《依恋》by Susan Goldberg
作者: Susan Goldberg博士 / 32140次阅读 时间: 2011年6月14日
来源: mints 编译

依恋第四部分:照顾者和儿童对依恋的影响心理学空间3r4A&s f$Y-c^

第四部分描述了整个一生中的依恋。Goldberg 医生在这部分中,讨论了儿童和照顾者在依恋行为发展方面做出的贡献。



4.1 依恋:先天还是后天?心理学空间6xIHZ]
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  • 婴儿如何管理痛苦?
  • 婴儿体验这些痛苦的频率?
  • 遗传因素如何影响婴儿表达痛苦的方式?
  • 婴儿如何通过经验和学习改变了自己回应压力的模式?
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zOdt*@ |~I0虽然婴儿的性格对婴儿-照顾者之间的关系有贡献,但是,照顾者提供的经验是婴儿依恋模式的主要决定因素。根据依恋理论,最重要依恋模式发展因素就是婴儿在其不安时从照顾者的反应中学到的经验。

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b6xU:^%Ms? VE0当婴儿受伤、生病或不安时,您可以对他作出多种响应。如果您现在的回应方式能够让婴儿感觉安全保险的,那么,他们就会相信有人在支持他。

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4.2.1 养育风格心理学空间.{;hq8mS v^*K



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+v0| H8G5l8e0相反,非安全型依恋孩子的照顾者,在响应婴儿的不安迹象以及婴儿的舒适和保护需要时,往往做得不够。这些照顾者没有给予身体的、心理的、和情绪方面的响应,他们的养育风格往往不敏感或不可预知。

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4.2.2 照顾者的敏感性和依恋风格

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*t-OV6|N4M01972年,Sylvia Bell 和Mary Ainsworth 进行的一项调查了产妇对婴儿啼哭反应。那些对其婴儿的哭声反应更灵敏的母亲,其婴儿的啼哭较少,婴儿表达的声音和手势也更加多样化。研究人员曾经试图复制这些研究结果,但结果喜忧参半的。心理学空间)\Oh_*hpE+Y

8|#y IZpM(z0大多数养育方式与依恋关系有关的研究都衡量了照顾者对其婴儿的不安信号的敏感性或反应。1987年对13项关于母亲敏感性和婴儿-照顾者之间的依恋情况,以及1997年进行的对66项研究进行评论表明,母亲的敏感性对依恋的影响程度是低中度的。


+^4VO{O-TM0总的来说,结果喜忧参半,不如1972年Bell 和 Ainsworth 的研究令人信服。这可能是因为母亲敏感性和依恋方式已经被定义了。在许多情况下,依恋的定义比较宽泛,与1972年的研究中使用的依恋作为保护现象的原始构想相比,包括了婴儿-照顾者关系中的很多方面。心理学空间peU!L$qHY5n"S

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紊乱型依恋的婴儿与他们的照顾者之间关系的研究,支持了照顾者行为/依恋之间存在联系的观点。那些促成了婴儿紊乱型依恋的照顾者,可能难以缓解其婴儿的不安,一些初步的证据也支持了这一理论。心理学空间5VO-n F2NqO6l*m

M bjAA#nY0陌生情境范例的研究项目发现,在有紊乱型依恋的婴儿中,那些令人感到害怕的,恐惧的,或极不敏感的照顾者的行为存在比例较高。我们将在第五部分:在逆境中依恋中详细讨论父母对紊乱型依恋的影响。心理学空间*A$p)|:kWU cV


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@ XoF ba0Ve+n04.3 婴儿的因素和依恋的关系
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ew$V[x+O0显然,照顾者依恋模式和行为的形成过程中起着作用。但婴儿是不是也是如此呢?婴儿的性格特征对依恋的发展有影响吗?研究人员已经研究了婴儿的一些特征对依恋的影响,这其中就包括婴儿的气质,身体状况和医疗条件。心理学空间&Lz5W1t,@8a U(M

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"H9u` B:?wWS0因为经验总是在影响着行为,所以不可能对气质进行纯粹的衡量。但一般来说,婴儿往往会在出生后,在有重大遗传因素影响的行为方面立即显示出明显的差异。心理学空间1qT/e^8ZA g8d-J ]"{
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s(zH6K?L#c^0婴儿表达痛苦的阈值是气质的一个因素。婴儿的痛苦和不适是依恋理论的核心组成部分。因此,婴儿的气质在依恋行为的发展过程中发挥着作用。心理学空间TAr Xdd9P

