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姬雪松 2015-1-20

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Authur Freeman心理学空间7K4w]enca_%Q

4k2Su@&q s\0Marie is a white, Catholic, 33-year-old married female who was referred by her family physician. She described her self as depressed -so depressed, in fact, that for the past year she reported that she had been "paralyzed." She described the depression as affecting her work life, her marital and sex life, and her social life. While not presently as depressed as she had been several months earlier, she did not feel that she was as functional as she had been at the peak of her productivity. She described her marital difficulty as being in part due to conflict with her career needs and her husband's life-style. Marie was fearful of making any changes in either her career or her marital status, as she was afraid of losing her husband and then feeling that she was unlovable and would never be able to live with anyone.心理学空间g&RQ}1Y1X2f

5V#C;aX @3h0She lived with her husband in a northern suburb of a large city and worked in a far southwestern suburb of that city; this amounted to a 2-hour daily commute in either direction. Her husband worked near their home. To ease the commuting problem, she maintained a small apartment near to her work. They had lived apart for two years, with Marie seeing her husband only on weekends to avoid the 140-mile round trip commute. She was employed as an equal opportunity officer and assistant to the president of the corporation was thinking of firing her. The other major conflict regarded her marriage and her wanting to stay married. She had been married for seven years, but there had been no sexual intercourse in the marriage (or outside of it) for the last three years. Intercourse was painful for Marie, and therefore avoided.心理学空间!G2l{#Y|6E!?1s-y
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Marie is the second youngest of four children, having two brothers (ages 36 and 35), and a sister (age 28). Her mother is a teacher, and her father a retired chemist; both are still physically active. Marie described her childhood as relatively unhappy, with episodes of depression from about age 12 on. She was the butt of insults and teasing from her second oldest brother, who would constantly call her "elephantiasis," a reference to her being overweight and later having acne.
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*i[r X/nl$gM0Marie described herself as an unpopular child with very poor social skills. She was seen as "brainy" and uninvolved in the social activities of her childhood and adolescent peers. She had no dates throughout her adolescence and first started dating in college. She met her husband when she was 24years old; they dated for two years and married. She reported having few friends, except friends at work with whom she did not socialize.心理学空间\1o6l}*?I$sK

p` j!U|n4?z(j0Marie always did well in school. She graduated from high school with high honors and attended a small, prestigious private college, where she received high honors and was a member of Phi Beta Kappa, graduating summa cum laude. She continued her graduate work at a large university, getting her M.A. and Ph.D. in history. For the past three years, she had been responsible for the implementation of equal opportunity and affirmative-action programs at her company.心理学空间`&Kh m2^'?
A recent medical evaluation showed that Marie was in good health, 15 to 20 pounds overweight, with no other medical findings. Previous therapy included seeing a social worker once or twice a week for four years while she was a graduate student; Marie described the therapy as "helpful" but was unable to verbalize what she learned. She felt that the therapist was supportive and offered a critical, listening ear. More recently, Marie had been involved in reevaluation (peer) counseling. For the past two years, she and her husband had been in sex therapy to deal with the lack of sexual activity, but the result of the sex therapy was that they terminated therapy without initiating sex.心理学空间 W[4l!\3_)gX%?
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At intake, Marie appeared well-groomed and neat. She was cooperative throughout the interview. Her mood was depressed, and she appeared sad and cried several times during the session. She wad, however, able to smile and laugh appropriately, and her speech and thought were no hallucinations or delusions, but some minimal depersonalization. She was oriented in all spheres.
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!K.e Rt%|U0Major problem areas. The major areas of difficulty identified were: (a) her depression, (b) low self esteem, (c) marital difficulty, (d) sexual problems, (e) vocational difficulty. Marie's intake diagnosis was: AxisⅠ--dysthymic disorder; AxisⅡ--R/O obsessive-compulsive disorder; AxisⅢ-- none, AxisⅣ-- marital difficulty, job difficulty (moderate); and AxisⅤ-- excellent functioning.心理学空间fg5{jDc#L

