作者: INGE BRETHERTON / 36120次阅读 时间: 2011年4月24日
来源: Developmental Psychology (1992), 28, 759-775.

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!{Z9`q\9N,^0Theoretical Formulations
`9C0G-Ctsv8C"T!@0Bowlby’s first formal statement of attachment theory, building on concepts from ethology 心理学空间U5C\yJE|
and developmental psychology, was presented to the British Psychoanalytic Society in London in
0T lK%goU'P^!U0three now classic papers: “The Nature of the Child’s Tie to His Mother” (1958), “Separation 心理学空间(]4n*~0HW?U j}
Anxiety” (1959), and “Grief and Mourning in Infancy and Early Childhood” (1960). By 1962
F}jR(n0Bowlby had completed two further papers (never published; 1962 a and b) on defensive processes
&S8_ g MD+c A'gl#g0related to mourning. These five papers represent the first basic blueprint of attachment theory.
f^Z%\G"s;f)D2z0The Nature of the Child’s Tie to His Mother 心理学空间RW q"o}!r2gf1?*n

W9~ l_J4?0This paper reviews and then rejects those contemporary psychoanalytic explanations for the
C X|8F\0child’s libidinal tie to the mother in which need satisfaction is seen as primary and attachment as
o7zb.Mz~#gQ0secondary or derived. Borrowing from Freud’s (1905/1953) notion that mature human sexuality 心理学空间*NS*_ Js@7eZ9JA
is built up of component instincts, Bowlby proposed that I 2-month-olds’ unmistakable attach心理学空间)C6j_v/`6tO/u
ment behavior is made up of a number of component instinctual responses that have the function 心理学空间5Ng-J;q;s;Pk|
of binding the infant to the mother and the mother to the infant. These component responses
9x*SXPec0(among them sucking, clinging, and following, as well as the signaling behaviors of smiling and 心理学空间|&?0\ xbo,oT C
crying) mature relatively independently during the first year of life and become increasingly
(r qIe'VRNu0integrated and focused on a mother figure during the second 6 months. Bowlby saw clinging and 心理学空间N8U;dy#c8q;Dhl&}
following as possibly more important for attachment than sucking and crying. 心理学空间| ZE*kr*tiI;F-]C
心理学空间xxBl(v_yJ.| c
To buttress his arguments, Bowlby reviewed data from existing empirical studies of infants’ 心理学空间&I5Y*u3I5y,Vge V
cognitive and social development, including those of Piaget (1951, 1954), with whose ideas he 心理学空间EH`\"L+Rz{YK
had become acquainted during a series of meetings by the ‘Psychobiology of the Child” study
U j VAg(r d3I0group, organized by the same Ronald I Hargreaves at the World Health Organization who had
a9t V RC%`0commissioned Bowlby’s 1951 report. These informative meetings, also attended by Erik Erikson, 心理学空间:TEWPKyt
Julian Huxley, Baerbel Inhelder, Konrad Lorenz, Margaret Mead, and Ludwig von Bertalanffy, 心理学空间M U Kx7Q5o2UWsU
took place between 1953 and 1956. (Proceedings were published by Tavistock Publications.) For 心理学空间 h]Ri[TY*w
additional evidence, Bowlby drew on many years of experience as weekly facilitator of a support
*Z2gnV[+|?E(c$U0group for young mothers in London.
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OCQX1~I/Y0After his careful discussion of infant development, Bowlby introduced ethological concepts, 心理学空间~-bW7|R[
such as sign stimuli or social releasers that “cause” specific responses to he activated and shut off
WaPp5Y)C _0or terminated (see Tinbergen, 1951). These stimuli could he external or intrapsychic, an important
nvQe T8n;f0point in view of the fact that some psychoanalysts accused Bowlby of behaviorism because he
~X2?F3D l E*P0supposedly ignored mental phenomena. Bowlby also took great pains to draw a clear distinction 心理学空间+hP'`\1?XQ
between the old social learning theory concept of dependency and the new concept of attachment,
%@ i*r'u!EB7E0noting that attachment is not indicative of regression, hut rather performs a natural, healthy 心理学空间B8Ix2QQ a K
function even in adult life.
j| UZ3da*Dd0
,G.s7|1x1s,\k c7`0Bowlby’s new instinct theory raised quite a storm at the British Psychoanalytic Society. 心理学空间 U b F%@ l9~.|
Even Bowlby’s own analyst, Joan Riviere, protested. Anna Freud, who missed the meeting but 心理学空间3E#p^sw{z
read the paper, politely wrote:
T$m4Hd RQ,~oY C0
@#o4]!]7Mho.j4p0“Dr. Bowlby is too valuable a person to get lost to psychoanalysis” (Grosskurth, 1987). 心理学空间4dg _:tA7I
心理学空间A;Ia3I,~ g
Separation Anxiety 心理学空间;M%JJt2X

