IPA区际精神分析辞典:AMAE 娇宠
作者: IPA / 14271次阅读 时间: 2017年10月05日
来源: 陈明 译 标签: amae amae AMAE 娇宠 娇宠 土居健郎 土居健郎


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Aktar, S and Kramer, S (1998). The Colors of Childhood: Separation Individuation across Cultural, Ratial and Ethnic Differences. Northvale, NJ: Jason Aronson.

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kj0?G!O!L2p&c0Akhtar, S, ed. (2009). Comprehensive Dictionary of Psychoanalysis. London: Karnak.

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KW BH5p0Doi, T. (1989). The Concept of AMAE and its Psychoanalytic Implications. Int. R. Psycho-Anal, 16:349-354.

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2oGRrM r6O6aA G8W0Doi,T (1992). On the concept of Amae; Infant Mental Health Journal,13, 7-11心理学空间Ee#r+xhI/oU

6b&?H'qcX4W&|4R!A0Doi,T (1993). Amae and transference love. In: On Freud’s “Observations on Transference Love”. E.S.Person, A.Hogelin & P.Fonagy, eds. Pp: 165-171.心理学空间/iv/J Y["R!i

f ywhH-P0Erikson, EH (1950). Childhood and Society, New York: WW Norton.心理学空间Gjy2h2T*Hn9B`

1Ae7E^+m0Fairbairn, WRD (1952). Psychoanalytic Studies of the Personality. Routledge & Kegan Paul,London / An Object-Relations Theory of Personality. Basic Books, New York.

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M["Tn|0Freud, S (1910). ‘Wild’ Psycho-Analysis, S.E.XI.心理学空间qR@h7H,r B0uE


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m!Q:vr?1O}8i?+W0Mahler, M.S. and Furer, M (1968). On Human Symbiosis and the Vicissitudes of Individuation. New York: Int.Univ.Press.


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x1y_!QV;En0Stern, DN (1985); The Interpersonal World of the Infant: A View from Psychoanalysis and Developmental Psychology. New York: Basic Books.

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Winnicott, DW (1965). The Maturational Process and the Facilitating Environment.New York: International University Press.

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