Josef Breuer
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来源: 标签: Breuer 布洛伊尔
www.psychspace.com心理学空间网Biography of Josef Breuer心理学空间?(lh+Jl k/T

Josef Breuerwas the son of Leopold Breuer (1791-1872), a liberal Jewish teacher of religion in Vienna. After the death of his mother when he was four years old, he was raised by his maternal grandmother. At the age of eight he entered the Akademisches Gymnasium of Vienna, where he passed the Abitur – high school graduation – in 1858. He then attended the University of Vienna for one year of general studies, before entering the university's medical school in 1859. He graduated in l864.心理学空间2sev2Dj0i)E'a3T
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/H_3EopU2q.v'F0After defending his doctoral thesis in 1867, Breuer immediately became assistant to the internist Johann Ritter von Oppolzer (1808-1871) at the medical clinic in Vienna. In this position he undertook research on the physiological questions of temperature regulations of respiration.

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When Oppolzer died in 1871 Breuer relinquished his assistantship and entered private practice. In this period he made epoch-making investigations into the anatomy and function of the inner ear, describing what is now known as the Mach-Breuer flow or shift theory of the endolymph of the inner ear. This research was the basis for his habilitation for internal medicine in 1875, when he received the "venia legendi" – the permission to teach as Privatdozent.心理学空间Fqf"z6`K%@

9Cu.m2C5q8j0He gave up his venia legendi ten years later, probably both because of the high demands of his practice, and because he felt he had been improperly denied access to patients for teaching purposes.

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~b$j&H8aD0In 1868 Breuer married Matilda Altmann and she bore him five children: Robert, Bertha Hammerschlag, Margaret Schiff, Hans and Dora. When faced with deportation by the Nazis, Dora committed suicide. Breuer’s granddaughter Hanna Schiff was killed by the Nazis. The remainder of his descendants live in England, Canada, and the United States.心理学空间1P@(z3idPC K6D

5`*s1G(Z i\9`p0Breuer had no pupils and no permanent affiliation with a university or institute, but he was one of the great physiologists of the nineteenth century. His first major scientific work – done with professor Karl Ewald Konstantin Hering at the Josephinum in Vienna – earned him eponymic fame. His next research was his long series of investigations of the function of the labyrinth, remarkable for their importance and even more remarkable because he conducted them privately, working in his own home and supported only by fees from his medical practice. In 1873 he discovered the sensory function of the semicircular canals in the inner ear and their relation to positional sense or balance.心理学空间UIk XXK

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The concept of Breuer’s psychological theory goes back to his treatment of Bertha Pappenheim, known under the pseudonym Anna O in his paper, a 21 year old and seriously disturbed woman showing a number of hysterical symptoms, in the summer of 1880. In treating her, Breuer invented his cathartic, or talking therapy. Freud became so fascinated with this case that he followed it in detail for many years, and later began using this "cathartic treatment" under Breuer's guidance. Breuer's treatment of Anna O was the first modern example of deep psychotherapy over a prolonged period of time. In 1893 Breuer and Freud summed up their joint explorations of this form of psychotherapy in Studien über Hysterie.心理学空间AX'V'T oR nH!qq

#[j3n$s8@]+G!H"c0In 1896 Breuer and Freud separated and never spoke again. This seems to have been caused by disagreement over question of the reality of the memories of having been seduced in early childhood, which had occurred in many patients. However, despite the differences between the two men, their families remained in close contact.心理学空间S0`)Q]8[rP D%W

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Breuer was a man of broad cultural interests, friendly with many of the most brilliant intellects of his time. Among his friends were Ernst Mach, whom he had met at the time of their simultaneous work on the labyrinth.心理学空间,s R|X Pb/?

