基思·霍尔约克Keith J. Holyoak 翻译的中国古诗词
作者: 基思·霍尔约克 / 8504次阅读 时间: 2011年10月01日
来源: Keith J. Holyoak
www.psychspace.com心理学空间网基思·霍尔约克Keith J. Holyoak 翻译的中国古诗词

h8Gv g b \U0
Going to Visit the Daoist Master on Daitian Mountain But Not Finding Him
.T5o1Kp9QD^\]0李白《訪戴天山道士不遇》心理学空间5ED.f){&pD"Jt n
Li Bai (701-762 CE)
.xR;h5cd,vTI;z/L0心理学空间fhM4AJ;]*L |
A dog barks
I ti/iA1?*I1a;bG@#J0amidst the sound of water;
5}xe?+bpsB4]V0peach blossoms心理学空间,^)V%j7tS'P:kz
hang heavy with dewdrops.
`jA7T+X0犬吠水聲中, 桃花帶露濃。心理学空间K} p%p X

-Vwbf#Gq,[b0In the deep forest
Zo;l&Y m\wda{0I glimpse a passing deer;心理学空间4_PU)~2XD(F}+M
the rushing brook心理学空间1h*s Y&{/Y[G,xN#y
muffles the noonday bells. 心理学空间7KwEVtI
樹深時見鹿, 溪午不聞鐘。
/_ h1IO0li0
Nr }'O j%g4UPd0Wild bamboos心理学空间*^&[} f5f0G
slice through the green mist;心理学空间2n,` Y&V-P(\ I2A h
streams in flight
%{5kMcPCT Y0hang between emerald peaks.
,Y$t P i:c},K}0野竹分青靄, 飛泉掛碧峰。心理学空间*x!xy%C0E.m1T

2ag/u{3zV1A]O+i0Nobody knows
T8Ld rY"Ik0where the master has gone—
Ey-z ]:VW/@~0left to wonder,心理学空间E*j%p C u`#w;G^g
I rest among some pines.
_-L/dXS\ L5z `0無人知所去, 愁倚兩三松。心理学空间u,^!A\6K

zhT0rB,W0Farewell at a Jinling Tavern 金陵酒肆留別 心理学空间TA~w.`5lf.H An%C
Li Bai (701-762 CE)
$h*U@&@G5n5]Z,LR7s0The wind blows catkins off the willows;
J-Mpp"Si5P7t&Y$~0their fragrance fills the tavern.
Ru h#cN1Xn)}0Our hostess brings the guests new wine
e-X0HYf!t`0she urges us to savor.
h1`Xke)WE0風吹柳花滿店香,吳姬壓酒喚客嘗。心理学空间 hLx5J&s

fN&c;tm i[L|$v0Young friends from Jinling came today
S-A$gOv!XYhyd3`0to drink and see me off.心理学空间V&kdD~Tq Vg7[
I must leave, and they must stay—
}$iX0H^!Ts0we let our last cups linger.心理学空间 k!?B-pg C
_ @k n#Z+w zM~0c0
.T8{7e;}`A,v8f NP0Friends, let’s ask the water flowing
S!x"E&GL#i0far away to the east:
u3Bt+o I8Z'J6kT4m0The river, or sadness of farewell—
4F\$a3|ZY"?&W0which of the two is longer?心理学空间*]S&V[?_)p

心理学空间 dg1y~6Q D [

Overnight in the Pavilion by the River 心理学空间8o9}o6dK(n4z
宿江邊閣心理学空间v ^{(p0_!Z V
Du Fu (712-770 CE)心理学空间 b'g)Q9y9t`.K Bh;n.Q
As evening approaches
*^W2Yny&Q!O&Lc j|[!p0along the mountain paths
9GfNxK M0I come to my chamber心理学空间l;_[-E2||n
above the Water Gate.
3u KBhyx0Y0暝色延山徑,高齋次水門。
&} Kq{&XX"y ^ O%I0
!QHo)gg*ey+`1U0Wisps of cloud
@#r3{U"t5z&Q9B;b7d0rest on the edges of cliffs;
])?2W*S-iyx&]G0a lonely moon
V9bc0cA9b0slowly turns in the waves.
-p0sP?7j/Ua0薄雲岩際宿,孤月浪中翻。心理学空间 zs9w(Y:S,DT_g1qw
A line of cranes心理学空间`"W| fM j3h
flies past on its silent hunt;
\t(Nj G Sg0a pack of wolves心理学空间e7ef0Q0u%ci+G
howls around its prey.心理学空间 }5m.f)in-wva*@_|b
心理学空间5}8q'xvDkO#b sS%}
I cannot sleep,
6I!D%FW(~j&A4g0plagued by thoughts of war,
A qK*L'cWe0and powerless心理学空间wG*xYWf
to spare the world its fate.
j-](Z zW;v0不眠憂戰伐,無力正乾坤。心理学空间#R k3Uiw |q6|

Y%zE,VMs0Missing My Little Son 心理学空间F-L+u |'i0f
(Pony Boy)
1V dc`$i!N0Du Fu (712-770 CE)心理学空间"q3nuU)E/pQ
憶幼子心理学空间7R"g)\5\c u9G
It’s spring, and still心理学空间q ]c3jEJ
you're away, my Pony Boy,心理学空间klTaO1M7tm
while the days grow warm
Zl_+W6?1\"v0and birdsong swells to crescendo.
'y'Z rp c^&kkG;Y0驥子春猶隔,鶯歌暖正繁。
6R:Cz$v)GB*v1~E![0心理学空间p,R M#lb
This change of season心理学空间 Z:{z.|k#T
cuts like a new farewell—
k.`s:dQf9` i?`0now who do I have
Sr#u.W"EOP `o0to share my bits of wisdom?
"X_ Bv;M9p KLpP gg0別離驚節換,聰慧與誰論。
\C)~n4Hu)i5G0心理学空间#wy3Pdo U {*y.F
The stream runs free心理学空间m(U/f&u5{?
alongside the empty path,
n)gk"_6D"@1xf]s3{0from village gate 心理学空间`*F$kX2c ?
down into distant shadow;
j%s9M)s(T:P:Ya7L0澗水空山道,柴門老樹村。心理学空间Ys\EZ&z Dh(j4Re

