後設心理學的精靈(Witch Meta-Psychology)
作者: 蔡榮裕 / 10470次阅读 时间: 2014年1月31日

9am"nut0後設心理學的精靈(Witch Meta-Psychology):法蘭西與德意志的精神分析(1)
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蔡榮裕 台北市立聯合醫院松德院區
KB0h;_:^(u,~V \g0游佩琳 挀興復健醫院精神科
歡迎你們參與這場來自遙遠歐陸的精神分析盛宴,「友朋自遠方來,不亦悅乎」,衷心感謝Mme. Gilberte Gensel與Dr. Alf Gerlach千里迢迢來到台灣這個美麗小島。我先簡短介紹兩位嘉賓。心理学空间$i#if$l K^C i J
Mme. Gilberte Gensel來自巴黎的精神分析師,她歷屬於APF/ IPA這個組織,APF(2)是頗具法國意識的團體,亦是法國重要的精神分析組織,它是介於國際精神分析學會與拉岡學派之間的重要團體,有不少出色的精神分析師,如目前國際精神分析學會(IPA)會長Pro. Daniel Wildocher(3),以及出版頗具影響力的「精神分析辭彙」的作者:Jean Laplanche & J.-B. Pontalis等。她個人的經歷亦相當豐富,請參考活動手冊第三頁。心理学空间HvH p]QU
Dr. Alf Gerlach德國精神分析師,目前是"German Society for Psychoanalysis, Psychotherapy, Psychosomatics and Depth Psychology" (DGPT)的副主席,DGPT是一個容納德國不同取向精神分析的機制,另也包括了容格學派與阿德勒學派的組識;他目前也是China Working Group (IPA)的主席,定期至中國發展精神分析已超過二十年了,更多的簡介請參考活動手冊第四頁。心理学空间 vN6}5S b
簡介兩天四場主要學術活動之前,我先說明何以我們將此次活動的標題訂為:「後設心理學的精靈」。這是(臺灣精神分析)學會行政小組成員:劉佳昌、游佩琳、劉慧卿、陳俊澤、楊明敏與我在某次的行政會議,幾近午夜大家精疲力盡時浮現的想法,畢竟精神分析除了技術之外,理論與技術之間的對話也是密不可分,「後設心理學的精靈」意指 “Witch Meta-Psychology”。「後設心理學」這字眼早在佛洛伊德與好友Fliess的通信(4)裡即偶出現,依Jean Laplanche & J.-B. Pontalis在「精神分析辭彙」(5)裡的說法,它意指從經驗的真實(empirical reality)裡建構某種概念模式。佛洛伊德於1937年 “Analysis Terminable and Interminable”第三部分討論精神分析的治療目標時,提及本能的「馴化」,也就是說讓本能能夠與自我(ego)完全地和諧,不只是一意地尋求自身的滿足,但他亦提及到底做到此種狀態呢?他表示這不易回答,只能引用哥德的名著「浮士德」第一幕第六景裡的說法:「我們終究需要召喚巫師(witch)來協助我們」,這就是「後設心理學的精靈(Witch Meta-Psychology)」,若沒有後設心理學的臆測或想像,我們亦無法前行。(6)心理学空间'I'v1n/F!C'\#d3v
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至於「後設心理學」(7)乃意指精神分析從三個向度來觀察與了解事件,包括地誌論(或譯「拓樸論」)(topographical)、動力論(dynamic)與經濟論(economic)三向度。地誌論意指潛意識、前意識與意識的不同層次,潛意識做為一個的概念目前已成常識,但依据我們的經驗,要真正了解潛意識是什麼,需要親臨診療室才能有更深入的了解。動力論亦是我們所熟悉的,尤其是它被應用於動力精神醫學(dynamic psychiatry)裡,意指某些相關因素間的相互變動消長,但若缺乏地誌論與經濟論的思考,將易被誤導只成為意識認知內容的相互消長。至於經濟論意指人類心智機制的潛意識運作的原則,乃是依循「享樂原則」以相對地較省力、較少傷痛的方式,建構日常行為與構成某種症狀,它的相對面是「現實原則」。
Y9NPfU:Z0接下來我依演講順序簡短介紹內容。Mme. Gilberte Gensel「精神分析師的養成」裡強調無論他的大學課程為何,對於一個分析師的養成而言,唯一可以接受的便是以他自身屈從於個人的分析,然後接受督導分析。並支持非醫生所作的分析(8)。Dr. Alf Gerlach在「精神分析與歷史科學裡的巫術研究」,以巫術的研究為例,並以臨床案例為輔助,例如他於1995年所研究,在南中國曾出現的集體歇斯底里流行案例,意圖建立精神分析與歷史之間的對話。Mme. Gilberte Gensel在另兩場報告裡,「無意識的輪廓」強調在分析的操作與實踐中,無意識的形構得以具體化,成為可被觀察的:夢、誤為、玩笑、症狀等等。並探究潛意識是否只是理論上的虛構?開展對於潛意識問題性與謎樣性。(9)至於在「伊底帕斯情結」的主題裡,她強調伊底帕斯情結是普遍存在的,由想像的面向以及象徵的面向,來探討性認同的定位與疏導驅力的要求、使它成為社會所接受認可的過程。(10)心理学空间fF'XS5r:b*x
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tW7Je%d4G.APF;U01. 此篇文章是臺灣精神分析學會2005.04.31-05.01於台北六福皇宮蘭花殿舉行的「後設心理學的精靈:法蘭西與德意志的精神分析」學術研討會時,所發表的開場白。英文部分是游佩琳醫師的翻譯。為了發表於精醫「通訊」,再增加一些內容,但為了不破壞原來開場白架構,以及為了保持通訊專欄風格的一致性,筆者將新增資料置於註解的部分,但新增註解部分並未譯成英文。另本文所簡介的內容僅包括公開演講部分,另有些活動是分析學會內部學術活動,則未列於此。心理学空间,z*r~$f)[ y8@qa*g
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2. 法國精神分析學會(Association Psychanalytique de France)。這個團體在法國當年是與Lacan很有根源的團體,但它是屬於國際精神分析學會(International Psychoanalytical Association, IPA)的組識,而不是拉岡陣營(Lacanian)。
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3. 法國Prof. Daniel Wildocher, Mrs. Helene Wildocher , Mme.Gilberte Gensel與阿根廷的Mme. M. Serebriany將於2005年聖誕節左右一起來台進行學術研討會,有興趣者請保持與分析學會聯繫。心理学空间u(A&c/|6q-|"H
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4. “The Complete Letters of Sigmund Freud to Wilhelm Fliess 1887-1904”,J. M. Masson英譯本,1985年,Harvard Univ. Press。這是了解精神分析歷史與根源很重要的一本文獻。
;R m$c8e LL4OK05. Jean Laplanche & J.-B. Pontalis: “The Language of Psychoanalysis”,1973年由Donald Nicholson-Smith英譯出版(Hogarth Press, London )。中譯本:「精神分析辭彙」,沈志中、王文基合譯,陳傳興監譯,2000,台北:行人出版社。
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X/Fr5nT[R,?06. Freud, S. (1937) Analysis Terminable and Interminable, p.225, SE. 23, London: Hogarth Press。要理解此處所引用的意義,最好回到哥德的名著「浮士德」裡了解前後的脈胳,以避免將此處的「巫師」或「精靈」理解成神秘化的傾向。我個人的解讀是,當浮士德覺得不再年青而需要女巫的葯方以獲得再度的年青時,浮士德需要付出一些代價,亦如分析的進行,若缺乏理論(理論或許一如巫師的葯方)則無法前行,但若只依循理論而強置於個案身上,那麼個案是什麼呢?這種理論的強置,需要付出什麼代價呢?
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7. 精神分析是否需要後設心理學?這亦有人爭議,有人覺得以講究療效因子並操作那些因子變數即可,而不需要後設心理學,我個人的立場是,精神分析需要後設心理學,尤其是佛洛伊德的後設心理學仍頗具重要性,而不是將精神分析只變成操作一些所謂的治療因子的技術,如此將使精神分析被扁平化地思考,而喪失了精神分析100年來的論述優勢。雖然不是盲從於佛洛伊德的思考,而忽略了我們自身的經驗。心理学空间%u6i M-h5LJ;U'@V(FN