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气质理论家认为:是气质而不是与照顾者打交道的历史,决定了婴儿的依恋类型。根据气质理论,婴儿感受到的不同的痛苦强度以及他们调节痛苦的方式存在着先天差异。这些差异造成了陌生情境范例范围内的观察结果。心理学空间#S| ~cp%q n3|

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4.3.3 婴儿的医疗状况

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针对病患婴儿的依恋研究,可以深入了解婴儿因素在依恋发展中的作用。患有疾病的婴儿的生活通常与健康婴儿的生活非常不同。研究这些极端环境如何影响依恋有助于研究人员了解婴儿的因素如何影响了依恋模式的发展。心理学空间I#w _(Qp6ZXx7^

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过去,人们普遍认为,婴儿的医疗状况会影响依恋安全。多年来,一些研究已经探索了各种婴儿医疗问题对婴儿-照顾者的关系的影响。一些研究已经表明,患有疾病的婴儿比其他婴儿更容易陷入不安全的依恋关系。然而一项包含了34例临床研究的分析表明,婴儿的医疗问题对依恋风格几乎没有什么影响。心理学空间ez c,@?a4z$U


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4.4 婴儿-照顾者之间的互动心理学空间M[E x^z4Z


~7SOT3B {Hh~&gM9i0依恋研究者Alan Sroufe 阐述了婴儿的先天素质与其父母的照顾可能存在的相互作用,以及这些互动如何形成了依恋行为。心理学空间\u Ep5zS[

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虽然父母教养方式决定了依恋类型,但婴儿气质可能决定依恋主要类别中婴儿的亚型。下文将对此作进一步讨论。心理学空间c ET.tW&z3r


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'Ni/~XC*u7?d0有些婴儿隶属于在同一大类中的不同亚分。这为Sroufe对婴儿和照顾者因素相互作用的解释提供了支持。心理学空间zBv;AES2Vz q


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4.5 情绪调节心理学空间7N"wO*N3Q,Ph
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jV:W W:_:N M4kA0情绪调节是指满足需求和对环境的期望的情绪反应的适应。情绪调节通过婴儿和照顾者的情绪调节的过程影响依恋关系。

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ym X }|9@$kY0一些证据显示,3个依恋分组里面的照顾者对情绪的理解有所不同。例如,有回避型关系的婴儿的照顾者,和其他照顾者相比,在描述情绪图片时,会使用不那么激烈的标签。这可能是影响了依恋模式的发展的机制之一。心理学空间6Cz6ioDP


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4.6 小结
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}i%j9kZ _*Q0鉴于婴儿对照顾者的依赖,这种能力把照顾者们推向了一个负责任的位置,并控制婴儿依恋行为的发展。(待续)

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Diane Benoit, MD, FRCPC
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VAw;W)q"C){0Sheri Madigan, PhD, C.Psych (监督实践)心理学空间q#]%rX ^8E/h

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Susman-Stillman A, Kalkoske M, Egeland B, Waldman I. Infant temperament and maternal sensitivity as predictors of attachment security. Infant Behaviour and Development. 1996;19:33-47.心理学空间 SX ly#Z[J3h
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Van Ijzendoorn MH. Adult attachment representations, parental responsiveness and infant attachment: a meta-analysis of the predictive validity of the Adult Attachment Interview. Psychological Bulletin. 1995;117:343-387.心理学空间 J7kc `G[I k;_ }K

&PW Nl+]}.{ gb0The Infant Mental Health Promotion Project and the Department of Psychiatry, The Hospital for Sick Children. A Simple Gift: Comforting Your Baby [video]. Toronto: The Hospital for Sick Children; 1998. Used by permission.

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Attachment: Nature or nurture?

} i4~J(b1[0The nature-nurture debate is one of the most enduring and controversial of the twentieth century. Are a person’s essential qualities and behaviours genetically determined or learned? The modern answer is that the capacity to behave in a particular way is genetically determined but experience determines whether, how and when capacities are engaged. This is the case with attachment theory. A key theme of attachment is how infants manage distress. How often infants experience distress and how it is expressed are influenced by genetic factors, but responses to stress are modified by experience and learning.心理学空间 Ig'q5R1UGt3J
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$g0t ely qz1Q5Y7i0Attachment theorists believe that infant-caregiver attachment patterns are essentially learned. Although infant characteristics contribute to the infant-caregiver relationship, experiences provided by the caregiver are the primary determinant of infant attachment patterns. According to attachment theory, the most important factor in the development of attachment pattern is an infant’s experience of caregiver response in times of distress.