%Wh;k+`D9~0Result of testing. On intake, Marie's Beck Depression Inventory score was 42, placing her in the severely depressed range. She endorsed 10 of the 21 items at the highest level.
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An assessment of her suicidal thoughts on the Scale of Suicidal Ideation (Beck, Kovacs, & Weissman, 1979) indicated a score of 6, endorsing a weak with to die, with her reasons for living and dying about equal. Her general attitude toward suicide was ambivalent, with her reasons for contemplating a suicide attempt being to escape and to solve her problems through a surcease of the depression and difficulty she was presently experiencing. The major deterrents to her attempting suicide were her husband the thought that "it is going to get better."
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8ntv _'xbE0Marie was seen for a total of 28 sessions from the initial interview to the termination interview, over a period of eight months. She was seen twice weekly for the first two weeks of therapy and then approximately once weekly thereafter.
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Formulation of the problem. The patient presented several discrete problems: (a) an overriding sense of hopelessness with a consequent suicidal ideation; (b) marital difficulty (i.e. relating to her husband and maintaining the marital relationship); (c) sexual difficulty involving abstinence from intercourse because of physical pain and discomfort; (d) career difficulty- specifically, a sense of dissatisfaction with her present position in terms of whether or not she could effectively do the kind of job that she felt she needed to do; and (e) lack of a social support network..
eA `9v:O;~0Conceptually, the patient was a perfectionist who utilized an all-or-nothing approach to problem solving. A major goal of treatment was to have her alter this dichotomous thinking to allow herself to experience and accept being successful. Because of the suicidal ideation, a rather immediate set of interventions focused on Marie's sense of hopelessness to relieve the suicidality and make it less likely for it to pose a danger to her. A second part of treatment protocol was an exploration of the marital/sexual difficulties with a part of the treatment discussion focused on the sexual problems.心理学空间X!e7|,h&x%k
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After termination of therapy and in 21/2 years of follow-up, the patient has (a) changed her job so that she now works at a job for higher pay and equal prestige only four miles from her home; (b) eliminated the issue of hopelessness and suicidality; (c) become more conscious of health and physical appearance, lost weight, and maintained the weight loss; (d) described her marital relationship as excellent, with she and her husband maintaining an active and gratifying sexual relationship.心理学空间"j3C_'X \

/y,Sj8M;?0}*A8T:A0By directly addressing her cognitive distortions and the often-irrational underlying belief systems, Marie was helped to think more clearly, behave more functionally, and cope more rationally. This initial session excerpt is from the sixth session.心理学空间8{]FL0r(f s(G}?

dy Jf;j|0T: Okay, where do you want to pick up? What do you have on tap for the agenda today?
7w&P:PrBKj0M: Well, first item would be the purpose of the taping. I want to talk about that.心理学空间5Xg/X/_m;I'f
T: Sure.心理学空间 t3a5I/D8rx$j}
M: What it will be used for and so forth. And then the topic that I wanted to discuss is body image, appearance, all related to self-esteem, being fat, feeling that I am fat and ugly. Clothes, buying clothes. When I categorized my problems, those came out as part of self-image.心理学空间N(d^{_
T: So, it relates to some of the homework you were working on?心理学空间VEzp-z'@JH;O
M: Right, and that's if for what I have.心理学空间 d lC K8ewd
T: Okay, so we want to look at the homework and to review how things have been going since the last session.心理学空间}s"evE
M: Okay.心理学空间G(A6wY;Z#w3W
T: Okay, what do we have? We have three things. The purpose of the taping, the whole thing of body image and how that relates to your homework, and there is some other homework, too. And just how things have been gong since the last session.心理学空间8T;zfYR,qe2cU/M$L
M: Why don't we do that one-second, since it is going to bring you up to date?
]1z"Gh0B`2@-a$O0T: Okay, and the taping first. What do I do-I guess the body image is part of the homework, or the homework….心理学空间2Vz6J Nq'Z;c
M: Why don't we do the homework third, and then get into the body image from there?
g { JW0pou0T: And let's save the majority of the session for that.心理学空间5C!A6`!F!V B ~+o9H5J1R
M: Okay.

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/D%rRXI0These interactions involved setting the basic agenda and then setting the priorities for the session. Note that both patient and therapist collaboratively established the session goals.


