作者: 陈会昌 / 5026次阅读 时间: 2014年1月12日
标签: 孤独感 心理卫生
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陈会昌追踪研究课题组发表论文(2004-2005)心理学空间 ?Q$W7EZ] n




2]GH7v*\XW-nX2H01. 父亲教养态度与儿童在4-7岁间的问题行为和学校适应, 陈会昌,张宏学, 心理科学, 2004, 27(5), 1041-1045心理学空间|n;v#vWf

)T \-j[t'r"e02. Environment of Child Development: A Psychological Perspective, Huichang, Chen, Inaugural General Meeting and International Symposium of Association for Children’s Environment held on May 4 2004, in Tokyo.

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.r d)O+w"M?bT g]03. 4岁儿童对过去事件的自传式回忆的表述特征, 陈会昌,俞凤茹, 心理发展与教育, 2004, 20(4),1-6


~z$nJjE&@(e04. 小学儿童的交友状况及其与孤独感关系,陈会昌,谷传华,贾秀珍,中国心理卫生杂志,2004, 18(3): 160-163

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5. 7岁儿童在助人情境中的行为表现及其与父母教养方式的关系, , 心理发展与教育2004,20(2),17-21心理学空间*cK;y,|i

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6. 儿童自我控制心理机制的理论述评,王桂平,陈会昌,心理科学进展,2004, 12(6):868-874

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{tPo K:sO07. 父母对儿童攻击和退缩行为的归因及其与父母情绪反应的关系,双赫、谷传华、陈会昌,中国心理卫生杂志,2004, 18(10):695-698


&fW"IifAUcp2B08. Parent-Child Attachment and Later Behavioral Problems in Chinese Children CHEN, HUICHANG and Yue, Yonghua, presented in 17th Biennial Meetings of ISSBD, August 2-6, 2004, Ghent, Belgium.


9. Behavioral Representations of 7 Years Old Children in Helping Situations and its Relationship with Parenting Styles Niu Zhou, Chen Huichang, presented in 17th Biennial Meetings of ISSBD, August 2-6, 2004, Ghent, Belgium.


g C3x5jd| l#|010. Coping Style of Adolescents under Academic Stress and their Locus of control, Self-esteem and Mental health, Wang Guiping & Chen Huichang, presented in 17th Biennial Meetings of ISSBD, August 2-6, 2004, Ghent, Belgium.心理学空间)D3?:Q z f k-t2Gu+uI

| m?,G1]s:G$T W1h'Vx011. The Development of Creative Personality of Chinese Social Celebrities, Gu Chuanhua, Chen Huichang, presented in 28th International Congress of Psychology, August 8-13, 2004, Beijing, China.

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12. The Correlational Research of Delaying Self-control of 2-year-olds and their family factors, Junli Yin, Huichang Chen, Hongxue Zhang, presented in 28th International Congress of Psychology, August 8-13, 2004, Beijing, China.

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13. Undergraduates’ attachment, temperament, empathy and interpersonal relationship, Qin Lu, Huichang Chen, presented in 28th International Congress of Psychology, August 8-13, 2004, Beijing, China.


hV o^\ M014. Coping style in adolescents under the stress of study and locus of control, self-esteem and mental health, Guiping Wang, Huichang, Chen, presented in 28th International Congress of Psychology, August 8-13, 2004, Beijing, China.


6D8GKmi)o#e;_'k] ra:]0The personal constructs of primary and secondary school teachers, Fenghuan Li, Huichang Chen,

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xHrV3E,| j,NJy6]015. Behavioral representations of 7-year-old children in helping situations and its relationship with parenting styles, Zhou Niu, Huichang Chen, presented in 28th International Congress of Psychology, August 8-13, 2004, Beijing, China.

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16. The development of Sharing Behaviors In Pupils of 7-11 Year Old, Huichang Chen, Xifeng Geng, presented in 28th International Congress of Psychology, August 8-13, 2004, Beijing, China.

