唐纳德·斯彭斯(Spence )叙事的真实
作者: 唐纳德·斯彭斯 / 6196次阅读 时间: 2013年12月13日
标签: 精神分析 唐纳德斯彭斯
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唐纳德·斯彭斯(Spence. 1982)采取的立场与谢弗的相似。对他来说,所有的叙事都是关于过去的传说,在那里,事实与幻想相互交织,以至于不可能将它们区分出来。对童年期乱伦的记忆可能并没有什么,只不过是不可证实的谎话而已。他称之为"叙事的真实"而不是"历史的真实"。既然不存在可知的真实,那么唯一的指导就是美学和语用学。重要的是,治疗师是否使故事在艺术上具有一致性,使患者能够从中受益。通过帮助患者发现新的事实而不是处理历史事实,患者的状况就会得到改善。华莱士(1988) 批评性地将这种观点描述为,在这种观点中"没有人可以让我们去解释,我们可以相信让我们感到高兴的事情,只要它是恰当的并对有的人有帮助"。这种理论"为巫医、占星家、按摩师和政治家们打开方便之门"(p.142) 。心理学空间m.C;x4S4gW sRF

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Fh[v;u/?0( 2) 依从权威而不是运用独立的客观证据, 

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(3) 依赖于分析家对刚才所说话语的记忆,而不是运用记录或录音,

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(4) 无条件地接受作者对事件的陈述和他或她对事件的解释。


斯彭斯没有不同意将个案材料作为资料,只是反对不系统地、有偏见地使用这些资料。他指出,对细节的疏忽是无批判地接受结论的主要根源。他提出对完整的谈话时间系列进行逐字记录,并运用计算机进行分析。通过这种方式,应该有可能发现分析家将会忽视的一致性和因果关系,检验假设,避免偏见,提供数据库以接受公众的检查。心理学空间!CSS_4A:v v z

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Spence, Donald. 1982. Narrative Truth and Historical Truth:Meaning and Interpretation in Psychoanalysis. New York:Norton

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Spence, Donald. 1994. The Rhetorical Voice of Psychoanalysis:Displacement of Evidence by Theory. Cambridge, MA:Harvard University Press. -
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Donald P. Spence
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Donald P. Spence, 81, of Princeton, died September 25 after a short illness.

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4b,W9ms R.?Gtt3a0He graduated from the Lincoln School in 1943, Harvard University in 1947, and Columbia University in 1955, with a Ph.D. in clinical psychology.心理学空间+V%D$[qX

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He served in the U.S. Army from 1944 to 1946 in Europe.心理学空间T;_t|/\R!~%}y

z6|lQ ^/{C)fbf0From 1954 to 1974, he conducted research and taught at the Research Center for Mental Health of New York University. In 1974, he became professor of psychiatry at the Robert Wood Johnson Medical School at the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey.心理学空间xe NBy#lC2j

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The author of more than 100 articles and book reviews, he published Narrative Truth and Historical Truth, widely considered a classic text in the field, in 1982. Two other books followed, as well as several translations into other languages. His many honors and awards included, most recently, the Lifetime Achievement Award for the Theoretical and Philosophical Division of the American Psychological Association in 2004.

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Following his retirement in 1996 he became involved in many Princeton activities. He was an active member of Musical Amateurs and Princeton Pro Musica, and served on the boards of the Senior Resource Center and House II of Communities Without Walls. He also enjoyed working for Habitat for Humanity and actively participated in the Old Guard and the Harvard Club of Princeton.心理学空间9[ I.Yv8P)F-Ek

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He is survived by his wife of 56 years, Mary (nee Cross); four children, Keith of Jacksonville, Fla., Sarah McGregor of Athens, Ga., Laura Ash of Princeton, and Katherine of Princeton; a sister, Carol Spence Muntz of Charlottesville, Va.; three grandchildren; and three step-grandchildren.

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Y$pk T#S j0Jm0In lieu of flowers, memorial donations may be made to a charity of the donor’s choice.

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A memorial service will be held in the spring.心理学空间7I6bQ2y"A&gr

TAG: 精神分析 唐纳德斯彭斯
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