The Basic Fault: Therapeutic Aspects of Regression基本缺陷:退行的治疗角色
作者: Michael Balint / 8908次阅读 时间: 2012年11月15日
标签: BALINT Balint 巴林特
The Basic Fault: Therapeutic Aspects of Regression基本缺陷:退行的治疗角色 作 者:Michael Balint
出 版:Northwestern University Press
书 号:9780810110250
原 价:¥148.11元

The Basic Fault: Therapeutic Aspects of Regression心理学空间+I;Q&p'Ve.F

vVo w_0Michael Balint心理学空间;f9M9nx8j ^ ^\9mT

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1 ReviewNorthwestern University Press, 1979 

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-v[*w:V6G0- 205 pages心理学空间 H+E {7G(Z!}.Y

cnA/r sI+bY\0When it was first published in 1968, Michael Balint's The Basic Fault laid the groundwork for a far-ranging reformation in psychoanalytic theory. This reformation is still incomplete, for it remains true today that despite the proliferation of techniques and schools, we do not know which are more correct or more successful--and all psychoanalysts continue to encounter intractable cases of mental disorder. Balint cogently argues that ordinary, 'rigid' techniques and theories are doomed to failure in such cases because of their emphasis on interpretation.

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mb7r#y3Fz(~7Um0  目录心理学空间"u+| {E:d}7F

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The therapeutic processes and their localization
q{:\.S{a0  治疗过程及其定位心理学空间c{'XU+erh

W:o@nI)V0Interpretation and workingthrough
;T-s-B!}Q7qe6Pu ^0  诠释与修通


GR/Z ^aE ^0The two levels of analytic work心理学空间B u ~8U"E$\Q%] c$eHLf2}
  分析工作的两个层次心理学空间G ^zj:zs MB

#WU&@a YJ0The area of the basic fault心理学空间N#|7Lf p H3RjP

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6h {%[,@"T sSH0The area of creation
*RD8sYi7U%Z0  创造的区域

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  总结心理学空间 gr/^{@^)G

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Primary narcissism and primary love
K4d;g!s^+O0  初级自恋与初级爱


[fK}A'u(}0Freuds three theories心理学空间O S G g?\

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Inherent contradictions心理学空间,I(f!K*[7ax!o4|M

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Clinical facts about narcissism
!r jwvy)l1f&r0  自恋的临床事实


H HY:D%v1}s0Schizophrenia addiction and other narcissitic conditions
x J4{-aN#q0  精神分裂症成瘾和其他自恋状态


Antenatal and early postnatal states
#? |9^-[(fM0  产前和产后早期状态

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Primary love
qy9xy0~ad0  最初的恋心理学空间&d3Hg C E/r

Hb7vBd^e2M,Dy0Adult love
1Uh `2G8pbC(fY0  成人爱情心理学空间Az4t4Ab&L `

`:Lac%tk.\6rv0Regression and the child in the patient心理学空间#Vi&Gjm ? L:pq;T

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r,t&N~ y&uY#V7X0The problem of language in upbringing and in psychoanalytical treatment
)X Scm^|5q0  精神分析治疗中的养育和语言问题

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The classical technique and its limitations
5yx'M#`-b$o};N0  经典技术及其局限性心理学空间nW'sbq @.v

LI:@:p \J[&a9Mn0The hazards inherent in consistent interpretation心理学空间"H-^I]h J
  持续性诠释固有的危害心理学空间0U:Cu5TY HT'q

c D:fP [4on4I0The hazards inherent in managing the regression
2^6^$qXbR:m0  管理退行固有的危害


o*e'o4Q3h+I0The benign and the malignant forms of regression
{8Aq_ JE:U*O-CU0  退行的良性和恶性形式心理学空间(}&bx jD8H


Freud and the idea of regression
^_ p)q5MG8?'V2y(_0  弗洛伊德和退行观点心理学空间jJ-oLY8S(`

]2k{ VX^I0Symptomatology and diagnosis
CCWJhV0  症状学与诊断

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Gratifications and object relationships
:[4q@k#z+n0  满足与客体关系心理学空间 Yh&K wq.O)k

/\ Q%ZGa4g0The disagreement between Freud and Ferenczi and
gjY2~6H0  弗洛伊德与费伦齐的分歧

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r7U[d/?[,|s0Therapeutic regression primary love and the basic fault
x,Y*m$f$u%? Q$u*|0  治疗性退行原初爱与基本缺陷

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The unobtrusive analyst
z3UT1|-N{A0  不造谣的分析师

ylf&H gs c0心理学空间XG8jA'Ov(h{

Bridging the gulf
C0_ XES+[0  跨越鸿沟心理学空间B%o$K&GD}:_


8G#S*z-F8r rt0  参考文献

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Special bibliography on oral dependence and related states
5PK r+f"ca0  口欲依赖及相关状态专题书目





3XA NJi/a9v&Y0_0www.psychspace.com心理学空间网
TAG: BALINT Balint 巴林特
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