作者: INGE BRETHERTON / 36180次阅读 时间: 2011年4月24日
来源: Developmental Psychology (1992), 28, 759-775.
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In 1948, 2 years before Ainsworth’s arrival, Bowlby had hired James Robertson to help him 心理学空间3ZFe6{9?(@XlH"Wid q
observe hospitalized and institutionalized children who were separated from their parents. 心理学空间 aP @miED
Robertson had had impeccable training in naturalistic observation, obtained as a conscientious
#J$hCu4Osg0objector during World War II, when he was employed as a boilerman in Anna Freud’s Hampstead 心理学空间*dd/D{.h&b g2~
residential nursery for homeless children. Anna Freud required that all members of the staff, no
+oMVK&O|#E~0matter what their training or background, write notes on cards about the children’s behavior
4E j#C;T!y eSN@\l0(Senn, l977a), which were then used as a basis for weekly group discussions. The thorough
:o/xmfsj0training in child observation that Robertson thus obtained at the Hampstead residential nursery is
Q,x:U t s!]0Anna Freud’s lasting personal contribution to the development of attachment theory.
After 2 years of collecting data on hospitalized children for Bowlby’s research projects,
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;I7F/DQ7\-DY0A;bV [H0Robertson protested that he could not continue as an uninvolved research worker, but felt compelled 心理学空间zSB Zu$O
to do something for the children he had been observing. On a shoestring budget, with minimal
].c5`&{A vz0training, a hand-held cinecamera, and no artificial lighting, he made the deeply moving film, 心理学空间gz3N H~H
A Two-Year-Old Goes to Hospital (Robertson, 1 953a, 1953b; Robertson & Bowlby, 1952). 心理学空间$oo5]$blXhuh
Foreseeing the potential impact of this film, Bowlby insisted that it be carefully planned to ensure
]N}pV c0that no one would later he able to accuse Robertson of biased recording. The target child was 心理学空间Del2z1~8YD h
randomly selected, and the hospital clock on the wall served as proof that time sampling took
N @*@6@)uM l7f1_0place at regular periods of the day. Together with Spitz’s (1947) film, Grief: A Peril in Infancy,
o:i`)@ j9Uf9_(u{0Robertson’s first film helped improve the fate of hospitalized children all over the Western 心理学空间WM*h6zLstHtq
world, even though it was initially highly controversial among the medical establishment.
BEF'k+N$P|S0When Mary Ainsworth arrived at Bowlby’s research unit late in 1950, others working there
F3i0X#l/e&vkcM-~6D0(besides James Robertson) were Mary Boston and Dina Rosenbluth. Rudolph Schaffer, whose
(kf.?y5p0subsequent attachment research is well known (Schaffer & Emerson, 1964), joined the group 心理学空间tR6j2Rc&?$vP#Qd0` q
somewhat later, as did Christoph Heinicke (1956; Heinicke & Westheimer, 1966), who undertook
?8U-D$CN#}-Ow,M0additional separation and reunion studies, and Tony Ambrose (1961), who was interested in 心理学空间xgH8Zi N#t.}
early social behavior. Mary Ainsworth, who was charged with analyzing James Robertson’s data,
h9`@2a|,k0was tremendously impressed with his records of children’s behavior and decided that she would 心理学空间\1U/f? x*S2v
emulate his methods of naturalistic observation were she ever to undertake a study of her own 心理学空间ijHm7r)s,z;]
(Ainsworth, 1983). 心理学空间c,RdV\ D2q
心理学空间9I h&TM_
At this time, Bowlby’s earlier writings about the familial experiences of affectionless 心理学空间4qJ)^,e9p-o _+C @
children had led Ronald Hargreaves of the World Health Organization (WHO) to commission him 心理学空间J+TiJ O\5A]9tX
to write a report on the mental health of homeless children in postwar Europe. Preparation of the 心理学空间Y'w?!jvy
WHO report gave Bowlby an opportunity to pick the brains of many practitioners and researchers 心理学空间R,|i Sl&m
across Europe and the United States who were concerned with the effects of maternal separation
X0sOr*T.K'?)r0and deprivation on young children, including Spitz (1946) and Goldfarb (1943, 1945). The report
:Q5xp2eZ0was written in 6 months and translated into 14 languages, with sales of 400,000 copies in the
V}| ]n?C V[c0English paperback edition; it was published in 1951 as Maternal Care and Mental Health by the
!F.z!\ @/p"y0WHO. A second edition, entitled Child Care and the Growth of Love, with review chapters by 心理学空间ws ZxiL:z
Mary Ainsworth, was published by Penguin Books in 1965.
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IJ wAHcd Yn0It is interesting to examine the 1951 report from today’s perspective. At that time Bowlby
&~m#F2D2A@7f0still used the terminology of traditional psychoanalysis (love object, libidinal ties, ego, and 心理学空间3K2[dl.k(?%o
superego), hut his ideas were little short of heretical, Perhaps following Spitz, he used embryol
Q(rX8Qz"U0j'w%J"Z0ogy as a metaphor to portray the maternal role in child development: 心理学空间N fa Wc)iD"E%Ka
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If growth is to proceed smoothly, the tissues must he exposed to the influence of the 心理学空间sxV2l@2i ~)K&Q+z
appropriate organizer at certain critical periods. In the same way, ~f mental development is 心理学空间#i\-SO/_)FC\O&G
to proceed smoothly, it would appear to he necessary for the undifferentiated psyche to be
R hq;\"a8l/f0exposed during certain critical periods to the influence of the psychic organizer- the mother.
I@sXM d0(Bowlby, 1951, p. 53) 心理学空间f o/F z7U k&s P