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:}%lAA$AV:n%F017. The Preschoolers’ sharing behaviors of different objects, Haimei Wang, Huichang Chen, presented in 28th International Congress of Psychology, August 8-13, 2004, Beijing, China.心理学空间/t,E4H;[iN


18. 3-7 Year-old children’s social development by parent report in China, Xiao Zhang, Huichang Chen, presented in 28th International Congress of Psychology, August 8-13, 2004, Beijing, China.心理学空间;l'?;c0eNB F ie


19. The relationship of adolescents’ cognitive complexity on personality and their school adjustment, Hongmei Zhang, Huichang Chen, presented in 28th International Congress of Psychology, August 8-13, 2004, Beijing, China.

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%B1R)L FH3Js cL020. The development of children’s trait conceptions, Meifang Wang, Huichang Chen, presented in 28th International Congress of Psychology, August 8-13, 2004, Beijing, China.心理学空间^I0E rb9xM

)LR\ w%?Mv'b9d._021. The interacted influence on seven year children from temperaments and home environmental factors, Liu Zhijun, Chen Huichang, Yu Fengru, presented in 28th International Congress of Psychology, August 8-13, 2004, Beijing, China.


j"CY7op'E?B022. Fathers’ childrearing attitude and its prediction of children’s problem behaviors, Hongxue Zhang, Huichang Chen, Junli Yin, presented in 28th International Congress of Psychology, August 8-13, 2004, Beijing, China.

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X6Z d;A_9A-SP"F7G023. Behavioral inhibition, maternal rearing practice and children’s problem behaviors, Ling Shan, Huichang Chen, presented in 28th International Congress of Psychology, August 8-13, 2004, Beijing, China.心理学空间/c/g%wQ.v

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24. Respect-Equality Education and the intrinsic and extrinsic learning motivations of the students, Chundong Hao, Huichang Chen, presented in 28th International Congress of Psychology, August 8-13, 2004, Beijing, China.心理学空间!_8x2J:|*L3eVe


25. The scale of social adjustment for recruits and the predictive model of recruits’ social adjustment: a 15-month-long longitudinal study on the recruits, Jingsheng Wang, Huichang Chen, presented in 28th International Congress of Psychology, August 8-13, 2004, Beijing, China.

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26. Stability and adaptability of social withdrawal from early to middle childhood, Ling Sun, Huichang Chen, Xinyin Chen, presented in 28th International Congress of Psychology, August 8-13, 2004, Beijing, China.

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27. The motivation of sharing behaviors in pupils of 7-11 year old, Xifeng Geng, Huichang Chen, Lili Qin, Chuanhua Gu, presented in 28th International Congress of Psychology, August 8-13, 2004, Beijing, China.心理学空间yGrJ,h'y1vMj$`

*E&K(o#t'o028. Characteristics of self-disclosure among college students, Linying Li, Huichang Chen,

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29. The relation between pretense understanding and theory of mind, Weiying Jing, Huichang, Chen, presented in 28th International Congress of Psychology, August 8-13, 2004, Beijing, China.心理学空间wuAIgL ?5e


30. 家庭自由游戏和智力任务游戏中亲子交往行为特征,侯静,陈会昌,陈欣银,心理发展与教育,2005, 21(1): 7-14

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:p'o H| y031. 2岁儿童延迟性自我控制及家庭因素的相关研究,陈会昌,阴军莉,张宏学,心理科学, 2005, 28(2): 285-289

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32. 儿童4岁到7岁社交退缩行为的适应意义, 陈会昌, 孙铃,张云运,陈欣银, 2005 Vol.28 No.5 P.1035-1038心理学空间u EGk!r O~.]

