詹姆斯·卡特尔 James McKeen Cattell(1860-1944)
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James McKeen Cattell(1860-1944)心理学空间R.s0tww|W:_
r },M6^7WKN YO'X,M#dQ0學歷 心理学空间&F3Y2K C dl#AeD
Lafayette, BA in 1880 & MA in 1883.心理学空间7b9I)? ox8J
Studied in Europe with Wundt in Leipzig and Lotze at Gottingen 1880.
.NoPH+b$J#U Oe!b@0Johns Hopkins University, 1882-3心理学空间EmZLKc)F:r'l%Tt
Leipzig as Wundt's assistant, Ph.D. in 1886.心理学空间"^5d3Q J T t0a
%x,_7VC)k&O0St. John's College, Cambridge,研究及教授實驗心理學心理学空间4sD d f}pcB
Bryn Mawr, 1887, 教授心理學心理学空间 bw/z)D4kzP d9~ L}
University of Pennsylvania, 1888. 心理學教授心理学空间-[U"M HY a/R7W
Columbia University 1891-1905 ,心理學系、人類學系以及哲學系系主任
1n,~4N S E{)O0生平 心理学空间g%P"Tg:B9W!?
Cattell於1860年五月二十五日出生於美國賓希凡尼亞州。先就讀於其父擔任校長的拉法葉(Lafayette)學院,畢業後赴歐洲,進如德國萊比錫大學,成為心理學之父—Wundt的學生。兩年後獲得Johns Hopkins University的獎學金,1882年返國,在該校的G. S. Hall之下修習心理學。1883年返萊比錫大學,成為Wundt的助教,研究反應時間及個別差異問題。當Cattell還是Wundt的學生時,就已經對Wundt的觀點提出挑戰,他認為並不是所有的人都能以Wundt所提出的方法做內省,也就是把反應時間分為感覺、選擇等。所以,雖然日後Cattell成為Wundt的助理,但他只有在自己的住處進行一些實驗,因為Wundt不允許他在實驗室內進行非內省法的實驗。心理学空间k$Oc hfl*U6dhr
1886年獲萊比錫大學心理學哲學博士學位後,曾赴英國劍橋大學任教,與F. Galton相遇,共同商討個別差異之研究法。1888年返國,任賓州大學教授,專門研究並教授心理學,1891年轉任哥倫比亞大學教授兼系主任,四年後當選為美國心理學會主席。此後在哥倫比亞大學任教26年之久,著名的教育心理學家E. L. Thorndike 即其學生之一。惟第一次世界大戰爆發後,Cattell主張和平,被人誤解不忠於政府,而在1917年遭哥倫比亞大學解聘,雖後來上訴獲勝,但無未能復職。Cattell離開教職後組織心理學公司,促進心理學的應用,迄至1944年去世,享年八十五歲。Cattell的主要貢獻是採用測驗統計的分析方法研究個別差異,使當時的哥倫比亞大學成為科學心理學與心理測驗推動的中心,也使哥倫比亞大學成為教育心理學的發源地。心理学空间 u%kn9T#L.\(w3Gx4Y
s5FL*_ z8g a0OX0Cattell 是全世界第一位正式脫離哲學範疇而純屬心理學的教授,利用量化的統計方法使心理學發展為實驗科學,是美國第一位強調量化(quantification)的學者。早期Cattell的興趣在於測量簡單的心智歷程,例如簡單心智反應的反應時間,包括物體或顏色的叫名作業(naming task)。之後與Wundt一同進行研究,發表數篇文章,包括《心理計量簡介》 (Psychometric Investigation)", 是Wundt實驗室中,第一位發表個人論文的美國學者。此外,Cattell的興趣在於編輯及出版,並且推動了許多科學社群與組織,出版方面計有:
-F~An#m0a) 1894-1903 Psychological Review 發起人之一。
&?Lc1T8H MMq0b) 1894-1944 The Journal of Science.編輯及出版者。心理学空间%^#|0s$e2I:c C
c) 1894 Scientific Monthly.心理学空间Lq C;\e.j
d) 1908 American Naturalist.心理学空间V@5pwY
e) 1915 School and Society.心理学空间{ t2Y3?"^ j,y
f) 1932 創辦the Leaders in Education series.心理学空间oBA*m x8J k
g) 1923 建立Science Press 出版個人論著。心理学空间i e$~R/B&ty
#pB6N$L*C$|R0而Cattell也同時身兼許多組織的召集人,例如American Psychological Association 、American Association of University Professors、 American Association for the Advancement of Science。且於1921年自己出資創辦Psychological Corporation來推動心理學研究,並在1929年負責在鈕哈芬市(New Haven)所舉辦的第九屆國際心理學研討會。
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2itiW0@yb0Cattell, J.M. (1886). The time it takes to see and name objects. Mind,11,63-65.