O1f'a$YS$F1Zqi0Then, seemingly doing away with the idea that the superego has its origin in the resolution of the
B$p!}j'E K\0Oedipus complex, Bowlby claims that during the early years, while the child acquires the capacity
` r&jj$[^0for self-regulation, the mother is a child’s ego and superego:
B-\#k6GO{0It is not surprising that during infancy and early childhood these functions are either not
X"H3Sc1w d%}\0operating at all or are doing so most imperfectly. During this phase of life, the child is 心理学空间;]g#dNPjR
therefore dependent on his mother performing them for him. She orients him in space and 心理学空间@ }1q2Wpt
time, provides his environment, permits the satisfaction of some impulses, restricts others. 心理学空间k:Zj1@a Jz
She is his ego and his super-ego. Gradually he learns these arts himself, and as he does, the 心理学空间O@8wd K)e6@
skilled parent transfers the roles to him. This is a slow, subtle and continuous process,
7yAI*|+e0beginning when he first learns to walk and feed himself, and not ending completely until
My|.jz+z0maturity is reached. . . . Ego and super-ego development are thus inextricably hound up with 心理学空间%A7xtl$jn
the child’s primary human relationships. (Bowlby, 1951, p. 53) 心理学空间O1B&Z8wI!F%P)y3?O$q

tV;J;g[ N+m4|K0This sounds more Vygotskian than Freudian. Moreover, despite his disagreements with Kleinian 心理学空间?-\ zL OPu
therapy, I detect remnants of Kleinian ideas in Bowlby’s discussions of children’s violent fantasies
.QC8b'Qh|0on returning to parents after a prolonged separation and “the intense depression that humans
ZTO6E/?i0experience as a result of hating the person they most dearly love and need” (Bowlby, 1951, p.
p'x He#TX|J057). 心理学空间]0L&S&lvdi
Bowlby’s major conclusion, grounded in the available empirical evidence, was that to grow
5\C9t |:Z7FjM8g\0up mentally healthy, “the infant and young child should experience a warm, intimate, and 心理学空间|4T"ML ln
continuous relationship with his mother (or permanent mother substitute) in which both find
dHQH!a rP$`0satisfaction and enjoyment” (Bowlby, 1951, p. 13). Later summaries often overlook the reference 心理学空间UW:S#nZ8HQ
to the substitute mother and to the partners’ mutual enjoyment. They also neglect Bowlby’s
CU%E/x7d t I(])E`Rm0emphasis on the role of social networks and on economic as well as health factors in the
$L#U3V:M"mSIY0development of well-functioning mother-child relationships. His call to society to provide support 心理学空间 e,O q1O9BwT$v~
for parents is still not heeded today:
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Just as children are absolutely dependent on their parents for sustenance, so in all hut the
Y,Pt)C#t S%B(F#W/n R0most primitive communities, are parents, especially their mothers, dependent on a greater
1er+e0E]8C+q0society for economic provision. If a community values its children it must cherish their 心理学空间P;jV5f a8m{$E
parents. (Bowlby, 1951, p. 84) 心理学空间o*n c$l ox
True to the era in which the WHO report was written, Bowlby emphasized the female parent. In
|6T.`QH$Q5uNne0infancy, he comments, fathers have their uses, but normally play second fiddle to mother. Their
)v!hS k-?0prime role is to provide emotional support to their wives’ mothering. 心理学空间,dV ~6eKg

