作者: 心理空间 / 16435次阅读 时间: 2012年9月19日



心理学空间7tG:{9|'L u(S


T wXng2g4P0

9o9SO]1t{&tn F0INSTITUTIONAL SERVICES 心理学空间"}_+z-\5n,\'v%E


Grant Research Consultant: 心理学空间(g,Z9p;p QVX4` Lu

5LudR/{2\w j q0Cicchetti, D., & Toth, S. L. (1998), University of Rochester

XO9i\ ??0

GQ}(Y)D0Hops, H., Davis, B., & Sheeber, L. (2001), Oregon Research Institute 心理学空间,Y{{

心理学空间q'r }qu EQ

Wood, B. L. (2001), University of Buffalo. 心理学空间PJ^Fd iy l


Seifer, R., & Dickstein, S. (2004), Brown University


External Evaluator for Promotion and/or Tenure:

Lho}+Tx0心理学空间"{d H+df

Auburn University (3)

U.TC t-Q3b0心理学空间W v6e)X.F+O7kL

Bowling Green State University 心理学空间x!T0cZmX~

q6}y7]4u^#j0Catholic University 心理学空间8G&hz5TT@

:km]2kX;pZ0Johns Hopkins University 心理学空间E t c(g:}6x|M

]i{$g G1u0Pennsylvania State University (2) 心理学空间mc o8?1Y


Syracuse University

X8r}X I]0

fd's,k*K3Ulu0State University of New York at Buffalo 心理学空间:P;Y K4H;aQ

心理学空间yUt ](W

State University of New York at Albany

#c IcTP f0心理学空间wr \DV/Y6Te

Tulane University 心理学空间 \E+B2YW2^

心理学空间;q F%\0`R"q,]v

University of Delaware 心理学空间 [-VA ]I4jZ

xIx |&r2\1e1Y0University of Georgia


M+B!T{2J x w0University of Rochester Medical Center

XT#~pLH*Q D~0心理学空间)~\*A"Mwb+VEH

University of Southern California 心理学空间3c3p#T&f3W"N

/Xv hq9{ D']8}4J0University of Wisconsin - Madison

n6c3x x4wh0心理学空间ipx5g k$zq8o8Q

Virginia Commonwealth University 心理学空间QH|lH

x4](@o S(B0Virginia Tech 心理学空间RW6G9_:do e

心理学空间l K$i"i7WK+rkR

Wayne State University


External Examiner of Doctoral Thesis: 心理学空间)xNu^&L{6Nl

心理学空间m*R6W&`[u:q z

Griffith University, Australia 心理学空间b(|R^^:N?$z


&P'p _ Tbj CU0

H4ocIp4pw&M0Davies, P. T. (1993). Emotional arousal and children's responses to adult conflict. Unpublished master's thesis, West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV. (Thesis chair: E. Mark Cummings). [Davies & Cummings, 1995].


{JDS jQ0Davies, P. T. (1995). Children's Emotional Security as a Mediator of the Link Between Marital Conflict and Child Adjustment. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV. (Dissertation chair: E. Mark Cummings). [Davies & Cummings, 1998]. Patrick Davies Curriculum Vitae Page 29 心理学空间|a{}@E)D V \&G

i+Ke'fjD[0V}/N0TEACHING ACTIVITIES 心理学空间 dU7T"f5o~*e ]g

心理学空间8?t4o'y~ y*k&kxa

West Virginia University: (1992-1995) 心理学空间h"Oc)fIS%?]-GRO8v

ql J)h K6w(y&aU0Social Psychology (Instructor): 8 undergraduate classes; about 65 students per class


r4ULR _0Undergraduate Teaching Practicum (Supervisor) 心理学空间 Egc'|4i` h


Undergraduate Directed Studies (Instructor)

v*H qv3C0

7u zRh H*j0Family Systems Theory, Undergraduate Directed Studies, Writing Course (Instructor):

_,@N'N#a e7C0心理学空间|G.H-n0jRq2sod8B

Undergraduate Honor's Theses (Supervisor):