T: Okay, fine. The purpose of the taping-any notions of it, any thoughts that you are having?
7xU'xO'M]d(p3N0s0M: I just don't know. It would be interesting for me to hear it.心理学空间%JXCfn.T.ksKi;H
T: Sure, that's always available.
"_)U|`?A(W-c(`0M: Yeah, it will be interesting evidence for me. I'm always scared about seeing it because just that [sic] I hate hearing myself on audiotape. I also hate seeing myself on videotape.
y%Uv5e-EZ/b OH9}0T: (Marie suddenly looks quite sad) What is going on? What are you thinking?
.w3uu9u8fV_E}0M: I'm ugly. I'm awkward.心理学空间XEx0K$S w b
T: She says with a quiver in her voice.
1QA _5d5RH5cWS0M: This really is not good. (starts crying) The tissues are too far away.心理学空间9?-K&taVp7nu
T: We can remedy that. That's easy to remedy. Here you go (hands her the tissues)心理学空间7Yw/d NHT*P*x
M: My mannerisms are peculiar, annoying, and embarrassing. If I met me I would think I was pretty unattractive, both physically and in behavior.心理学空间cf5UT+Y^
T: So there is a thought that goes, "I'm ugly, awkward, and if I met me, I would be pretty upset."
9@ xAla9PJS p0M: Well, not just me, others would be unimpressed.
mad*Io9Ls0T: Would I be unimpressed?
r k4| h2uH#F7E3l&l2g0M: Yeah.心理学空间s-D$F z Y5T6hk2te
T: What might I say to myself?
K |6S lZM&L0M: She's a loser. She's weird. I don't want to associate with her.心理学空间:A HJuU6~}(t{
T: She's weird, a loser, don't want to associate. So you have all of these-a whole stream of automatic thoughts that just kind of-not just a stream; sounds more like a cascade.心理学空间!\\:kON2z? M/gI0@
M: Right, a waterfall. (Marie starts crying again) 心理学空间Os.O/?6XZ/\k.W
T: A waterfall and it really does begin to fall, doesn't it?
Hu9W VH0M: Yes, right.心理学空间)@(`"cx?eO
T: That is probably an apt image, because as you start thinking those things, you're feeling what?
oi-W YM*G {Bk0M: Umh, sort of sorry for myself. Poor me. I'm so horrible.心理学空间yfP AsX
T: That is certainly sad.
f7A} QB0M: Yes, very sad, yes.心理学空间1QPV;Y2h.bJ7q o,G
T: Because even as I just ask you this, your voice begins to quiver again. And what evidence do you have that all this is true? That you are ugly, awkward? Or that it is not true? What data do you have?


In this way, the therapist helps Marie to look at the "hot cognitions," those that occur immediately in the session. Rather than the two of them talking about her sadness of last night or last week, the sadness sits on the desk between patient and therapist and can be used to explore the thoughts that generate fresh sadness within the session. This is followed by examining the data that Marie uses to maintain her dysfunctional ideas.心理学空间{:r u+W@KwV/_

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M: (answering the last question above) Comparing myself to people that I consider extremely attractive and finding myself lacking.心理学空间'frTl1dQ p?"B"c
T: So if you look at this or that beautiful person, you're less?心理学空间,K0U$W$A8~:cWglR?
M: Yea.
!yV.?G-fV3I1f0T: Or if I look at that perfect person, I'm less? Is that what you are saying?
9C]!bYuo.]G0M: Yes.

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.[5zIc4jf*X"Ew0The therapist introduces a schematic focus with this question. Marie's perfectionistic thinking has been discussed in previous sessions, and the resent statements can move beyond the present case to reflect the more dynamic issues.

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T: (continuing) That they are somehow perfect and you are…心理学空间+k%`3E0xVZ
M: Yeah. I always pick out, of course, the most attractive person and probably a person who spends 3 hours a day on grooming and appearance, clothes shopping, and I only compare myself to them. I don't compare myself to the run-of-the-mill… I have begun to try to contradict all this stuff, and that's why I know that.心理学空间fRWG7A \
T: I would like to hear some of that.
JiqF-TEHL1ap gw1f0M: Okay, well, we are getting the body image stuff. Well, I have done very well this whole week. I'm a lot less depressed. I have done a couple of really tough dysfunctional thought analyses which I feel I have made very good progress on, and I find myself thinking in those terms so that the thoughts come up again and I find myself contradicting the negative thoughts, the automatic thoughts, almost automatically-especially the ones I have written out. I have enjoyed what I have been doing this week. I didn't commute much this week, so that helped. But I don't think that was just that. Ti seems that it was more than that because there have been days when I haven't commuted. When I have stayed and I have been depressed, too. I've been in bed all day.
^-Lg jIp0T: So, overall, you are saying that you had greater touch with the pleasure experiences.
GRe6~ ~-s$vh$F [4C+Z0M: Yes.
M;i]:t/r0T: You felt more competent?心理学空间 `N+Z`1P$Q
M: Yes心理学空间IH$k+b9x?S
T: Handled things much better?心理学空间 P7m,p-n5n0^q a
M: Yes心理学空间&B*|X6m rY4zryFQ
T: And less depressed?
^$Q ^ ` y Z;H-{0M: Yes, all of those.
e a/|/z|x9@!U:\`0T: Phew!心理学空间TPRj~M$e bB'R
M: Yes, it's a lot.
Y8e$pR/q6Wq!emn:z0T: Quite a lot, isn't it?心理学空间"gjKt6i([E2k T%Q
M: And it does seem to be related to some of the dysfunctional thought analyses I did.心理学空间;WB*q"l@ f c
T: Can you just briefly capsule one for me?心理学空间'[;A#K+J @&B p WS-P5p
M: Well, actually there are two that I gave you last time which I keep sort of coming back to.心理学空间j0X4nNz/?
T: Which two are those?
K&e jf[^kS0M: 15 and 16, number 15 and number 16. I don't exactly remember what they were on, but I know they are very important. Ahh, [number] 15 was when I cancelled our therapy appointment right after the surgery because I felt a lot of pain and I didn't feel motivated to do the homework. I felt really lousy about myself because of that. And [number] 16 was when we decided I should work on more specific problems and I started out with low self-esteem, and that was the morning I spent ruminating in bed and had 250 automatic thoughts in three hours. And spent the whole afternoon doing the homework and contradicting that.心理学空间 F lT2M5z2Uj
T: And the result was what?心理学空间)X?%Q,n+??7e,u
M: The result was that although I didn't immediately stop being depressed, gradually that evening I felt less depressed, and then that weekend I felt even less depressed and by Monday I felt pretty good, and then this whole next week from Monday to Monday.
"X7NEO;^`A0T: You are getting a sense of mastery.
L"\A-r.zV#[0s0M: Yes.心理学空间kj,^'yQ?5P