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? q5[O+Q$wy0Besides his activity as a physiologist and practitioner, Breuer also concerned himself intensively with philosophy and a theoretical foundation for Darwinism. His slogan was Spinoza's "suum esse conservare"– preservation of one self and one's nature.心理学空间hQ!ZD!J gh2^

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Breuer was considered one of the best physicians and scientists in Vienna, and he was physician to many of the professors at the medical faculty, as well as Sigmund Freud and the prime minister of Hungary. He was elected to the Viennese Academy of science in 1894 upon the nomination of three of its most distinguished members: the physicist Ernst Mach and the physiologists Ewald Hering and Sigmund Exner. In 1894 he was appointed Corresponding Member of the Imperial Academy of Sciences.心理学空间"Pq9x`:v D7}

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Breuer's life is the fictive basis for the best selling novel "Und Nietzsche weinte" by Irvin Yalom.

  • Die Selbststeuerung der Athmung durch denNervus vagus.
    r"?+E9~8C g7~@0Sitzungsberichte der kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Mathematisch–naturwissenschaftliche Classe, Wien, 1868, 58 Band, II. Abtheilung: 909-937.心理学空间:}ps*{,A h'UL
    Hering-Breuer reflex.
  • Ueber die Function der Bogengänge des Ohrenlabyrinths.
    8K8SK!zF&i9eI0Medizinische Jahrbücher, Wien, 2nd series, 1875, 4: 72-124.
  • Beiträge zur Lehre vom statischen Sinne (Gleichgewichtsorgan, Vestibularapparat des Ohrenlabyrinths).心理学空间$a8f+M$M aE0`k
    Medizinische Jahrbücher, 2nd series, 1875, 65: 87-156.
  • Sigmund Freud and Josef Breuer:心理学空间+_%Kq;V#I N
    Ueber den psychischen Mechanismus hysterischer Phänomene (vorläufige Mittheilung).
    ;w{E5Ni0Neurologisches Centralblatt, 1893, 12: 4-10; 43-47.心理学空间'J YXZs7q'R([(]
    The preliminary announcement of the results of the collaboration that was the starting point of psychoanalysis. It described work begun several years previously.
  • Sigmund Freud and Josef Breuer:心理学空间}|#iC9zLl8[)u
    Studien über Hysterie.Leipzig & Wien, F. Deuticke, 1895; 2nd edition, 1909.
    ,Z4G*Gg{#{0The foundation of psychoanalysis. Using what they called the cathartic method, in which hysterical patients were made to describe the manifestations of their symptoms in detail, with or without hypnosis, Breuer and Freud were successful in providing the patients with temporary relief from symptoms. Abridged English translation, New York, 1909. First complete translation, Hogarth Press, 1956.
  • Die krisis des Darwinismus und die Theologie.Lecture, 1902.
  • Studien über den Vestibularapparat.1903.
  • über den Galvanotropismus (Galvanotaxis) bei Fischen.心理学空间:NDbZ%s D0Gk9J
    Wien, aus der kaiserlich-königlichen hof- und Staatsdruckerei, 1905.
  • über das gehörorgan der Vögel.Sitzungsberichte der kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Mathematisch–naturwissenschaftliche Klasse, 1907: 249-192.
  • Curriculum vitae.Autobiography published in Vienna 1925. Very rare.
  • Paul F. Cranefield:
    F`P%tI,N^0Josef Breuer. In: Charles Coulston Gillispie. Editor in chief: Dictionary of Scientific Biographies. Charles Scribner’s Sons. New York, 1970, volume 2, pp. 445-450.

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Breuer's theory
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Related people心理学空间#BDn\xY&lp9P
Josef Breuer
s~8SH u0A psychological theory stating that the symptoms of built-up or suppressed affections and psychic traumas not dealt with can be eliminated through recalling and working on one's feelings in conversations.
t2Hk(UjA0Description心理学空间tD zgh-K {&V&L
A psychological theory stating that the symptoms of built-up or suppressed affections and psychic traumas not dealt with can be eliminated through recalling and working on one's feelings in conversations.心理学空间7`$rkB~9q+t(y1~l*h
Therapy based on this theory is known as cathartic treatment, chimney-sweeping, deep psychotherapy, or talking therapy – the forerunner of Sigmund Freud's psychoanalysis.心理学空间X ^*LM`)L V]

