作者: 克莱因 / 3139次阅读 时间: 2022年6月16日
来源: 克莱因全集


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(1926)早期分析的心理學原則心理学空间*S Yd2uh;C

(1927)兒童分析論文集心理学空间 ujfGy[6DSM

(1927)正常兒童的犯罪傾向心理学空间,T&Xo3S h!p(}Q&yQ

V5q#mo/M)cc%T0Early Stages of the Oedipus Conflict心理学空间/e#mHp v j0U

Personification in the Play of Children

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(1929)反映在藝術作品與創作衝動中的嬰儿期)心理学空间.^ Yc vZs YI"m
Infantile Anxiety-Situations Reflected in a Work of Art and in the Creative Impulse心理学空间jH5bw M

The Importance of Symbol-Formation in the Development of the Ego心理学空间'~-nFYA2S

(1930)對精神病的心理治療心理学空间:n8vlN }x

1}pR&DKNO0A Contribution to the Theory of Intellectual Inhibtion心理学空间W:?!\6kh{




(1935)論躁鬱狀態的心理成因心理学空间c8L U9}'q4t fa
A Contribution to the Psychogenesis of Manic-Depressive States

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(1937)愛、罪疚與修復心理学空间#{:u)s ^3c mV

k5j9E o%h }9wEo0Mourning and its Relation to Manic-Depressive States心理学空间Z,P:M6T xx:t)hiG WY

R_6h/{ G XW%Y0P0The Oedipus Complex in the Light of Early Anxieties

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0KZ8X#A)]2LQ'o?q0Notes on Some Schizoid Mechanisms

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\saB `C*X+VSPM;H0A Contribution to the Theory of Anxiety and Guilt心理学空间l%Dtl)F4T?

eZ P:@@0On the Criteria for the Termination of a Psycho-Analysis心理学空间;h'v UDkq

(1952)移情的根源心理学空间A J(O(jk
The Origins of Transference

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The Mutual Influences in the Development of Ego and Id

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(1952)關于嬰兒情緒生活的一些理論性結論心理学空间8Du!d1pzK r
Some Theoretical Conclusions Regarding the Emotional Life of the Infant心理学空间`%E"e/^MU

4mPNih&{ht0On Observing the Behaviour of Young Infants心理学空间%B"[8cPuX

F[X0K:bDl'C0The Psycho-Analytic Play Technique: Its History and Significance 心理学空间 HJ%l,j2g HXz3t

,Q%w@8q?tHTQH0On Identification (1955)心理学空间-YFh^iW4m8h0wg

(1958)嫉羨與感恩心理学空间&N+V Yqt'p(n;b%I^2a~
Envy and Gratitude心理学空间E'GHj _2U$t#?jS)h

~Iq!gt,e0On the Development of Mental Functioning心理学空间f ^:d)Q Kr zti

Our Adult World and its Roots in Infancy (1959)心理学空间t$WW@ oL

"Sp'w0e SIOi0Symposium on 'Depressive Illness'-V. a Note on Depression in the Schizophrenic心理学空间A`/e.u ~j

On Mental Health (1960)心理学空间j Ge;WZ#vpGi

(1963)《奧瑞斯提亞》的某些省思  心理学空间q%{A?+\*jD&|4F
  Some Reflections on "The Orsteia"  心理学空间+e+Xb?'a6{~8{ V

];k/d }clK0 On the Sense of Loneliness心理学空间)SZvxH H

«Symbol formation 象征形成 梅兰妮·克萊茵