R#a(n1^Q3x0TABLE 12-1 Problem About Which I Have A Lot Of Dysfunctional Thought(Marie).
SO5L3A(j8c3Y0Priority      Problem                                         
心理学空间Ut Z p{C
   8       Relationship with Alan
sB1?S"o r[1A0   1       Feelings of low self-esteem
:Z j1WV\R)@+C0   5       Resistance to doing "work" work心理学空间_ ?2V9bZ6o?
   5       Resistance to doing any work (correspondence, 
&D` _NS1B1Y})^Z)T0          washing clothes, etc)
!C5ct;E? [5R3]0   12       Sex with Alan心理学空间L)w5UJ1K.W
   9       Food, especially chocolate心理学空间9Vm Qn]+BA
   6       Career-goals in general, and should I change 心理学空间"sf MU Q(M!@(OA
          jobs now in particular
,{s!D`Y$G K6H v!?y'I0   2       Meaninglessness of life
enL*?iP)A7e0   11       Body image, exercise心理学空间6B Hdnn"Z o7v2Q-B"{
   10       Appearance, grooming, clothes shopping心理学空间P2r%XI.sw
   14       House maintenance心理学空间];L-J3Im&J/@2vI2U
   13       Money-feelings about spending it, earning it
7~ Gf7\7H6}%w ~0   7       Wasting time-frittering my life away, not心理学空间 m5\!t4W0b n!Z_l7G(a
           accomplishing anything important心理学空间l b8B-EedP+[?m
   21       Aging心理学空间w;A F!NJ
   20       Children-OK not to have any?心理学空间 f?GF(v!P m
   18       Relationships with men in general
*S3l S#h-{2Ki~j0   19       Relationships with women in general
8o+k+][ wCn)Z3P0   15       Relationships with secretaries at work
%L8]s CP^0   16       Relationships with secretaries at work
a|eVO h%RdU0   17       Friendships-role of, place in my life, "
j%Q W f^S0           usefulness of feelings about"
Zy wnV[,{,w0   3        Work (career) generally-role and place in my life
a"o'|!tK9`E0   23       Mechanical abilities心理学空间6{? [@\ ?
   24       Athletic abilities心理学空间x5y!~yy-_"T v*scp
   22       Aesthetic sense and interior decorating
(q%O+vp!Ft4k3~0   4        Regrets over fast decisions 心理学空间 M:]~ep!F(l$@'UHR:jM+~
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In the next part of the session, the purpose of the audiotaping was discussed. The tape was available for Marie to take home for listening. The next portion of the interview focused on buying clothes and dressing properly.心理学空间~;@!_MX B

u%q,DW6f _w0T: It has to be the exact size, color, fit?心理学空间 og-w"@"]
M: Right, and if it isn't, then that means there is something wrong with me. It doesn't mean that that score doesn't have enough sizes, colors….
Rd"g0H6D \0T: Maybe that is something you can work on.心理学空间8m6_P"np5J:M4C0H8xG
M: It is a good candidate for dysfunctional thought analysis.心理学空间x vg1K8hp-W'P4oy

