基思·霍尔约克Keith J. Holyoak 翻译的中国古诗词
作者: 基思·霍尔约克 / 8462次阅读 时间: 2011年10月01日
来源: Keith J. Holyoak
www.psychspace.com心理学空间网基思·霍尔约克Keith J. Holyoak 翻译的中国古诗词心理学空间v)v }E o1J[

心理学空间1fJ}(XxI x4RS
Going to Visit the Daoist Master on Daitian Mountain But Not Finding Him 心理学空间4b-lo ycb i
^(r1e-km\+h/xv#@0Li Bai (701-762 CE)
A dog barks
dO:A2}M\0amidst the sound of water;
N,l/c b [0peach blossoms心理学空间eQ,n2ye
hang heavy with dewdrops.
ZR P |D7bCS'g0犬吠水聲中, 桃花帶露濃。心理学空间K,Yj)qTq6]cgeq
In the deep forest
5wger Dce0I glimpse a passing deer;心理学空间s t1G'xn
the rushing brook心理学空间 o v-KEN__8\ y
muffles the noonday bells.
ed1ZL/j L(]T0P0樹深時見鹿, 溪午不聞鐘。
FUL;[o j]0
*F'\*cf {z#X:k8R9I0Wild bamboos
#sNi#I0I@0slice through the green mist;
w2x#\0ISov2k0streams in flight
H/Rt*n8S0hang between emerald peaks.心理学空间7E(J5G%EH1R
野竹分青靄, 飛泉掛碧峰。
ds/A1lLF0心理学空间 d XF4U u'J
Nobody knows
]Re,J9g1R0?0where the master has gone—心理学空间C~%x|c
left to wonder,心理学空间b3?.X$c1ugy_
I rest among some pines.心理学空间1pP,jw_)Mn0V!O
無人知所去, 愁倚兩三松。
,DAP8P c,C]0 


Farewell at a Jinling Tavern 金陵酒肆留別
$\{6E4APm3W-A0Li Bai (701-762 CE)心理学空间.X7EM}-|3q
The wind blows catkins off the willows;心理学空间]R1LFIG%R
their fragrance fills the tavern.心理学空间$@l$Y1h7BY'Rb
Our hostess brings the guests new wine心理学空间@WOfKO|/P,]+X$i
she urges us to savor.
;@7hy LN#Lu0風吹柳花滿店香,吳姬壓酒喚客嘗。
Young friends from Jinling came today心理学空间4j-\7? L(c5X$E
to drink and see me off.
z bac+e0I must leave, and they must stay—心理学空间cux:Q@[l
we let our last cups linger.心理学空间;{L6a~'R @ Si
]w?!l Z0
AY3Z/` @ vL0Friends, let’s ask the water flowing
C7Ns&]Q MY0far away to the east:
5p+L%bRK4p+u6K3w0The river, or sadness of farewell—
5Db t$bs z^%jr0which of the two is longer?心理学空间"c T5Objv?9e

a E+UT6Q5dV0

O%wwV3F/Y&S sz0p0Overnight in the Pavilion by the River 心理学空间@[8s F s"T0^ @Y
!G4f8s:? BS0[&A+k0Du Fu (712-770 CE)心理学空间]Dv"L?+f
As evening approaches
4D9Jw?+z BC,J0along the mountain paths心理学空间2d8`2?ZLR#vx
I come to my chamber心理学空间.Rn]&P$ublpG
above the Water Gate.心理学空间3mMv5v:`G eO6J{+u
w ]6~1|5A5SH0
lxAX2X!V@0Wisps of cloud心理学空间!Y TfJ:m C
rest on the edges of cliffs;心理学空间A5y;F(["\6O-c
a lonely moon心理学空间+_(JL)fz
slowly turns in the waves.
m _ HNA/A M|0薄雲岩際宿,孤月浪中翻。心理学空间0|{;m8[Yb
心理学空间 ~:K&I ]%[f+U
A line of cranes心理学空间]X M,tP'aa
flies past on its silent hunt;心理学空间dv+Xz N0CVU
a pack of wolves
y#kM2Zg9Y+H+`U0howls around its prey.心理学空间D|:c!I(z"Iz.\~
@;{y/C A0心理学空间"Z`r,r gA(Ok
I cannot sleep,心理学空间L'S2D#_(kTr
plagued by thoughts of war,心理学空间(Lo2l:PM| Jk
and powerless
y+v;|0P7E0to spare the world its fate.
*B5h&`4@\ o0不眠憂戰伐,無力正乾坤。心理学空间,U ps&n'uh4YZH

H"e,D6_ pK'Q|&@C]&{0Missing My Little Son
7|+Kc ea0(Pony Boy)
qL b5Q1i0Du Fu (712-770 CE)心理学空间+y*B,u8hX'k7e1D
D G2Jooh{$Y WS5|0杜甫
CaPz3{7@+Hr0It’s spring, and still
A3?"x/k-k;~?{1O_0you're away, my Pony Boy,
"J(F'}cdRLO0while the days grow warm
Dk'eh3v0f)Dlv0and birdsong swells to crescendo.心理学空间 d5Ik Y?
This change of season心理学空间6R b9[2b RT
cuts like a new farewell—
P,a(rC|x0now who do I have心理学空间/D)Rz"z d@7?
to share my bits of wisdom?心理学空间V}W k1NI$D
The stream runs free
,r!w|(L0g4X?0alongside the empty path,
pS9W-cz b0from village gate
0d:A$mc5r7I2fJ0down into distant shadow;
SY9G0u S0澗水空山道,柴門老樹村。心理学空间yN!U#y!@