Tn(t p W m P0University of Rochester: (1997 to present) 心理学空间b \P6S+\9q+t3xct

7pq;r.^zy v0Undergraduate: 心理学空间B*\/vG"Ogx8~ L

8G%n|H2@/?NT:Q ?0Developmental Child Psychopathology (Instructor; Large Course) 心理学空间!T[Xrm#c.@i8Kj

2o!xF s4B_r0Social and Emotional Development (Instructor; Large Course)


c8a|Ff0Seminar in Social and Personality Development (Instructor; Seminar Course)

0Jz,@ya.E/];e z0心理学空间#la#px$qI

Internship in Psychology (Instructor; Guided Study Course)

Bp2a&y&Z AT#o0心理学空间(U yk/_+ps%N$K/w W

Independent Research Studies (Instructor; Guided Study Course)

3K3@ rm*|7fd0

UQ2OtXs;`9~0Exploring Research in Family Psychology I and II (Instructor, Seminar Courses)


Honor抯 Seminar (Instructor, Seminar Course) 心理学空间$|&jMf6[b(g;OuK

/?0?Js/t9e0Honor抯 Research I and II (Supervisor, Undergraduate Course) 心理学空间*wQ4MvHR0u

elk,J:~L J0Graduate: 心理学空间%^M'wHywv;t


Family Processes in Childhood (Instructor) 心理学空间'\sX@neF

o-{*EH6w;{$Ti*L9[0Seminar in Interpersonal Development (Instructor, Breadth Requirement Course)心理学空间*Z;d(M8? Ns4K9qT[*Z


Developmental Theory and Research (Instructor, Developmental Core Course) 心理学空间w(e!n0C^KK#s

心理学空间m E b.^/] l0pd

Developmental Research Methods (Instructor, Developmental Core Course)

.P5A K9al+`Y2n0

E"Qx Iz f;g]7f [0UNDERGRADUATE AND GRADUATE THESES CHAIRED (1999-Present) 心理学空间,i |n @4z!B"o

心理学空间 q9sz7P:SW(Ow+qA

Undergraduate Honor抯 Theses (Chaired)

DpJ ?:d r Py\0

)C%P5KQ)ezb]0Seelig, Sandra (2011). Triadic processes, the sibling relationship, and adolescent adjustment: A 心理学空间t:@@0B8~-z#H9r

_(KTG#G W5g0B0family systems perspective

M b)zI6XW6|)` ^o+v0

3]Il!l FD-X#`xM0Muto, Pauline (2011). Interparental conflict and child attention: The moderating role of child

c!x9PBs"lp @9T5B0心理学空间*j G8r!igr9pv3EnUC

temperament. 心理学空间5[v V.r5vW


Anderson, Ellen (2010). Children抯 emotional insecurity in the interparental relationship as a


T0j.Okp0precursor to neuropsychological deficits. 心理学空间4iC ~9x#yH(OxU3D

8U0L7}#g9i.`e}0Arva, Jennifer (2009). The impact of interparental conflict on adolescent peer relationships.

L2B Q+?%k*l9q!q0心理学空间 F.k~6L0h}:h!E

Cheon, Yeun Mi (2009). Antecedents of maternal communication about interparental conflict to


RK#s0giPV \0children: The role of child characteristics. Patrick Davies Curriculum Vitae Page 30

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George, Rachael (2008). Developmental consequences of children抯 patterns of reactivity to peer

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Modzelewski, Natalie (2007). The effects of children抯 negative behaviors on parental warmth.心理学空间djMw+r"?-}(qI

&fXJ(D8f`p%V$_u0Biswas, Aparajita (2005). Expressed emotion as a mediator in the link between marital conflict and hostile attributional bias: Elucidating the links between marital conflict and child adjustment problems. 心理学空间$pQ^0M2e3Yv

+Y gF]_:U}4K0Walling, Julia (2004). Family and Child Correlates of Profiles of Child Involvement in Interparental Conflict. 心理学空间%D4S j6GJ(E4?St


Meyer, Sara (2002). The Interplay Between Family Instability and Parental Communication in Predicting Children抯 Family Representations.

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Swanger, Michelle (2002). The Roles of Aggression and Inhibitory Control in the Relationship Between Marital Conflict and Children抯 Reactivity. 心理学空间3K XBiD

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Henrie, Sharon (2002). Religious Involvement, Life Events and Outcomes.