8]-yhh {J/o b0Again, the issue of perfectionism is addressed. The idea that "if the store does not have what I want, it is my fault " is raised by Marie. The next portion of the session develops the homework assignment. The goal of the homework assignment was to collect evidence that she could use to test her thoughts and to begin to dispute some of her active dysfunctional thoughts.心理学空间$so-X"~0La,v _7h

ao/GePm$M)@+d0T: I think I agree, it would be good to really look at yourself. With a mirror.
C6}s%F&fW$?{0M: Uh-huh. That's a good idea.
$S#@*_]M,Dq2Y0T: To really sit down in front of mirror and just look at yourself and write down what you see and then deal with that, and I think it might be helpful to … hmm, do you have a full length mirror?
H c"pO.RYD0M: Yes.心理学空间i3Im W%Re3A/Y
T: .. to do it in the nude. Do it dressed and do it in the nude, and write down what you are feeling about your body and the thoughts that you have. And then sit down and knock the hell out of it. Not your body but your negative thoughts.
T s"E k K ~0M: Okay.心理学空间Y[n R1m3aNw,z
T: Then challenge that. That it is there and to really, almost, to desensitize yourself to look in the mirror until you don't have to have that feeling anymore, because the feeling clearly stems from the thoughts. So that you then can remove that one more piece of anxiety about going clothes shopping. You can look in the mirror and…
"J/f`gtT0M: That's a good idea.心理学空间 nAl!E!Ai[8xw~
T: So that is something you can work on. And then, I think, deal with some of these issues of the "ugly, awkward" speech. I guess it is always, too, a matter of a perspective. As you look towards the reserved, chiseled profile you have envied, I wonder how many reserved, chiseled types are looking for your curly hair.心理学空间m$zObU&e
M: Nowadays, a lot. They are all going and getting permanents.心理学空间4^S N(V Fp
T: I guess it's the perspective that they look and say, "Gee, I wish I had naturally curly hair."心理学空间9Ii5SgX'~
M: Yeah, it is hilarious. We all want to be different than what we are. Society tells us we're not good enough the way we are, we've got to be different. Hairdressers-every hairdresser that a women goes to tells her that she ought to do this, that, and the other to her hair, no matter what kind of hair she has. Just resisting that takes a lot of self-confidence.
6{+d/GN;r KZT1RHs0T: But, given what society says, it's what we say.心理学空间-|t j'Hl7jA,?;a
M: Yeah, we internalize that and say it to ourselves, yeah.心理学空间M"B*re9h2G0w
T: Okay, let's see where we have been. We've talked about the taping, we've gotten through the homework, and you've spent a good part of the session on this issue of body image and talking about how you think makeup or clothing. Then you have to deal with it in terms of "Am I doing it for society or for me?" But to change how you look on the exterior because on the inside maybe you are not so sad. That might go along with changing that negative self-image. One piece of specific homework you'll be working on is doing some dysfunctional thoughts, specifically about your body image and your body, that will deal with several of the issues here of appearance, grooming, body image. We've talked about some of the issues about money and spending it. If you buy clothes, it is going to cost you a bundle. No way around that.
-v2XGc v-_0(The final part of the session is a review and summary of the session content.)

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M: Yes.
9BSD7?,{UN0T: It means, I think, I'm going to spend money. That's what it is all about. And it depends whether you then want to choose to try to go and buy as much as you can cheaply as you can or buy what you are really talking about, which may cost more. To get those fine, tailored pieces, like a camel's-hair coat, you can get a Dacron and tissue-paper version or the real one, which won't go out of style. So, OK, we've running close to the end of out time. Any thoughts on the session, thoughts you have had? Anything about me today?
7[ci|kn_0M: Ummm. I don't think so.心理学空间Tp;Or2E$w;N"g
T: Anything I have said today that has upset you, annoyed you? (Marie shakes her head) OK. Any closing comments? Ok, I will see you on Thursday.心理学空间3U6_-aL~ w2IET
M: OK. I'm having my six-week evaluation just before the session.心理学空间x3\/jP O@-^+n^
T: OK.心理学空间)hP+q/\.a


The next session excerpt is from the session immediately following the one described above. Marie came into the session very upset.