6c7R*E'iOr V08. 在本文的省思中,是企圖呈現精神分析並不是由書寫文字中所記載的知識所構成,經由閱讀和研習是不足以使它被吸收融入;精神分析是奠基在對未知處境的容忍(因此是一種非知識,而不是一種罔顧無知),唯有如此才可使無意識的真理浮現。外行人分析(Freud, S. 1926, Lay analysis。)的問題—佛洛依德終其一生,強烈地支持非醫生所作的分析—將在這場合廣泛地被討論。(這是Mme. Gensel親寫由楊明敏中譯的部分簡介。)
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]5V H-j/uPS09. 無意識的輪廓:(是)抽像的現時 : 不可觸摸的,無法掌握的?理論上的虛構?對佛洛伊德而言,心靈是無意識的,而意識是感知心靈的器官。被潛抑的內容,驅力的運動,嬰兒性特質的表現,人類心靈中生之驅力的啟動機,這些都構成了無意識的一部份。然而,也包含了一種虛擬的認識,以及如謎的死亡驅力(在這導論中,不擬討論)是在分析的操作與實踐中,無意識的形構得以具體化,成為可被觀察的:夢、誤為、玩笑、症狀等等。此處僅僅是論及無意識織錦般繁複網路中的幾個環節,目地在於開展問題性、呈現謎樣性,而非給予確定的答案。(這是Mme. Gensel親寫由楊明敏中譯的部分簡介。)心理学空间4h E/Y ?^|6F8V