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Klock, Kristin (2000). Marital Conflict and Adolescent Adjustment: The Protective and Potentiating Role of Developmental Tasks. 心理学空间 C?w_}cDm2Z%uw

心理学空间-Z_;@$P!IH:m r0c

Sawyer, Genelle (1999). Interrelations among Adolescent-Parent Attachment, Peer Representations, and Maladjustment.


Shannon, Kelly (1999). Exploring Pathways among Maternal Psychological Control, Parent-Adolescent Attachment Patterns, and Adolescent Adjustment. 心理学空间0U"nxJ]O

l*u(?cuT#^1{|4l0Master抯 Theses (Chaired) 心理学空间r(H5cz9no1Q&o

心理学空间g9]&R+P4d7k f

Manning, L. G. (2011). Parental psychopathology and parenting disruptions: An examination of

R^ S7B[5LA3z{"y0

rj%yxkd0commonalities and specificity between disorders 心理学空间Ac8G9x/I S+|FA


Woitach, Meredith (2009). Children's social information processing and the development of

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psychopathology symptoms: A person-based analysis of SIP from an evolutionary framework. 心理学空间0nt8{LGzc

*c_n\hW0Bascoe, Sonnette (2007). Children抯 Internal Representations of the Interparental and Parent-


sxP*a,O6A:F0D!|HF c ^0Child Relationship, Children抯 Poor Peer Information Processing, and Children抯 Adjustment Problems. 心理学空间9O9h6qIl'p7qb%\

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Farrell, Deirdre (2005). Interparental Conflict and Children抯 Emotional Reactivity: Examining 心理学空间)?0F&a8s1b

7G6b&}0^Os?0the Additive and Moderating Role of Children抯 Temperament.

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br,{&m6pf7b#w0Gomulak, Beata (2004). 揇on抰 Worry, We抮e Going to Work it Out:?The Role of Maternal Communication in the Pathway Between Interparental Conflict and Child Psychosocial Adjustment. 心理学空间6B'_%o4r'd't9T


Winter, Marcia (2002). Linking Family and Peer Contexts: Mothers?Explicit Communication and Children抯 Representations of Peers.


&P'e!ilh0bGTK xH&{0Rasi (Tesak), Jennifer (2001). Pathways among Marital Conflict, Parental Emotional Availability, and Children抯 Emotional Security Response Systems.

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Lindsay, Lisa (1999). Marital Conflict and Adolescent Adjustment: Why Does Gender Moderate Early Adolescent Risk? Patrick Davies Curriculum Vitae Page 31 心理学空间)Yn9Y:W+lN

'O {3r_+p0Doctoral Dissertations (Chaired) 心理学空间CD p^u"u


Gomulak-Cavicchio, B. (2009). Talking to kids about interparental disagreements: A 心理学空间)@ u.zfM$NS

cv I7V\4U C5r mj]0longitudinal examination of multiple determinants of maternal post-conflict communication.

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`D?N,i1M:W+s0Winter, Marcia (2005). The Interplay Between Family Instability and Maternal Communication Patterns in Predicting Children抯 Family Representations and Symptomatology.

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[pB0~8r Hp0Tesak, Jennifer (2005). An Exploration of Children抯 Involvement Strategies for Coping with Interparental Conflict.

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Spomer, Michelle (2003). Early Parenting and Youth Adjustment: A Longitudinal Investigation of Temperament and Parent-Child Separations as Moderating Factors.心理学空间0bEH kn,I5S!@%g!\ R1F~

心理学空间 Qv[#A*G MEH8P e

Lindsay, Lisa (2001). The Family Conflict Intervention Program: A Pilot of School-Based Groups for Second- and Third-Grade Children. 心理学空间&RJdjW2u[G

心理学空间4X5bm _i0|.Z^a(x

Forman, Evan (1999). Family Instability and Adolescent Adjustment: An Exploration of Intrapsychic and Parenting Mediating Mechanisms. 心理学空间:np9| u;? Z/??F/`