i!X ?&Y.`)u+B3u+J:s0The second seminal paper (Bowlby, 1959) builds on observations by Robertson (1953b) and
R K IG0l6\1EOmE0Heinicke (1956; later elaborated as Heinicke & Westheimer, 1966), as well as on Harlow and
4j.V3?:~.wo j~u0Zimmermann’s (1958) groundbreaking work on the effects of maternal deprivation in rhesus 心理学空间],@C |$O5TT
monkeys. Traditional theory, Bowlby claims, can explain neither the intense attachment of infants 心理学空间0c0]"P~OH0A"V
and young children to a mother figure nor their dramatic responses to separation. 心理学空间.x)No/Sa0LS\"M+I:w

z/X_!O.t^'@ e)e|K-[0Robertson (Robertson & Bowlby, 1952) had identified three phases of separation response: 心理学空间B M6c.\8RP]
protest (related to separation anxiety), despair (related to grief and mourning), and denial or
p9I`0Y*{"Z#i)X8r R0detachment (related to defence mechanisms, especially repression). Again drawing on ethological
A.r0JP-w/BM0concepts regarding the control of behavior, Bowlby maintained that infants and children experience
y IGT)k1L&s+x0separation anxiety when a situation activates both escape and attachment behavior hut an 心理学空间!lOB KfA6D
attachment figure is not available.
r;E~?WQ0The following quote explains, in part, why some psychoanalytic colleagues called Bowlby a
:} p$x%xu)roRmr0behaviorist: “for to have a deep attachment for a person (or a place or thing) is to have taken
!K_'X8U*H@-w;x7G0q \0them as the terminating object of our instinctual responses” (Bowlby, 1959, p. 13). The oddity of
!L5qa OB~0this statement derives from mixing, in the same sentence, experiential language (to have a deep
5P9I7]$An:z2Q]0attachment) with explanatory language representing an external observer’s point of view (the
!SXm2GF!I dC5q0attachment figure as the terminating object).
M!?[:jL!g ~ N)cNVs0
Ly(]K$d-[_0In this paper, Bowlby also took issue with Freud’s claim that maternal overgratification is a 心理学空间X*v.~3OP,W
danger in infancy. Freud failed to realize, says Bowlby, that maternal pseudo-affection and 心理学空间J*HTuy$E y{
overprotection may derive from a mother’s overcompensation for unconscious hostility. In
|8VT#U0tL0Bowlby’s view, excessive separation anxiety is due to adverse family experiences-such as
j&C"K{vP'n3d0repeated threats of abandonment or rejection by parents-or to a parent’s or sibling’s illness or 心理学空间lc-V/_T"^2q7{p
death for which the child feels responsible.
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Bowlby also pointed out that, in some cases, separation anxiety can be excessively low or be
q0DX ^3zc0altogether absent, giving an erroneous impression of maturity. He attributes pseudo-
*fj5g2[ k0independence under these conditions to defensive processes. A well-loved child, he claims, is 心理学空间^q|'i(f,jJ0aFj
quite likely to protest separation from parents but will later develop more self-reliance, These 心理学空间0_%q5k*Ci9F2u
ideas reemerged later in Ainsworth’s classifications of ambivalent, avoidant, and secure patterns 心理学空间#M[%dQl3s5b \ W
of infant-mother attachment (Ainsworth, Blehar, Waters, & Wall, 1978). 心理学空间;g-ila@/xW:p+I