!K3?r)QP0The proposition that, to thrive emotionally, children need a close and continuous caregiving relationship 心理学空间&j,ew H(HO7NK
called for a theoretical explanation. Bowlby was not satisfied with the then current psychoanalytic
RmaQ&[6B`3U/r0view that love of mother derives from sensuous oral gratification, nor did he agree
\-Yw.I"yl~0with social learning theory’s claim that dependency is based on secondary reinforcement (a concept 心理学空间)O,k_1i:Vg2CO.m4V
that was itself derived from psychoanalytic ideas). Like Spitz (1946) and Erikson (1950),
r K|t/H-^0Bowlby had latched onto the concept of critical periods in embryological development and was
MFe*y?q0casting about for similar phenomena at the behavioral level when, through a friend, he happened 心理学空间|;|;X%n4t[
upon an English translation of Konrad Lorenz’s (1935) paper on imprinting. 心理学空间P3v'C*n!Ky8C0s

rq8P"XMXs+R0From then on, Bowlby began to mine ethology for useful new concepts. Lorenz’s (1935) 心理学空间!j&u ]*qH T pw
account of imprinting in geese and other precocial birds especially intrigued him, because it
$aQ2^ |)h5E/Cg0suggested that social bond formation need not be tied to feeding. In addition, he favored
.Ya&g-w G2kp5?]0ethological methods of observing animals in their natural environment, because this approach was 心理学空间T%|#tmWD&B:k
so compatible with the methods Robertson had already developed at the Tavistock research unit.
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One notable talent that stood Bowlby in great stead throughout his professional life was his
7Ndk B@t1PzJ0ability to draw to himself outstanding individuals who were willing and able to help him acquire
6?'WFld6p1i$E0expertise in new fields of inquiry that he needed to master in the service of theory building To
Kp`4Kak0learn more about ethology, Bowlby contacted Robert Hinde, under whose “generous and stern 心理学空间#h*ytrP
guidance” (see Bowlby, 1980b, p. 650) he mastered ethological principles to help him find new 心理学空间k N1u_%aq
ways of thinking about infant mother attachment. Conversely, Hinde’s fascinating studies of 心理学空间(|5^b1~1Y~
individual differences in separation and reunion behaviors of group-living rhesus mother infant
_VJ+M5mB0dyads (Hinde & Spencer-Booth, 1967) were inspired by the contact with Bowlby and his
Pl$|a2{:Sr+cg!F0co-workers (Hinde, 1991).
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Q"d2d6\s^,t"t#[!t0Bowlby’s first ethological paper appeared in 1953. Somewhat surprisingly, however,
jVM$y8NZ0various empirical papers on the effects of separation, published with his own research team during
8I NMsny.kE0the very same period, show little trace of Bowlby’s new thinking, because his colleagues were
0ZUR+}5Y0unconvinced that ethology was relevant to the mother-child relationship (Bowlby, personal 心理学空间9Qb&_R_$R
communication, October 1986). Even Mary Ainsworth, though much enamored of ethology, was
JiMdj2WP0somewhat wary of the direction Bowlby’s theorizing had begun to take. It was obvious to her, 心理学空间m&s/?$p L bL8~ ^
she said, that a baby loves his mother because she satisfies his needs (Ainsworth, personal 心理学空间&mX$p N!y m:`
communication, January 1992), A collaborative paper dating from this period (Bowlby,
a Do\$`(A n0Ainsworth, Boston, & Rosenbluth, 1956) is nevertheless important, because it prefigures later 心理学空间9a!l F!IA4L Enq
work on patterns of attachment by Ainsworth. Her contribution to the paper was a system for
0G!g6FPfI L0classifying three basic relationship patterns in school-age children who had been reunited with
ePd U-Rbh0parents after prolonged sanatorium stays: those with strong positive feelings toward their 心理学空间Z7Q+H(Af'f)sa7z`J
mothers; those with markedly ambivalent relationships; and a third group with nonexpressive,
R%_'Cwr!X0indifferent, or hostile relationships with mother. 心理学空间 _"h P9L3W:j8Pb,]


«玛丽·爱因斯沃斯的陌生情境测验 安思沃斯 Ainsworth
《安思沃斯 Ainsworth》