风之子 作者: 风之子 / 11866次阅读 时间: 2013年3月22日
标签: 红书 荣格

,sE1nWEw3L0You saw that it was the life of the whole and the death of each individual. You felt yourself entwined in the collective death, from death to the earth's deepest place, from death in your own strangely breathing depths. Oh-you long to be beyond; despair and mortal fear seize you in this death that breathes slowly and streams back and forth eternally. All this light and dark, warm, tepid, and cold water, all these wavy; swaying, twisting plantlike animals and bestial plants, all these nightly wonders become a horror to you, and you long for the sun, for light dry air, for firm stones, for a fixed place and straight lines, for the motionless and firmly held, for rules and preconceived purpose, for .singleness and your own intent.心理学空间 o.U,u4r"Z"o%h3u

l#sB#y,XW^0你以为你看到了生活的全部,看到了每个人的死亡。那死亡来自于地的最深处,来自于你自己那不可思议的心底的呼吸。你渴望超越死亡,但是却在缓慢的呼吸中被死亡的气息反复冲刷,最终仍然被绝望和凡夫俗子的恐惧所俘获。所有这些光明和黑暗,温暖,温度,凉水,所有这些波动起伏,摇曳,缠绵,植物一样的动物,动物一样的植物,所有夜间的奇观变成了惊骇,你渴望太阳,渴望光,干燥的空气,坚硬的石头,确定的地方,渴望直线,渴望静止,渴望紧紧地握住,渴望规则,渴望预想的目的,渴望独处,渴望自己的意图。心理学空间Ciw%N X1J


The knowledge of death came to me that night, from the dying that engulfs the world. I saw how we live toward death, how the swaying golden wheat sinks together under the scythe of the reaper, / like a smooth wave on the sea-beach. He who abides in common life becomes aware of death with fear. Thus the fear of death drives him toward singleness. He does not live there, but he becomes aware of life and is happy; since in singleness he is one who becomes, and has overcome death. He overcomes death through overcoming common life. He does not live his individual being, since he is not what he is, but what he becomes.

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)zx.q unG`0One who becomes grows aware of life, whereas one who simply exists never will, since he is in the midst of life. He needs the heights and singleness to become aware of life. But in life he becomes aware of death. And it is good that you become aware of collective death, since then you know why your singleness and your heights are good. Your heights are like the moon that luminously wanders alone and through the night looks eternally clear. Sometimes it covers itself and then you are totally in the darkness of the earth, but time and again it fills itself out with light. The death of the earth is foreign to it. Motionless and clear, it sees the life of the earth from afar, without enveloping haze and streaming oceans. Its unchanging form has been solid from eternity. It is the solitary clear light of the night, the individual being, and the near fragment of eternity.心理学空间;N8yI a!e


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0T k2E5pht)|4L0From there you look out, cold, motionless, and radiating. With otherworldly silvery light and green twilights, you pour out into the distant horror. You see it but your gaze is clear and cold. Your hands are red from living blood, but the moonlight of your gaze is motionless. It is the life blood of your brother, yes, it is your own blood, but your gaze remains luminous and embraces the entire horror and the earth's round. Your gaze rests on silvery seas, on snowy peaks, on blue valleys, and you do not hear the groaning and howling of the human animal.

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在那边,你留心的,寒冷,静止,辐射。携着来世银色的光芒和绿色的黎明,你倾注于遥远的惊骇。你看到它了,但你的凝视是清澈又冰冷的。你的手因为内在鲜活的血液而显现出红润的光泽,但是你凝视的月光是静止的。这是你兄弟鲜活的血液,是的,它是你自己的血液,但是你的凝视依然明亮,拥抱了那全部的惊骇,环抱了整片大地。你的凝视栖息在银色的海洋里,在多雪的山峰上,在蓝色的山谷,你听不到人这种动物的呻吟和咆哮。心理学空间S mN~7t3A,I

8P"F'Y:e B,?)[$mh0The moon is dead. Your soul went to the moon, to the preserver of souls.4o Thus the soul moved toward death Y I went into the inner death and saw that outer dying is better than inner death. And I decided to die outside and to live within. For that reason I turned and sought the place of the inner life.心理学空间9QG'll(s&u!v:ZF

IZ jO%Ee'W8X%QY0月亮死亡了,在守护灵的护持中,你的灵魂进入了月亮,这样,灵魂进入了死亡。我进入了内在的死亡,看到外部的死亡好过内在的死亡。我决定让我的外在死亡,而我,活在我的内在之中。因为这样,我转化了,寻找内在生命之地。

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