心理学空间6N P/}g@$`/b


&G@zXv4o0West Virginia University (1990-1995) 心理学空间e0Z8QhH!}


Developmental Training Committee, West Virginia University, 90-91, 92-93

TzB \!KW0心理学空间\$ln$B5?:MR-D

Developmental Research Suite Coordinator, West Virginia University, 90-91,心理学空间#NVu.l~1R V

nM5}9GN d$U092-93 心理学空间a1Rocz:z4F

&t,A9`(Q(S7j!F0Program Area Organizing Committee for Interview Weekend, West Virginia University, 91, 93 心理学空间+zZ@UEHL8oV

*t)IsI)[9daDK0Faculty Evaluation Committee, West Virginia University, Psychology Department, 94-95 心理学空间{n.R7At;ip]

心理学空间e$|+~/Rd M[p7z

University of Rochester (1997 - Present) 心理学空间 ygFq5l9M m^}

,i)M kN#P![B0Department-Library Liaison (97-01; 03-04; 05-06, 09-10)

w-zB|Z{]5zF;T-G0心理学空间6MN,P'P q"r

University Council on Graduate Studies (98, 02-03, 03-04)

9]2Jy#h|7]A7Z],K0心理学空间W|5t(S w'fd2g

Committee on Graduate Studies (98-01)


#C*D h;}Fh'I0Colloquium Committee (99-00, 08-10)

Y9a(Q Y,EK&N#Gj8Z*Q0

!Z_:n'bU\ K.V r7h0Recruiting and Admissions Committee (00-02, 08-09) 心理学空间 AF2A k!GI$G

/g&J"jf!x EM(c,G[0Organizer of the Developmental Brown Bag Lunch Series (00-01)


0m:pcp%?0Undergraduate Studies Committee, Student Advisor (02-04; 06-11)


Co-Director, Psychology Undergraduate Honor抯 Program (98-00; 02-04) 心理学空间,hK2?XA)Y


Faculty Committee, Curtis Awards for Excellence in Teaching by a Graduate Student (04) 心理学空间i1e&}Y!n y0[

pQ!r)]"N.~9[Y0Graduate Studies Committee, Chair (10-11) 心理学空间\4Q4?Eq xn~,\;_#z;{

心理学空间AN mp7r8~"Fe

Departmental Faculty Search Committee: Clinical and Developmental Programs心理学空间-lv8s%RYFf


(02-08) 心理学空间5_){#ym#YN

$c0Ou2rR+}*x"e0Faculty Council (05-08) 心理学空间%l*lNd#su

8x"QW M R us N*l+`0Social Sciences Working Group (College Strategic Planning Group) (05-06) Patrick Davies Curriculum Vitae Page 32

~a(N&U N~|0心理学空间;o*sVa;dfb9m{9U

Department Long-Term Vision Committee (06-07)

8ij-PH~8dE#J0心理学空间X ons8Fp

Provost Fellowship Committee (07) 心理学空间 XQ.XCd:f

)A orm L~a.H5`0Department Promotion and Tenure Committee (07-present) 心理学空间AI F` QRo N ^

心理学空间2zYLAu C7@E~?q5m

College Student Course Evaluation Committee (08) 心理学空间B8?6}`It @3z4y

3F0V'El:M y+d zw0Provost抯 Multi-Disciplinary Research Fund Review Committee (08-09) 心理学空间 bH8I]P9[ i


Member, National Institute of Health Grant Panel, University of Rochester Grant 心理学空间,Po@)LgS


Panel Forum (09)


Outstanding Dissertation Award Committee, Social Sciences Division, College of

,hv,K N$P \NF)I)_0心理学空间#~ O(fufb"x wG

Arts, Sciences, and Engineering (10-present) 心理学空间LrRP}u%`{s

$GyO7Xm P e+n/L4hQ}0Administrative Committee, College of Arts, Sciences, and Engineering (10 ?心理学空间k2[3Gkg \A C

心理学空间$PK gq| X a

present) 心理学空间 Otw1^'Q/~9I3D


PROFESSIONAL REFERENCES [available upon request].心理学空间z&a;qo5q o

                            心理学空间2y t0h;\ ay;qi



 心理学空间4MC ME B

心理学空间Qa$s%V8^ }T

«婚姻冲突与儿童:情绪安全视角 Patrick Davies 帕特里克·戴维斯
《Patrick Davies 帕特里克·戴维斯》