The research provides some support for this view. Parenting style has a significant impact on an infant's attachment behaviour. Infant-caregiver attachment classifications have been predicted prior to birth simply from mothers’ attitudes about the upcoming birth of their infant. Numerous studies have shown that maternal behaviours in the home predict attachment at one year better than infant behaviours. These findings point to significant caregiving influence in the development of attachment patterns.


Caregiving factors and attachment

Parenting style

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Part two of the series described how parenting styles affect a child’s attachment classification. Caregivers who are consistently available, sensitive to their infant's signals, and receptive and accepting of their distress tend to have babies who are securely attached with them. In contrast, caregivers of infants with insecurely attachment tend to be less responsive to their baby's signs of distress and needs for comfort and protection. These caregivers are unavailable either physically, psychologically or emotionally and tend to be insensitive or unpredictable in their parenting style.心理学空间cs4HPI/pm K8k9?2J-o

Caregiver sensitivity and attachment style

6g_ wz.` Io0In 1972, Sylvia Bell and Mary Ainsworth carried out a study of maternal responsiveness to infant crying. Mothers who were more responsive to their infant's cries had babies who cried less and expressed more varied vocalizations and gestures. Researchers have since tried to replicate these findings with mixed results.

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Most studies on parenting style and attachment include some measure of caregiver sensitivity or responsiveness to infants’ signals of distress. A 1987 review of 13 studies on maternal sensitivity and infant-caregiver attachment and a more recent 1997 review of 66 studies found a low to moderate effect of maternal sensitivity on attachment.

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In general, the results are mixed and less compelling than the 1972 Bell and Ainsworth findings. This may be because of the way maternal sensitivity and attachment have been defined. In many cases, the definition of attachment is broader and includes more aspects of the infant-caregiver relationship than the original conception of attachment as a protective phenomenon used in the 1972 study. 心理学空间m*LZZg+gc&|b

\}!]8L"p5M[F0A few studies have examined maternal sensitivity specifically in protective situations. One found that low maternal responsiveness had a significant effect on attachment but only when social support was low. Others found significant differences in maternal soothing of infant fussing between mothers of babies classified as secure and resistant. Another study found caregiver distress management predicted attachment security.

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The most support for a caregiver behaviour/attachment link comes from research with infants with disorganized attachment relationships with their caregivers. Caregivers who promote disorganized attachment in their infants might have difficulty relieving infant distress because they are a source of fear to the baby. There is some preliminary evidence to support this theory. Frightening, frightened or extremely insensitive caregiver behaviours have been found to be elevated in caregivers of infants classified as having disorganized attachment in the Strange Situation Paradigm. A more detailed discussion of parental influences on disorganized attachment will be included in Attachment part five: Attachment under adversity.心理学空间b:Z{ |*B

 Caregiver attachment

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As we have seen, parental attachment style predicts infant-caregiver attachment. One review of nine studies found 77% of adults classified as autonomous had infants classified as secure, 57% of dismissing adults had avoidant infants, 21% of preoccupied adults had resistant infants and 52% of unresolved adults had disorganized infants.


fXuC6_(_3@l;a5]B0There is little evidence that specific personality traits in the caregiver are associated with a particular pattern of infant-caregiver attachment. But there is evidence that general parenting style and caregivers' attachment histories may significantly influence their infant's and even future generations’ attachment outcomes. 心理学空间8W7JJq+mo

Infant factors and attachment


Caregivers clearly have a role in the shaping of attachment patterns and behaviours. But can the same be said of infants? Do infant characteristics influence developing attachments? Some infant characteristics that have been studied by attachment researchers are infant temperament and the presence of a medical condition.