/Z mdB/e@A9w0My torrent of sadness
%|7k/i0B)c;V+k0will drain away in my dreams
aEwv!o oO VY0while my back is warmed心理学空间 h S-N}B8b2}q1Z6T
by spring sun through my window.
a#C7~t q)WtC0憶渠愁只睡,炙背俯晴軒。心理学空间 U\of6zZ;Zs:y


Moonlit Night
2d UT{;cD0Du Fu (712-770 CE)
-cY9b0U:u0Tonight the moon心理学空间C[b$EV
is also full in Fuzhou,
W7H,RUs0where my wife can only
u*Z:~&Az1Jr#N0wait and watch alone.心理学空间 a4X|F FO
今夜鄜(fū)州月, 閨中只獨看。
FT+r-OB.R M0q0
Ng\4RH-x;N0]q0I’m sad to think心理学空间t.\g"n7A w:STa
of my little sons and daughters,心理学空间*H"[_Fk(lU!A
too young to know
cC(P:Y*V~0why I’m far away in Changan.
3QIY5P k8l"`X0  遙憐小兒女, 未解憶長安。
h_0J3PcB{6O0Her cloud of hair心理学空间J#s G]Q&g(n
must be damp from the scented mist,
y V+g(_D0her jade-white arms心理学空间L8iIT+j*|
chilled as the light pours down.心理学空间"H1V$Dn.h
  香霧雲鬟濕, 清輝玉臂寒。
.Fd#i v)W-E.S0心理学空间/SQ[$FRJ
When will we both心理学空间%`i At9r?
lean at the open window,心理学空间A kp@G |
drying our tears心理学空间J#WQs-BY%{m?
in the glow of an autumn moon?
*{R+Q,P,M%W0  何時倚虛幌(huǎng), 雙照淚痕幹。心理学空间-FF1STW

1Z3R*_+[$ChSqd0On the Heights心理学空间 O5WH)g]6i
Du Fu (712-770 CE)
b O:Dk$c a}0心理学空间:? Ls)~q{
The wind is keen and the sky wide,心理学空间#m\'y\:j1R`9T|g
apes howl mournfully;心理学空间'n)hD'm'BFk?
the islet is clear and its sand white,
l.o(U9v)i,ps0birds wheel round and round.心理学空间 eZEi1x
風急天高猿嘯哀,渚清沙白鳥飛回。心理学空间g*?b uV9g\r[&m1g

;v o-{8b? OZ0In the boundless forest swirling leaves
N4d*j~Di.c"f \0go rustling, rustling by;
@N"h*dY'`%E*}&M7_0down the endless river surging waves
T-M}6c{0come rolling, rolling, on.
OU |#q cE!^c7a'{0  無邊落木蕭蕭下,不盡長江滾滾來。心理学空间vz.Ca0bjpP;tN

6J-\/F*_:h\ N0I am a constant traveler心理学空间Z&s Me7k(`(kV+]
this melancholy autumn—心理学空间X[!_i.iGj+{jubt
an old man now, racked by sickness,
3I dE+Tvm mn1G0I scale these heights alone.心理学空间-~f4ti QTK
心理学空间8]K0R*N v/S;jTwB
This life, so hard, full of bitter pain,
%a$BFQ"g2K0has turned my hair to frost,心理学空间N&xSA4nN
left me so poor that my last cup
4tR;O(j`|g0of cloudy wine is gone.
T1o!m2p7pdoe0  艱難苦恨繁霜鬢,潦倒新停濁酒杯。心理学空间+W1lOf!aS/mu3cd

8Gx:]{ [(T+Z0K0Thoughts Written While Traveling By Night
/p(vJ8h&g1y0Du Fu (712-770 CE)
Ap W q N}i0旅夜書懷  杜甫心理学空间2J l(sm&pq(W
心理学空间\/d VyN"M!FiB
The fine grass心理学空间t7^iH I
by the riverbank stirs in the breeze;心理学空间5{vyAC
the tall mast
p*mYgw FA_n;S0in the night is a lonely sliver.
"IW6E1ew0  細草微風岸,危檣獨夜舟。
h;fo_ hz9q9b0Stars hang心理学空间+]Nx+l { _{W3V
all across the vast plain;
V5\t6d m ^Fq.VS5y0the moon bobs
!N)I,X aBQ)f7O0in the flow of the great river.心理学空间P5EyQHN
  星垂平野闊,月湧大江流。心理学空间*dq5_"cC9F%h B-z
My poetry
g([zD+{m`c s0has not made a name for me;
+RpfTXq0now age and sickness
.\0\Py'b6`0have cost me the post I was given.
u sU JOJ ?0  名豈文章著,官應老病休。心理学空间:P+\%N2W%p2]3^6[S

vX Y Xs f0Drifting, drifting,心理学空间p S9hTj djA
what do I resemble?
!f5R8MT$Rr$]:e0A lone gull
.@s;U2v,i0lost between earth and heaven.
O mb_E0  飄飄何所似?天地一沙鷗。
1e*ASX _8} K0 

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