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Hering-Breuer reflex心理学空间9L1f5l4^9u{

Kh(T%BWJ0Alternative eponyms
V9QU~C.o(r A9hc0Breuer's reflex心理学空间 my6N v n ] L

y\#Jc Oi0The reflex reactions originating in the lungs and mediated by the fibres of the vagus nerve: inflation of the lungs, eliciting expiration, and deflation, stimulating inspiration.
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The reflex reactions originating in the lungs and mediated by the fibres of the vagus nerve: inflation of the lungs, eliciting expiration, and deflation, stimulating inspiration. This was one of the first feedback mechanisms discovered in the physiological regulations.心理学空间vI `V};B'}y
By the very simple device of occluding the trachea at the end of an inspiration or expiration, Breuer and Hering were able to show that the lung contains receptors that detect the degree to which it is stretched. When the lung is distended by inspiration, nerve impulses arise in the lung and are transmitted to the brain via the vagus nerve.心理学空间%`J3WCscc

(O"gqF-em+z0Hering also described the central control mechanism for blood pressure which if abolished cause the «Hering waves».
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K. E. K. Hering:
3\:e8rw2arkx%X0Die Selbststeuerung der Athmung durch den Nervus vagus.
^ L*bun/\:F0Sitzungsberichte der kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Mathematisch–naturwissenschaftliche Classe, Wien, 1868, 57 Band, II. Abtheilung: 672-677.心理学空间K8r#N6O(D2xW5X
Josef Breuer:
1N4l \As?3j8t@,x0Die Selbststeuerung der Athmung durch den Nervus vagus.心理学空间2W:[f;Q9Z%L/Y d
Sitzungsberichte der kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Mathematisch–naturwissenschaftliche Classe, Wien, 1868, 58 Band, II. Abtheilung: 909-937.心理学空间lST1A-rI
J. Breuer:
}%?~f8m0über den psychischen Mechanismus hysterischer Symptome.心理学空间H+P&^ ZE E
Neurologisches Centralblatt, Leipzig, 1893; 12: 4.
_jGn5O@&`Km2B0A. Guz, M. I. M Noble, J. H. Eisele and D. Trenchard:心理学空间 l&F9a(U0cm&g
Vagal Inflation in Man and Other Animals. In: Breathing: Hering-Breuer Centenary Symposium, R. Porter, Ed. London: J&A Churchill, 1970.心理学空间%w;nuuy ClaB [

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Mach-Breuer theory
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Alternative eponyms
H!R'IB ~0Mach-Breuer theory of endolymph shift心理学空间g!VJ(S_X#YJ9W

)Te*@tO"hBH%Q0A theory to explain the reactions of the vestibular organ.心理学空间'sTc#|#L
N;lREA2o.na0A theory to explain the reactions of the vestibular organ: at the beginning and end of a rotation of the head there occurs, in the semi-circular canals of the ear, an endolymph shift that moves the hairs of cristae ampullares and elicits the vestibular reactions. The vestibular organ is thus responsible for the perception of the body's own movement.
4S\F8FD0Ernst Mach, in Prague, experimented on himself, while Josef Breuer's experiments were done on deaf persons.
See also Bárány’s theory of endolymph flow, under Robert Bárány, Austrian-Hungarian/Swedish physician and otologist, 1876-1936.心理学空间4`9WH8N;Z2?-r._8X
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J. Breuer:心理学空间 V8K.`Z:a6~)D+w Q T
Ueber die Function der Bogengänge des Ohrlabyrinths und über den statischen Sinn.心理学空间EEs(j!D4y'P6M
Medizinische Jahrbücher, Wien, 2nd series, 1875, 4: 72-124.心理学空间wqP6X%G&F'DFE%I,z
This work was submitted to the K. und k. Akademie on November 1873.心理学空间 P1KPqD7e9QO
E. Mach:
p1qY,M4A0Grundlinien der Lehre von den Bewegungsempfindungen.
aY-} ~y5r0Verlag von Wilhelm Engelmann, Leipzig, 1875.

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