates;existentialism
^Vow J$B0122 -127心理学空间1R4Kr9o)C4Hi
,vj;[Ae n]_4y0簡體中文
强调介入生活、服务到人的“哲学咨询”,可谓风靡北美。转折中的中国,对其表现出高度的兴趣,然相关研究基本空白。本文便着力于弥补缺憾,推动中国哲学与西方哲学同步发展。文中首先整理、辨析了哲学咨询的英语和汉语概念,指出无论是philosophical counselling,还是philosophical practice,最终的落点都在用柏拉图,取代“柏赛克”(prozac,代指精神药物)。随后通过对美国哲学执业者协会(APPA)的发起人Lou Marinoff的哲学活动的记录,侧面展示了北美的哲学咨询业为求生存而展开的与心理咨询之间的竞争;在宏观扫描北美的哲学咨询业生态后,文章进入微观的咨询现场,透过Tim的案例,感受北美的哲学咨询业生态,并引申出两个关乎哲学咨询发展的基本准则:1、哲学咨询师应该说明主义的副作用;2、不要代替客户学习,不要代替客户思想。
9G:@+Y6@ _0英文摘要
s1n af7YE/@}0Together with the bestsellers as "Plato Not Prozac", "Therapy for the Sane", the philosophical practice as a theoretical and practical movement is on the way to stand on its own right. waging existential strive against the established disciplines of psychology and psychiatry while some of its insiders keep urging the industry to actually seek acceptance by professionals who are not philosophers. The thesis focuses on the ecological status of the circle of philosophical practitioner in North America through the selected introduction to the resume of and disputation concerning Mr Lou Marinoff, the key founder of APPA, in addition to a case study performed and reported by Peter Atterton, which ends with two reflections: 1 it does definitely make sense for a philosophical consultant to inform the client explicitly on the side-effects whatever creed might produce. 2 it should be on the behalves at the bilateral to help the mind-consumers self-question and study instead of to proceed with brainwashing.心理学空间!y M+A y!eM GG r

TAG: 存在主义 苏格拉底 哲学咨询 中国哲学 周永生
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