心理学空间"q+P0q3FH2BM }

My torrent of sadness
!l*N,U](F#c-]0will drain away in my dreams心理学空间C!AX B:O{kVN
while my back is warmed心理学空间$[]+c#s_+x;t:G%x
by spring sun through my window.心理学空间5D{d2[5?y)P
(o6C\hvy'j0 心理学空间T'gK!BZ^-C){*f

yMrFF(k H`0Moonlit Night 心理学空间X/e/K`5go|
Du Fu (712-770 CE)
0S-z/u0E#BwA0月夜心理学空间 f1]7~3gc3J*y
Tonight the moon心理学空间 Q `6i0L6xS,GC
is also full in Fuzhou,
(BK6X`"fsEg0where my wife can only心理学空间hxGS_I0]
wait and watch alone.心理学空间0ZS/y ]0IV D
今夜鄜(fū)州月, 閨中只獨看。心理学空间4x;p {KK
I’m sad to think
G]2c;Old0of my little sons and daughters,心理学空间?7HdtI `6Z,\+r
too young to know
zY{!O+O0why I’m far away in Changan.
'U9w&~_5~SQ:AD0  遙憐小兒女, 未解憶長安。心理学空间,oV.W`_V5L)c%}5f
心理学空间 vcIY3d
Her cloud of hair心理学空间AwH%mQj4gj
must be damp from the scented mist,心理学空间0j:d6LuP0dzN
her jade-white arms
6oFSU:W-`0chilled as the light pours down.心理学空间 [D:`L8^;@yN
  香霧雲鬟濕, 清輝玉臂寒。心理学空间Dg7@IirH
When will we both心理学空间?*XxCj)_&x l6AB
lean at the open window,心理学空间xB@8rc3N)y7O
drying our tears心理学空间$aUE+]"|X"B*s6Q
in the glow of an autumn moon?心理学空间l1rTP6N b'\
  何時倚虛幌(huǎng), 雙照淚痕幹。心理学空间.f3a8D,BHNlQ

`dGQsae%Xy0On the Heights
3Bz,x3uNU'JM8h,^0Du Fu (712-770 CE)心理学空间F)vX#A8V.EXBr
登高心理学空间gQ6aPK A_

#xw)wxL5s6Ju0The wind is keen and the sky wide,
/Hx(]D(H#YU0apes howl mournfully;
*^4fx;u,H V8kg{X0P0the islet is clear and its sand white,心理学空间C$Z9Bhh8i8BU
birds wheel round and round.心理学空间Iv2I^ R+G8K8V{0k
In the boundless forest swirling leaves心理学空间$m+O`v+eN*_
go rustling, rustling by;心理学空间 X-uV"? zj
down the endless river surging waves心理学空间3Y5mI q4_#`mE
come rolling, rolling, on.心理学空间0]uo#DI!E^4k-m7B"A

5?$a5s#x7C0I am a constant traveler
w h3`"f#[:H!J9L5l$rn0this melancholy autumn—
Rl{^%kzS C]{.ad0an old man now, racked by sickness,
6l!k"ZCD0I scale these heights alone.
{a-r~K$C*b |0  萬里悲秋常作客,百年多病獨登臺。
9M4z jf"X3f0心理学空间/q&fH.eyz~0C ?
This life, so hard, full of bitter pain,心理学空间~+CIUoEa5w/R
has turned my hair to frost,心理学空间b8YG;M^*t
left me so poor that my last cup
*yhC.q7O3\9_W p0of cloudy wine is gone.
n%U n?+L Q*rY H4D0  艱難苦恨繁霜鬢,潦倒新停濁酒杯。心理学空间EB}z5g"a)N2@x

#FK E u7@ g0Thoughts Written While Traveling By Night
NO`I.qS$_g K^0Du Fu (712-770 CE)
:N} [x_0旅夜書懷  杜甫
t4|8M-G'V J3p1a0
)e-^Rw2D'C0The fine grass心理学空间3H btt G
by the riverbank stirs in the breeze;心理学空间 K[T+p1r E
the tall mast
5X!y6z$p4|:H b3kv0in the night is a lonely sliver.心理学空间wm?m!Z5Q`
  細草微風岸,危檣獨夜舟。心理学空间il#Z Cq;m"_m

bV ]+A)T]5h(`L0Stars hang心理学空间-{ u6Xtu5B%?-P
all across the vast plain;
q f+C6tZ(\9m A0the moon bobs心理学空间7AW/z t;eE2\Nk,B
in the flow of the great river.
Rzv0_9qr5P0  星垂平野闊,月湧大江流。
"S,RJ/W0D0My poetry
nz^+b:n)h-y0has not made a name for me;心理学空间bpqe2w(`*W6taCv
now age and sickness心理学空间 RLC's W'z6v \
have cost me the post I was given.
6_!@ i gFI0p[+O+R0  名豈文章著,官應老病休。
Drifting, drifting,心理学空间cY3y){p6QI
what do I resemble?心理学空间R,Z6V6W u6KUQk
A lone gull
W`4EHok0lost between earth and heaven.心理学空间'f$Fz-B*c.OU2J;I b
  飄飄何所似?天地一沙鷗。心理学空间|4_8UB7x O/@,Z

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