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6UZe^0y}S1i5T"cq'Dg0T: Well, where do you want to pick up today?心理学空间yx-U g]U m T-H
M: The week has been OK. But this thing that I did with, you know, the mirror has really upset me.心理学空间fa&}3G}(s
T: Upset you in what way?心理学空间ooV*N)Su7Q
M: Well, it just confirmed all of my negative views of myself. It didn't help me. I don't know why you made me do it.
In;}&Y:\4}&a0T: Before we go into that, do you want to spend the majority of the session on that? Is that why your Hopelessness Scale is so high today?
.tI mEX;|8I b*^u3m Z0M: As upset as I am, I think so!
L5w,~z.M#e0T: Let's get right to it. What is so upsetting?
~A%I \$jk5r H^0M: (starts crying) Even since I did it last Thursday after our session, I've been upset. I did what we agreed; I stood in front of the mirror nude. I had a pad and pen with me, and I made a list of all of the parts of my body that I didn't like. Here, here's the list.(hands therapist the list).
I/|)A`rt0T: (looking at it) Its quite a list.心理学空间9Y$jM?Eh
M: It sure is. That's way I feel so hopeless. I didn't think about what the impact of the homework would be. As I wrote, I got more and more upset. Everything is wrong with me. It's jus as I have always feared. I really hate the way that I look, and I not only have the evidence, but hate myself with greater specificity.
L'ln g*h1JU0T: It's a long list. (counting items) 27 different things that you hate [see Table 12-2].心理学空间$G8}|5IMC:`.g9\`
M: Yes. From the top of my head to the tips of my toes.心理学空间'~/K Wp0u-qU0f
T: What do you think of … let me back up. What did you think of as you were doing it?
W_b P ~L r0M: I'm ugly, I've always been ugly, it will always be the same.心理学空间WT*me#S
T: As you look at the list right now, what do you think?
]+o/u1x8?1W5Z.K0M: I feel lousy.
[k h+p)fd[0T: What thoughts go through your mind?心理学空间;|C/n |0ys6L#d
M: That's is. I feel lousy.心理学空间 @j;druz0a)I3rG
T: You're saying what to yourself?
!?g5pD*PV0a0M: I'm what I've always been and will always be. I have been cheated. Others have good looks, and look at my list.
G'e@vr#z%M)G0T: Hmm. So the list is really bugging you. You've been cheated, and there's nothing, absolutely nothing you might do?心理学空间FTk!F7ZR8`(Oh6~?
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Things I Hate About Myself (Marie)心理学空间P)i Iw|"t x
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   My hair is cut poorly
%r~1]y ~0   My hair is a mousy color心理学空间S6quMQx4~f Lp
   I have gray hairs, which make me look old
a9v+B&\$e0   My hair is too curly
4fjq*N+O2n7I-E0   My hair is thinning心理学空间'L9N;wbGS^ x
   My forehead is too high
"D1J)mVMc0   My glasses make my eyes look beady
D7xKCF1tK-?0   My poor eyesight makes me wear thick glasses
}bY({ [0   I have squint wrinkles near my eyes
)@&h"vn$T EA[|0   My nose is too wide心理学空间7iuZR$\@r
   My lips are too full
0IK@$~8D0   My face is too broad心理学空间(\O#D#O,g _n-@
   My shoulders are too wide心理学空间*Xs y6ah+J#t
   My breasts are too small
v)^)m&n3i0   My stomach sticks out心理学空间{+k'JI)l/lI
   My hips ate too wide心理学空间;}7\\ o4X9|
   My thighs are heavy
L0~mZ/X'd@0   My ass is huge
s!|VP4L8{!?0   My knees are bony心理学空间;\|9of4U
   My calves are too heavy
.ZRr8B oJ*`0   I have ugly ankles
G@4nU_[0   My toes are too long and ugly心理学空间YlQH+G2Xeo
   My skin is a sallow color
@,i+H-B%V3h;N!J0   My skin is too grainy心理学空间#D1}D@q7D-}0dOO9t
   I'm too short心理学空间H^lW#o%r#Z r+{#n
   I have a thick waist心理学空间WL\6s:i1Yf
   I have saddlebags on my hipsM: Sure, I can always kill myself.
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T: Anything else?心理学空间8P+|0Q,OAJ"QO'R
M: Not that I can think of.
X;|%h\ p0T: I wonder… I wonder what would happen if we looked at this list in some different ways.心理学空间Q:qH"Ag8U)tj
M: Such as?心理学空间2TG\3nM'm#|#F2s
T: Well, what if we divided this list into three list? List one would be things that you might easily change. Lest two would be things that you could change with difficulty, and finally list three would be those things that you could not change.
s&y'p:h$Q0M: What would that do? This list would be as long.
7nE0g.\b0T: The overall list would be as long, but we might have some things you could work on. Would you be agreeable to trying it?
0UOU?g'B2x`^{V0M: Sure.心理学空间 c Y?|A%m
T: How about if I read the list, and you assign it to one of the three categories? Let's try it.心理学空间 j3dRhES|"O
M: OK. My hair is cut poorly. I could always have it recut. But it's so short now, what are they going to cut? It will just look worse. I'm getting bald as it is…心理学空间UF$|%grV9p
T: Whoa! You're going too fast for me. Let's separate things. Can you get your hair recut?心理学空间+f&@/sD&G_-~)i/Y,q
M: I guess so.心理学空间%VAi1T-a$M o
T: Will having your hair recut be something easy, some difficulty, or impossible?心理学空间!g7a2EG KUcQ
M: Easy. But …心理学空间 @~'S,h1A5E/Wr)o k
T: Hold the "but" for a moment until I write down the first hair issue in the easy column. (writes it down) Now, what thoughts did you have?心理学空间/nhO k ]|
M: This won't work, it won't make any difference. My hair is awful, and this won't make it any better.
}o+N t2Te y0T: Lots of thoughts! Can we do two different things here? Fist, can we do the columns, and then can we deal with the thought? I've written them down so that we won't lose them.
-IX5s xI{0M: OK. It's just that this seems like a waste of time.
P$Y&G&V[T:C0T: A barber?
W`|tl)K%V0M: Yes. The closest shop to my apartment, and also the one that's open late, is a barber shop. I have always avoided women's beauty shops as places to advance one's narcissism. All of that primping and women's stuff is awful.
A |9ezV8Z0T: Between a men's barber shop and a women's beauty parlor, there must be other choices. Possibly ones that are more inconvenient, but will better meet you needs in this regard.
#Yx2^3@)zYm0M: I suppose there must be.