-s3H`5A1U^*I0t0Cattell, J.M. (1890). Mental tests and measurements. Mind,15,373-381.
_oL'q"w-[pu7F KO;S0Cattell, J.M. (1895). Measurements of the accuracy of recollection. Science,2,761-766.
3d6[R-u\&CyOK$`h0Cattell, J. Mck. (1896). Address of the president before the American Psychological Association, 1895. Psychological Review3,134-148.
B\y]RAo0Cattell, J.M. (1903). Statistics of American psychologists. American Journal of Psychology,14,310- 328.
q0dQDO0Cattell, J. Mck. (1904). The conceptions and methods of psychology. Popular Science Monthly,66,176- 186.
U*m!q5hX6s0Cattell, J.M. (1909). The school and the family. Popular Science Monthly,74,84-95.
N~R,|,O7I0Cattell, J.M. (1929). Psychology in America [Address of the president of the Ninth International Congress of Psychology]. Science,70,335-347.心理学空间$dr0h)Bl x
Cattell, J.M. (1943). The founding of the Association. Psychological Review,50,61-64.心理学空间 `!Qy[&| `:q9g
Hothersall, D. History of Psychology. 3rd Ed. McGraw-Hill, Inc., 1995.
4kMf,bLT?0G p.X0Schultz, D. & Schultz, S. E. A History of Modern Psychology. 5th Ed., 1992.心理学空间G%avo \;?I$@2o
Smith, P. (1985). America enters the new world (vol.7). New York : McGraw-Hill.
f(BptH,N%P)b$J0Sokal, M.M. (1971). The unpublished autobiography of James McKeen Cattell. American Psychologist,26,626-635.心理学空间a%U[-n}}-R)SI
Sokal, M.M. (1980). Science and James McKeen Cattell, 1894-1945. Science,209,43-52.
L fU q PDuS(M0Sokal, M.M. (1992). Origin and early years of the American Psychological Association, 1890-1906. American Psychologist, 47, 111-122.心理学空间Y;X t)WU']y5U
Thorne, M. B. & Henley, T. B. (1997). Connections in the History and Systems of Psychology. Houghton Mifflin Co.
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1860 Born in Easton, Pennsylvania心理学空间2Fk2O:WaRN m%Nq#o
1880 Earned Bachelor's degree at Lafayette College心理学空间's7GirL4H2DC;ncW
1880 Left for Europe
9jO~:ph:JU[i01882 Fellowship, John Hopkins University心理学空间_'M(q p2U
1883 Returned to Leipzig to work under Wundt
zjz0iqlEO k01886 Ph.D. under Wundt
Pf^"DJ#CJ?01888-91 Professor of Psychology, University of Pennsylvania
Nse@R\K5X$p01890 Coined term "mental tests"
V!H Ce8jO01891 Professor of Psychology and Head of Department, Columbia University
6}i}9Qc5?~LR o:?01894 Secretary, APA
T8BC-W8u{+z1p01895 President, APA
8} qz agf01895 Purchased Science from Alexander Graham Bell
6UR0{8M of G-HP1Fv01897 Founded Psychological Review with James Mark Baldwin心理学空间 b4xJ+a~?*?+\Y]
1900 Science became official publication of the American Association for the Advancement of Science心理学空间 E.F+i|1V,wV9XG]
1900 Purchased Popular Science Monthly
N)e4i-ST]N lO01901 First Psychologist to be admitted to the National Academy of Sciences
ZE!g3j7a)[01902 President, New York Academy of Sciences
;xS+h\2U&x01903 Did ranking of Psychologists心理学空间 jJaY e2[k
1903 Baldwin bought Cattell out of Psychological Review
G&IZ4B^|01906 Began reference works, American Men of Science & Leaders in Education心理学空间Usut V9]w([ p
1915 Established School and Society weekly
s `7] ^PH0W0O;X01917 Dismissed from Columbia心理学空间YHN?,q }$t5Rp
1921 Organized the Psychological Corporation
o`9I-\,P5s-J[01924 President, American Association for the Advancement of Sciences
k9D8m+`%{-j i01929 Address as President of the Ninth International Congress of Psychology
T p AU~8yS n*q01944 Died心理学空间[L'dBUjls.p(s
CJH {8v`l4o0參考文獻心理学空间m5b#s8j(Pyj
Morton, H.,李斯譯(民89)。心理學的故事:源起與演變。台北:究竟。心理学空间|Z.~k:q/}
&u&A7j!? [!~0History of influences in the development of intelligence theory & testing
-_o pU7j_~0(http://www.indiana.edu/~intell/index.html)
lFXs'{v1~$\0(http://muskingum.edu/~psychology/psycweb/history/cattell.htm)心理学空间 O:c+C*w0~6fOAM

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