作者: GUILFORD / 40135次阅读 时间: 2011年11月01日
来源: nationala cademy of sciences
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The Isolation of Seven Primary Abilities. Psychol. Bull., 33:780-781.The Bounding Hyperplanes of a Configuration of Traits. Psychometrika,1:61-68.
B!o:n#V;x;R8R0A New Conception of Intelligence. Educ. Rec, 17:441-450.The Factorial Isolation of Primary Abilities. Psychometrika, 1:175-182.A New Concept of Intelligence and a New Method of Measuring PrimaryMental Abilities. Educ. Rec, 17:124-138.
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Elements in Intelligence. Proceedings of the Annual Congress on MedicalEducation and Licensure, American Medical Association, pp. 31-33.Psychology as a Quantitative Rational Science. Science, 85:228-232. Presidentialaddress, Psychometric Society, 1936.
E{TE5u2G!D0Current Misuse of the Factorial Methods. Psychometrika, 2:73-76.Ability, Motivation, and Speed. Psychometrika, 2:249-254. Also: Abstractin Psychol. Bull., 34:735-736.
*Z6z@ Zp/~`0Shifty and Mathematical Components: A Critique of Anastasi's Monographon the Influence of Specific Experience upon Mental Organization.Psychol. Bull., 35:223-236.心理学空间+b$iSv4x
The Perceptual Factor. Psychometrika, 3:1-17.Research and Psychology. Bull. Soc. Social Res., pp. 3-6.
5_7b l#g5wU_0A New Rotational Method in Factor Analysis. Psychometrika, 3:199-218.心理学空间W-Y/g$?X
N'cxsP2Xm9R0Factor Analysis as a Scientific Method with Special Reference to theAnalysis of Human Traits. In Louis Wirth, Eleven Twenty-six; aDecade of Social Science Research, Chicago: The University of ChicagoPress, pp. 78-112.
/{ Lk)Dc1r0LOUIS LEON THURSTONE 369心理学空间+R}h OoZ jj|pZ
A Factorial Study of Visual Gestalt Effects. Abstract—Psychol. Bull.,37:456.心理学空间:VE-?8b @L?)Ed
Current Issues in Factor Analysis. Psychol. Bull., 37:189-236.Experimental Study of Simple Structure. Psychometrika, 5:153-168.心理学空间`"NAz pC^!St
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A Micro-film Projector Method for Psychological Tests. Psychometrika,6:235-248.心理学空间Xl4EPO+["T
['v^O t0Experimental and Factorial Study of Perceptual Dynamics. Abstract—Psychol. Bull., 39:452-453.心理学空间)@'nT4G4?@
,Uw_w [EN eE0Research Note: In Search of New Tests. Psychometrika, 9:69.Graphical Method of Factoring the Correlation Matrix. Proc. Nat. Acad.Sci., 30:129-134.心理学空间'ub$b h6]?LV
Second-order Factors. Psychometrika, 9 71-100.心理学空间R*WSM(V4kE)R1@
AS)M5n-j s0Testing Intelligence and Aptitudes. Hygeia, 23:32-36; 50; 52; 54.
!MFSq;Ue7Weij*SM0Testing Intelligence and Aptitudes. Pub. Person. Rev., 6:22-27.心理学空间!GNF6@Z v G1^f,s
A Multiple Group Method of Factoring the Correlation Matrix. Psychometrika,10:73-78.
#dXI"oR0The Effects of Selection in Factor Analysis. Psychometrika, 10:165-198.The Prediction of Choice. Psychometrika, 10:237-253.www.psychspace.com心理学空间网
«L. L. Thurstone (autobiography) 89 塞斯顿 | Louis L. Thurstone
《89 塞斯顿 | Louis L. Thurstone》
The Nature of Intelligence智力的本质»