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'S"TG*~*R5E!?7V:i0Marie's all-or-nothing thinking once again governs her choices. She must either go to a barber who cuts her hair poorly or to a beauty parlor that represents an image she hates. The assignment of each of the various body part concerns to one of the three columns proceeded throughout the session. The following excerpt picks up the session at the end.

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T: We're almost out of time, and we have several more of these to go. How do you want to handle that?心理学空间*MR,}-~4Kj `:e
M: I could do it for homework. I feel much better. I see where you were going with this. Its obvious that the longest list is composed of things that I can do rather easily. There are far fewer on the next list [with difficulty]. I'm not going to have my nose done!心理学空间a:QYG,y!g;tiZ
T: How about the last list?
1s1lILU0M: (laughts) No. You've made that all-or-nothing point enough. I can do something.
}UNJ|v1PA`q(x0T: When you cane in, you were not feeling good about the homework, and about me. How are you feeling now as we end?
0i7J)Y)@ D0G#[3s6u9w0M: Better. I believe that I can do something. I'm not sure what, and when it will all get done …心理学空间mvOYw0e?&Y
T: All?
oVc![$w9h5M ss0M: OK, OK.
qc]7i Jt|\0T: Good luck with this. I'll see you next week.

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The sexual issue was addressed in sessions 14 though 19. mare's husband refused to come in for any therapy sessions. His position was the therapy did not help their sex life, so he saw no reason to start therapy again. Marie wanted to change the sexual situation, so the sexual issue became a focus in her individual therapy. An assessment of Marie's sexual problems in addition to her early sexual learnings and experience.


%u{&QeZo5^v0What emerged was that Marie had often experienced painful intercourses. The issue was that she did not generate vaginal lubrication; when penile penetration was attempted, the result was painful. Oral stimulation was enjoyable but not her preferred sexual activity. When questioned as to why she did not enjoy the oral sex, inasmuch as she enjoyed it and was gratified by it, Marie said, "It's not the right way." Once again, her schema become manifest in her sexual activities. The schematic issue was tested when she was questioned about the possibility of using a vaginal lubricant prior the intercourse (e.g., K-Y Jelly). Marie responded, "I want to do it the right way. These jellies are not natural. I should be able to do it the way that everyone does it."

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N:E*_Y/d/yv7iVp0When Marie was asked about her sexual fantasies, she responded that she did not have any. Given that sexual arousal is largely a cognitive event, it would seem antisexual to not have (or be able to generate) sexual fantasies in the office, she seemed flustered. She finally said, "I'm having sex with a man." Given her intelligence, this seemed a rather sparse response. When asked to elaborate on the fantasy, Marie responded, "I'm having sex with two men."心理学空间~/~f2OA

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The sexual focus involved Marie agreeing to a six-session program. In her first homework assignment, she was asked to read My Secret Garden, a volume of women's sexual fantasies, by Nancy Friday. The next series of excerpts are from the sexual-focus sessions.心理学空间``:Ty @3PI