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Infant temperament

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Temperament refers to those aspects of an infant's behaviour and emotional responsiveness which are genetically determined. It is impossible to get a pure measure of temperament since experience always has an influence on behaviour. But in general, infants tend to display noticeable differences in behaviour that are present immediately after birth that likely have a significant genetic influence. An infant’s threshold for expressing distress is a temperament factor. Infant distress is a central component of attachment theory. It follows that infant temperament has a role in the development of attachment behaviours. 心理学空间O~AO5R


Temperament and attachment theorists agree that attachment is influenced by both infant and caregiver factors but they differ with respect to the emphasis they place on each of these variables. They also disagree on the meaning of infants’ behaviour in the Strange Situation Paradigm. For attachment theorists, infant behaviour reflects the baby's expectations of the caregiver as a protector based on past experiences in times of stress.心理学空间 wCuTW6wF_

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In contrast, temperament theorists believe that it is temperament and not history with caregivers which determines an infant's attachment classification. According to temperament theory, there are innate differences in infants’ intensity and modulation of distress. These differences result in the range of behaviours observed in the Strange Situation Paradigm. If we consider the case of infants in avoidant attachment relationships, temperament theorists argue that these infants are physiologically programmed to have relatively mild distress responses. Therefore, in the Strange Situation Paradigm, they feel little distress and have no need to solicit contact with their caregiver on reunion. It is not that they are avoiding her, as attachment theorists would claim.心理学空间PKtCbc6i8W:@6r


There is strong evidence against this view. Studies that which look at the physiological rather than behavioural responses to stress have found that avoidant children show as much or more physiological arousal than other infants. This suggests that the behaviour observed in the Strange Situation Paradigm is a child’s way of dealing with stress rather than the actual level of arousal or distress. 心理学空间;E1B mIP k}k

Infant medical conditions

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Attachment research on infants with medical conditions provides insight into the role of infant factors in the development of attachment. The lives of infants with medical conditions are often very different from those of healthy infants. Studying how these extreme circumstances influence attachment helps researchers understand how factors in the infant affect the development of attachment patterns.

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t/K;O] S5d Q$D%w ~0In the past, it was generally believed that infants’ medical conditions affected attachment security. Over the years, a number of studies have explored the impact of various infant medical problems on the infant-caregiver relationship. Some studies have shown that infants with medical conditions are more often involved in insecure attachment relationships than other infants. However, a study that analyzed 34 clinical studies on attachment showed that infants’ medical problems had little impact on attachment style. 心理学空间4ExAEA6H

The infant-caregiver interaction

3Z)gN[GJ#M T0Attachment researcher Alan Sroufe illustrates how innate qualities in the infant and parental caregiving might interact to shape attachment behaviours. While parenting style determines attachment classification, infant temperament may determine the baby's subgroup within a major category of attachment. This is discussed further, below. While caregiver care determines a child’s security of attachment, the infant's temperament determines the particular form in which insecurity is expressed. While an infant's temperament determines the type of behaviour, the caregiver's response to these behaviours determines how the baby's innate tendencies develop into a particular attachment style.心理学空间O$]vSP sb m:j w

a-EN.UA0z1fKXv0There are some infants who fall into subgroups of the main attachment classifications. This provides support for Sroufe’s explanation of the interaction of infant and caregiver factors. A subgroup of infants who are predisposed to high levels of distress expresses strong emotions in the Strange Situation Paradigm upon separation as well as vigorous contact seeking upon reunion. But because these infants are unambivalent in their contact seeking and easily settled by caregivers, they are considered secure rather than resistant in their attachment classification. Similarly, there is a subgroup of infants in secure attached relationships who show minimal distress and contact seeking. They are rated as secure rather than avoidant because they are positive in response to their caregivers’ return.心理学空间"EZ*U?)UU.G

Emotion regulation


Emotion regulation refers to the adapting of emotional reactions to satisfy the demands and expectations of the environment. It is through the process of emotion regulation that both infant and caregiver factors influence attachment relationships. Initially, it is an infant’s temperament that determines the intensity of his or her distress response. Over time, the caregiver's reaction to this response will determine how the infant learns to regulate his or her innate distress response. 心理学空间n3e\2W8xd3em9VT

,g]j/U \la1{0There is some evidence to suggest that caregivers in the three attachment groups read emotions differently. For example, caregivers of infants in avoidant relationships describe emotional pictures with less intense labels than other caregivers. This could be one mechanism that influences the development of attachment patterns.

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Attachment is one aspect of the infant-caregiver relationship. Both partners contribute to the development of infant attachment patterns. It is the interplay between an infant's temperament and a caregiver's response to emotions that determine the baby's style of responding during times of stress. Although infant and caregiver factors interact to influence attachment, it is the primary caregiver who plays the greatest role in determining the attachment relationship. A caregiver's ability to think and understand far exceeds that of the infant. Given the infant’s dependency on the caregiver, this capacity places caregivers in the position of responsibility and control in the development of infant attachment behaviours.

«依恋模式的代际传递性 依恋理论与心智化