8}x1l%g:z*c5z Wg0Grief and Mourning in Infancy and Early Childhood
In the third, most controversial paper, Bowlby (1960) questioned Anna Freud’s contention
%},t HR }%J0that bereaved infants cannot mourn because of insufficient ego development and therefore
rJ']V9bn0experience nothing more than brief bouts of separation anxiety if an adequate substitute caregiver 心理学空间KE4TO)Z Qp!?U`4a~
is available. In contrast, Bowlby (citing Marris, 1958) claimed that grief and mourning processes
_7U[\6}O5]Q q0in children and adults appear whenever attachment behaviors are activated but the attachment 心理学空间K!{9bakmYYtS
figure continues to he unavailable. He also suggested that an inability to form deep relationships
6T%S"gwQ0with others may result when the succession of substitutes is too frequent. 心理学空间9b [ G*T,f7`x g}
心理学空间~t4y ^ \5vW7GPY
As with the first paper, this paper also drew strong objections from many members of the 心理学空间0]]gr*Y&Y4`
British Psychoanalytic Society. One analyst is said to have exclaimed: “Bowlby? Give me
\:?b![3VA V0Barrabas” (Grosskurth, 1987). Controversy also accompanied the published version of this paper 心理学空间rw(W9OJ"d$Y$_3fK5O
in The Psychoanalytic Study of the Child. Unbeknownst to Bowlby, rejoinders had been invited 心理学空间%W W7Dih*xQ*K
from Anna Freud (1960), Max Schur (1960), and René Spitz (1960), all of whom protested
/HS%r#d0i0various aspects of Bowlby’s revision of Freudian theory. Spitz ended his rejoinder by saying:
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When submitting new theories we should not violate the principle of parsimony in science by 心理学空间 _8Sp6nJ9m8BZc
offering hypotheses which in contrast to existing theory becloud the observational facts, are
vx6t7Qc0oversimplified, and make no contribution to the better understanding of observed phenomena.
d ]+E5Sj W'j.\n0(p. 93)
t*EuW}Ds0Despite this concerted attack, Bowlby remained a member of the British Psychoanalytic Society
Zf L3YGR}0for the rest of his life, although he never again used it as a forum for discussing his ideas. At a
'V5uC-Ab*};E)qz[0meeting of the society in memory of John Bowlby, Eric Rayner (1991) expressed his regret at this
"]%_ R4Q3|l|0turn of events:
R*]g#GP S0
6@QqrJWy0What seems wrong is when a theorist extols his own view by rubbishing others; Bowlby 心理学空间rt5I{ iC
received this treatment. . . . Our therapeutic frame of mind is altered by theory. John Bowlby 心理学空间+`'Vsa(N/@]x Z~
was a great alterer of frames of mind. 心理学空间d8RL MY(k
Bowlby’s controversial paper on mourning attracted the attention of Colin Parkes, now well 心理学空间6SH:h{J uca"[
known for his research on adult bereavement. Parkes saw the relevance of Bowlby’s and Robertson’s
-A e2QAu;\k0work on mourning in infancy and childhood for gaining insight into the process of adult
;g}S7d.}@D4x0grief. On joining Bowlby’s research unit at the Tavistock Institute in 1962, Parkes set out to
h8DTsx,@.D0study a nonclinical group of widows in their homes to chart the course of nominal adult grief, 心理学空间"y\/y1@exF8Y
about which little was known at the time, The findings led to a joint paper with Bowlby (Bowlby
.h!~3`9~2_ }E+q0& Parkes, 1970) in which the phases of separation response delineated by Robertson for young
c:k\$xU0children were elaborated into four phases of grief during adult life: (a) numbness, (h) yearning
#N*t(d)m |5j$w6]+u0and protest, (c) disorganization and despair, and (d) reorganization (see also Parkes, 1972). 心理学空间/G)jHz2{?&_9]
心理学空间,yI{r+b*r GL
Before the publication of the 1970 paper, Parkes had visited Elizabeth Kubler-Ross in
~e+hrU_1y0Chicago, who was then gathering data for her influential book On Death and Dying (1978). The 心理学空间9nV+`bZ;T6@
phases of dying described in her book (denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance) owe
e6v$~n+^HX o0much to Bowlby’s and Robertson’s thinking. Bowlby also introduced Parkes to the founder of the
%y ?'o$[`j O*I0modern hospice movement, Cicely Saunders. Saunders and Parkes used attachment theory and
L^n9j*z.h'PgO0research in developing programs for the emotional care of the dying and bereaved, What they 心理学空间gTL:[*\^}yd
found particularly helpful in countering negative attitudes to the dying and bereaved was the
}.^-B^FK%@0concept of grief as a process toward attaining a new identity, rather than as a state (Parkes, 心理学空间z/K4BFx6j a&s6@
personal communication, November 1989).
(t&F:Fd c Oq,vI0The First Empirical Study of Attachment: Infancy in Uganda 心理学空间CR z J}t0r