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M: (commenting on the homework) I never have fantasies like that. I have always written off these kinds of stories or fantasies as pornography. But I must say that I found them to be rather exciting. It made it easier when you assigned this book, but I noticed a certain, um, tickle.
y'C8Em^8]'K5^S0T: A tickle?心理学空间1\[T?(u!Aj$M
M: Must I say it?
3h}\ YZ,j0T: Yes.
p9}+{0pl-OI l0M: I felt excited. It was fun.心理学空间Bb+A U ^*?
T: Were there any particular stories that tickled you more than others?
$? @p;Jf0M: I haven't finished the book yet, but there are several that I found especially exciting. Some didn't appeal to me at all. 心理学空间Y/J$_sT4O
T: Did you share the book with Alan?
E!v"s)N1~{9U0M: No. I read it during the week at my apartment.
\M9WJz0T: Were there any special images that you enjoyed?心理学空间r-n)g!u*pwgN
M: Yes. There was one about a women … do you want me to tell you the one that I found sexy?心理学空间'NML!C$~]
T: Would you be comfortable in doing that?心理学空间qb_7Q1rRRLQF
M: No.心理学空间$ZS8E#^0L$JX#M`:x
T: Then it's not necessary. Let's deal with it without your having to tell me the details. What could you do to make the fantasy more "you"?心理学空间Dx Q4\q#K3s
M: What do you mean?
3\ tY Ii6h"f+[0T: Well, what you read was somebody else's fantasy. What should you do to place yourself into the fantasy? You know, make it more Marie.心理学空间C3yQ1U6u^

,T*B%eAa$[mA0At this point, Marie described the fantasy and tried to rework the images to place herself into the picture. The next parts of the treatment strategy would include having Marie image the arousal scene and then masturbate in response to the scene. In the second session, the arousal practice was altered to include practice imaging the arousal scene and then using a nonsexual image to de crease arousal. This homework came from the session material where Marie discussed the problem of trying to maintain her arousal. She described her sexual states as so tenuous that any interruption would cause her to lose her arousal. Once the arousal was gone, it could not be recaptured. Marie then practiced arousal, masturbation, interruption of the image, and then trying to regain the arousal. She reported in the third session that she had been successful at regaining arousal after losing the image.

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Her homework for the fourth session was a result of the third session material. Marie reported that if she became aroused, she could achieve an orgasm, but only once each time that she was aroused. Her homework involved trying to stimulate herself mentally and then to masturbate to orgasm. After a brief period of time, she was to try to become aroused again and to reach a second orgasm. During the fifth session, she reported having multiple orgasms. She seemed surprised that it was so simple.心理学空间 L Je]/c#`}

)m2X5iq_J;_9~k0M: I have an orgasm, and then another … and another.
J KT+vRg5kV&R0T: You seem surprised.心理学空间,gVzoO#m({
M: I am. I've never had several orgasms in a row. I've read about it, but, well …心理学空间Y%rb7z`*PNB!l
T: So the equipment works. What do you make of that?
u*tHCkM0M: I can't believe all of the orgasms that I've missed over the years.心理学空间@VHg-g0Dz
T: What are you doing right now?心理学空间&\5D"Q@ B$vPq
M: I'm not sure.心理学空间6wM5E bwy
T: Let's look at it. You start by being surprised and happy about the orgasms, but then do something to yourself.心理学空间)?TTj]$k@S
M: I focused on what I didn't have. The many years of missed orgasms.心理学空间/X Z$r(Y3D8g2|_7r
T: Exactly.心理学空间f5`T/aP0m/^

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In this exchange, the schematic issue of all-or-nothing is once again a focus. In the sixth session, Marie discussed the antisexual images and thoughts she had; when she could focus on the sexual images, she was easily aroused. A final test was the weekend when she went home. She left My Secret Garden on the kitchen counter. Her husband found the book and was quite interested. They decided to take the book to the bedroom and to read the fantasies to each other. The result was sexual intercourse without difficulty.

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In the course of the therapy with Marie, sexual issues were dealt with. The goal of the therapy was not to achieve a cure of her long-term depression. In the short-term treatment model of cognitive therapy, Marie was taught several basic skills. By looking at her negative thoughts, identifying the nature of her distortions, and then testing the thoughts using the format of the Daily Record of Dysfunctional Thoughts (DRDT), Marie learned that she could take control of her life by controlling her depression. The schematic focus of pointing out several of her prominent life rules was helpful in helping her to generalize her gains in one area to other life areas. Marie's self0esteem was enhanced by her taking control. Her depression lifted and, at follow-up, remained under control. The focus on her sexual behavior allowed greater success and for Marie to increase her sexual behavior with her husband.
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w n ~AIZBh1H0As Marie felt better, she began exploring the possibilities of jobs closer to home. She eventually accepted a position commensurate with her education, experience, and salary requirements. Homework was emphasized with Marie; as a lifelong academic, she understood its importance. The therapist stressed that the therapy in the session was akin to the lecture part of a course, while the homework was the laboratory part of the course. Without the opportunity to try out the various ideas and behaviors in real life, the material from the sessions would have remained an abstraction for Marie.心理学空间&]E!\`#pL;H



extracts from (chapter 12 Dysthymia,
~wk8U"~HY Z0comprehensive case bvook of congnitive therapy