w%@bACx010. 伊底帕斯:一個男人與一個女人,是不足以保證他們的結晶—胎兒,可以成為一個人。伊底帕斯情結是普遍存在的。這個斷言是來自一位當代知名的人類學家Maurice Godelier,他是民族誌學者、哲學家Levi-Strauss的學生與繼承者。在 1897年10月,給友人Wilhelm Fliess的一封信中,佛洛伊德借用Sophocle加以戲劇化的希臘神話:伊底帕斯王,成為知名的隱喻。他的目地在於闡明,他所查覺到的,一方面在性認同的定位,另一方面,疏導驅力的要求,使它成為社會所接受認可的,小孩如何在這兩方面自處於家庭的群體當中。此處,伊底帕斯情結將由想像的面向,以及象徵的面向來探討。(這是Mme. Gensel親寫由楊明敏中譯的部分簡介。)
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6`.O%HXp s|0Opening Remarks for “Witch Meta-Psychology: Psychoanalysis in France and Germany”
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Dr. Jung-Yu Tsai
V \ @dv'|)U:s0President, Taiwan Center for the Development of Psychoanalysis心理学空间lL,KY)j&l WD
Ladies and Gentlemen, my dear colleagues and our honored guests:
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Welcome to the feast of psychoanalysis, in which our guests came all the way from the distant continent of Europe. I want to show first my appreciation to Mme. Gilberte Gensel and Dr. Alf Gerlach for their effort of long travel to our beautiful island, Taiwan. Please allow me to make a brief introduction of them two.
D"WFT)O0Mme. Gilberte Gensel is an analyst from Paris, and she belongs to the Institute AFP/IPA. APF (Association Psychanalytique de France) is an institute with distinctive French ideology, and also one of the most important institutes in France due to its special position between IPA and Lacanian. It has been the cradle for some of the most influential analysts such as Pro. Daniel Wildocher, whom I am sure you all know, is the President of IPA (the International Psychoanalytical Association); Jean Laplanche and J.-B. Pontalis, the authors of “The Language of Psychoanalysis”. Please also see the third page of your handbook for a better understanding of the rich clinical experiences of Mme. Gensel.心理学空间 ] } I!L8TBT!d)h

!A0|IIU%bp0v:i6R}_0Dr. Alf Gerlach is an analyst from Germany. He is the Vice President of DGPT, German Society for Psychoanalysis, Psychotherapy, Psychosomatics and Depth Psychology. DGPT is an umbrella organization for all psychoanalysts of different orientations, but also for the two psychoanalytic societies (DPV, DPG), furthermore for the Jungian and the Adlerian groups in Germany. Dr. Gerlach is also the Chair of China Working Group/IPA, and he has been helping the development of psychoanalysis in China for over twenty years. Please see page four in your handbook for more detailed information about him.
+Ye/hF ?'s0Before talking about the four seminars in our two-day academic activities, I want to explain first about the topic “Witch Meta-Psychology”. It was an idea popped up in the process of one administrative meeting. The time was in the midnight, and the administrative unit of our Society (members including Dr. Chi-Chang Liu, Dr. Nancy Pei-Ling Yu, Dr. Hui-Ching Liu, Dr. Chun-Tse Chen, Dr. Ming-Min Yang and myself) were all tired and hungry and probably in the borderline of delirium. After all, the interface/dialogue between theory and technique of psychoanalysis is as important, if not even more important, as the technique per se. 後設心理學的精靈, Witch Meta-Psychology. The term “meta-psychology” showed up occasionally in Freud’s correspondence with his good friend, Fliess. In “The Language of Psychoanalysis”, according to Laplanche and Pontalis, meta-psychology constructs an ensemble of conceptual models which are more or less far-removed from empirical reality. In the third part of 1937 “Analysis Terminable and Interminable”, when Freud discussed about the therapeutic goal of psychoanalysis, he mentioned “the taming of the instinct, the instinct brought completely into the harmony of the ego…no longer seeks to go its independent way to satisfaction.(S.E. 23, p.225)” “If we are asked by what methods and means this result is achieved, it is not easy to find an answer.” “We can only say: so muss denn doch die Hexe dran. (We must call the Witch to our help after all! Goethe, Faust, Part I, Scene6.)” This is “Witch Meta-Psychology”, without the help of phantasying from meta-psychology, we are unable to forward the step.心理学空间"V2n6_*T@m