L:XXJ+}0Let us now return to Mary Ainsworth’s work. In late 1953, she had left the Tavistock 心理学空间9k-X ]u |^$a
Clinic, obviously quite familiar with Bowlby’s thinking about ethology hut not convinced of its
,`I*^ l8x0value for understanding infant- mother attachment. The Ainsworths were headed for Uganda,
Lt'zj4T [I8@J5Rf l0where Leonard Ainsworth had obtained a position at the East African Institute of Social Research
w,Q?WNc0at Kampala. With help from the same institute, Mary Ainsworth was able to scrape together funds 心理学空间_.N5Y#S~f
for an observational study, but not before writing Bowlby a letter in which she called for empirical 心理学空间 DqO']u4[0vk5r'v
validation of his ethological notions (Ainsworth, January 1992, personal communication),
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Inspired by her analyses of Robertson’s data, Ainsworth had initially planned an investigation 心理学空间9I%K r.I ` q;H
of toddlers’ separation responses during weaning, but it soon became obvious that the old
(G6g#pEDg[Y0tradition of sending the child away “to forget the breast” had broken down. She therefore decided
#^S%Sr)Jq;a0to switch gears and observe the development of infant-mother attachment.
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As soon as she began her data collection, Ainsworth was struck by the pertinence of
R@+i1J;S?]}e0Bowlby’s ideas, Hence, the first study of infant-mother attachment from an ethological perspective 心理学空间(y%g sS8UO$ewKqb
was undertaken several years before the publication of the three seminal papers in which 心理学空间1[cNq^6k_%K
Bowlby (1958, 1959, 1960) laid out attachment theory.
} R p{G Q0
L K7]&TD2]y6x5Wm0
-YB&oi DU+f0Ainsworth recruited 26 families with unweaned babies (ages 1 - 24 months) whom she 心理学空间U/hu(h$i c6XBh
observed every 2 weeks for 2 hours per visit over a period of up to 9 months. Visits (with an
e(]0dM j1W4K0interpreter) took place in the family living room, where Ganda women generally entertain in the 心理学空间E%?:gXk!rWF.|
afternoon. Ainsworth was particularly interested in determining the onset of proximity-promoting 心理学空间\nt r FFQ,p6W
signals and behaviors, noting carefully when these signals and behaviors became preferentially
7K,En QvG0J0directed toward the mother.
y [ _7W8jn0
} a |#}E,`s0On leaving Uganda in 1955, the Ainsworths moved to Baltimore, where Mary Ainsworth 心理学空间fY0lf*dI"D!^
began work as a diagnostician and part-time clinician at the Sheppard and Enoch Pratt Hospital, 心理学空间)?S!O9Xf n KU
further consolidating her already considerable assessment skills. At the same time, she taught
i"?Q4K*a@J0clinical and developmental courses at the Johns Hopkins University, where she was initially hired
J&pL.h8B0as a lecturer. Because of her involvement in diagnostic work and teaching, the data from the
z8Ji*p T/W:m+k?0Ganda project lay fallow for several years.


«玛丽·爱因斯沃斯的陌生情境测验 安思沃斯 Ainsworth
《安思沃斯 Ainsworth》