)S}%UNv&Xq033. 儿童早期行为抑制与其日后社会行为发展研究综述,牛宙,陈会昌,王桂平,心理发展与教育,2005, 21(2): 114-117心理学空间HV2v*t7OJp#p'k


34. 中国家庭中的亲子互动行为与儿童行为抑制性的发展,侯静,陈会昌,陈欣银,心理科学,2005 Vol.28 No.4 P.820-825

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?0[k1^6wR T035. Autonomy- vs. connectedness-oriented parenting behaviors in Chinese and Canadian mothers.International Journal of Behavioral Development, 29(6): 489-495, 2005, Mowei Liu, XinyinChen, Rubin Kenneth H, ShujieZheng, Liying Cui, Li Dan, Huichang Chen, LiWang


E3pf$R P {7v036. 11岁儿童的友谊质量及其与孤独感的关系,张宏学,陈会昌,全国发展心理学第九届学术研讨会专题报告,2005年5月10-13日,大连心理学空间`8Dm0B]O

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37. 11岁儿童在有限资源情境下的竞争策略及其学校适应,王明粤,陈会昌,彭小明,全国发展心理学第九届学术研讨会专题报告,2005年5月10-13日,大连心理学空间;GL$n:Z1K D


38. 儿童早期到中期社会退缩行为的发展,孙铃,陈会昌,陈欣银,全国发展心理学第九届学术研讨会专题报告,2005年5月10-13日,大连心理学空间 UwF&U b

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39. 对早期极端抑制与非抑制儿童的追踪研究,陈会昌,任芳,全国发展心理学第九届学术研讨会专题报告,2005年5月10-13日,大连心理学空间W"{;Dkjpu

C ^ xI#Q.g cwD w040. 2岁儿童的消极情绪性、注意调节对7岁学校适应的预测,阴军莉,陈会昌,全国发展心理学第九届学术研讨会专题报告,2005年5月10-13日,大连心理学空间_Qg {,U:nM3}?


41. 7岁儿童语言表达的影响因素分析,刘志军,陈会昌,全国发展心理学第九届学术研讨会专题报告,2005年5月10-13日,大连

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42. 《幼儿自主性教师评价问卷》的编制,张云运,陈会昌,全国发展心理学第九届学术研讨会专题报告,2005年5月10-13日,大连


6Q k|%M Bs"cc043. 不同心境下儿童对其社会行为的预期及归因的研究,张光珍,陈会昌,寇彧,全国发展心理学第九届学术研讨会专题报告,2005年5月10-13日,大连

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44. 儿童2岁顺从、母亲控制对其11岁社会能力的预测,夏美萍,陈会昌,全国发展心理学第九届学术研讨会专题报告,2005年5月10-13日,大连心理学空间sC\&J4wcT-AZ


45. 儿童4-7岁内在动机及与家庭教养方式、问题行为、学校适应的关系,张荣华,陈会昌,全国发展心理学第九届学术研讨会专题报告,2005年5月10-13日,大连心理学空间5xy3Etl8}

~ k)wO/?/v3Ob,W$y046. 儿童社会退缩行为影响因素的追踪研究,郑淑杰,陈会昌,全国发展心理学第九届学术研讨会专题报告,2005年5月10-13日,大连心理学空间,~*^UF9s(P(Vz{


47. 父母早期教养方式对11岁儿童学业成就和学校适应的预测,梁宗保、李秀勋、陈会昌,全国发展心理学第九届学术研讨会专题报告,2005年5月10-13日,大连心理学空间"\? o.{uc+]A

;jO&Eij+L048. 行为抑制性、母亲教养行为与儿童问题行为的关系,王海梅,单玲,陈会昌,全国发展心理学第九届学术研讨会专题报告,2005年5月10-13日,大连心理学空间7j[0H8C5Q

5?2i6VY n6IMkf049. 在实验室情境中7岁儿童助人行为的特点及其相关因素,贾秀珍,陈会昌,全国发展心理学第九届学术研讨会专题报告,2005年5月10-13日,大连


6KF*QrlA%IE050. 4岁退缩儿童的亚类型研究,郑淑杰,陈会昌,孙铃,陈欣银,心理科学,2005,28,1:89-92心理学空间#m0~N| X z&\4|1O*K

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51. 中国家庭中的亲子互动行为与儿童行为抑制性的发展,侯静,陈会昌,陈欣银,心理科学,2005,28,4:820-825心理学空间_ [.w7kHQU

b#k C4z @R'h052. 儿童社会退缩行为影响因素的追踪研究,郑淑杰,陈会昌,陈欣银,心理科学,2005,28,4:833-836

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