double loop learning 双环学习
作者: 转载 / 13844次阅读 时间: 2011年3月11日
标签: Argyris 双环学习
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double loop learning

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author:Argyris, Chris and Schön, Donald Alan心理学空间/M K1E*|G4~ ]8hg(@La
country:United States心理学空间lg/f"n9S ~"ZR
period:1978心理学空间"{ @BfD6g&i3b)A
type:theory心理学空间 W.J[F%ADv H
role:consultant and change agent心理学空间!IU4t]Do+c+Uc
activity:analyse and reflect
x'D0jiJ:j*Q{0topic:org. design & development, innovation & risk and change management
c!w;A;nO0abstr. level:organisation

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Psychologist Chris Argyris and philosopher Donald Schön's intervention research focused on exploring the ways organisations can increase their capacity for double-loop learning. They argued that double-loop learning is necessary if organisations and its members are to manage problems effectively that originate in rapidly changing and uncertain contexts.心理学空间X{*o!{F8p"V Y*e

vFti M'K6K0Argyris and Schön distinguished three levels of learning in organisations.心理学空间]0a*|&\1xA[q

F0Kke3n aBx7_01. SINGLE-LOOP learning
;\ v"UBIl0"Adaptive learning" focuses on incremental change. This type of learning solves problems but ignores the question of why the problem arose in the first place.
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2. DOUBLE-LOOP learning心理学空间 d v5e9j C+B
Generative learning focuses on transformational change that changes the status quo. Double loop learning uses feedback from past actions to question assumptions underlying current views. When considering feedback, managers and professionals need to ask not only the reasons for their current actions, but what to do next and even more importantly, why alternative actions are not to be implemented.心理学空间y{;Dw(N6u t+V
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3. DEUTERO-learning
2j0tzi!l)c*u1E0Learning how to learn better by seeking to improve both single- and double-loop learning.心理学空间8h KR4Dk

N(fG)q8WmTx0People's tacit mental maps provide guidance on acting in situations: planning, implementing and reviewing their actions. Learning is based on the detection and correction of errors given a current set of norms, the applied action strategy and the realised outcome.心理学空间}1L8I(M2B
Argyris and Schön regarded individuals as the key to organisational learning. People constructing and sharing mental maps make the development of organisational memory and learning possible.心理学空间3i'BvCza&_,s |2BJ`

g`,yT.?{ObpZ0The theory-in-action concept of the two researchers substantiated that a gap exists between what individuals say they want to do (espoused theory) and what they actually do (theory in use). People always behave consistently with their mental models (theory-in-use) even though they often do not act in accordance with what they say (espoused theory). This concept is useful in understanding organisational behaviour and change processes.
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Top management issuing orders, memos and directives alone is insufficient to change employees' behaviour. Single-loop learning often leads to organisational malaise resulting in symptoms such as defensiveness, cynicism, hopelessness, evasion, distancing, blaming, and rivalry.
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n2T+e"j PQ"YH0[o0In order to effectively come to grips with new situations, the espoused theories need to be aligned with the theories in use. Double-loop learning techniques help the organisation members learn together and the organisation change.心理学空间'hUq.J!j"e_ E

TAG: Argyris 双环学习
«chris argyris: theories of action, double-loop learning and organizational learn Chris Argyris 阿吉里斯
《Chris Argyris 阿吉里斯》