)F8U8B`,Rw)j0Meta-psychology provides three approaches to observe and comprehend the phenomenon from psychoanalytical point of view: the topographical, the dynamic and the economic dimensions. Topographical dimension contains the conscious, preconscious and unconscious levels. Unconscious as a concept has now become common sense, but according to our experience, in order to know what the unconscious is, you have to be in the consulting room in person. We are also familiar with the concept of the dynamic point of view, especially when it is applied to dynamic psychiatry, meaning the reciprocal influences between several related factors. However, without the topographical and economic point of at hand, a dynamic intervention can easily be misunderstood as the change of the cognitive contents. As to economic dimension, it is the rule followed by the human psychic apparatus. The pleasure principle allows human minds to form our daily behaviors and symptoms, in a relatively lesser painful way. It works against the reality principle.心理学空间P7Opn0f(^0m$e.P
Now I will briefly summarize our four speeches.心理学空间7Z?S T nD9B%S,s
Mme. Gensel in her speech, “La formation de l’analyste” , emphasizes that regardless of his/her training background in the university, the only acceptable way of the formation of an analyst will be his/her submission to personal analysis and the subsequent supervision analysis. She at the same time advocates the idea of lay analysis.心理学空间L4W;m~8Z p3?

0RV |@s lS5F}0Dr. Gerlach, in his speech “Research into Witchcraft in Psychoanalysis and History”, attempts to set up a dialogue between psychoanalysis and history by way of the example of research into witchcraft as well as the study into clinical cases, for example the epidemic mass neurosis in southern China (cf. Gerlach 1995).心理学空间%| h#dw2EF-c

3D;T*s-]K#{d0In her second speech “The unconscious; fiction or reality?” Mme. Gensel will tell us that only in the practice of psychoanalysis, the materialization of the formation of the unconscious become possible. It becomes observable therefore: the dream, slip of the tongue, jokes, and symptoms.
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At last, Mme. Gensel will talk about the Oedipus complex, which exists universally. Here the complexity of the topic will be studied from the imaginary and symbolic sides. For the child, it is the process of the definition of his/her sexual identity and the recognition from the society by fulfilling the requirement of redirecting his instinct.心理学空间o&L0jZ D%Prqt
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Again I want to send my gratefulness to our two speakers, and our group of secretaries, who have done a great job under the Secretary General Dr. Nancy P.L. Yu to make this symposium possible. Now please give your heartiest welcome to our speakers and our secretaries, as well as thank you for your enthusiastic participation.心理学空间0].C@ vO8a*bB(hx

+uP(L6u;ZA a0精神分析與精神醫學專欄

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佛洛伊德從臨床現象的觀察,在建構他的精神分析後設心理學的過程裡,的確從其它學門裡,吸收了不少重要的概念。但是他所吸收的概念,重點在於用來解釋他所觀察的臨床材料,筆者覺得這是精神分析要從別的學門有獲益的方式。心理学空间^#L.g1TM%l ~u
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y(s8\ U5Y$?8TK-[Q0佛洛伊德與後續者的精神分析對於哲學的態度,是個複雜的課題,据筆者所知,在國際精神分析學會的以往年會報告裡,亦可看見精神分析與哲學的課題被提出討論。心理学空间}O|fA

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«客體關係與精神分析:拓樸論、動力論與經濟論的觀點 蔡榮裕


經歷:英國倫敦Tavistock Clinic精神分析研究、臺灣精神分析學會理