过度敏感自恋量表(HSNS)The Hypersensitive Narcissism Scale
作者: mints 编译 / 8327次阅读 时间: 2020年7月12日
标签: 过敏性自恋 显性自恋 隐性自恋 自恋
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Please answer the following questions by deciding to what extent each item is characteristic of your feelings and behavior. Fill in the blank next to each item by choosing a number from the scale printed below.
g dW]D0请回答以下问题,并决定每一项在多大程度上反映了你的感受和行为。通过从下面程度选择一个数字,填入每个项目旁边的空白处。


4gmZ4A:RG01 = very uncharacteristic or untrue, strongly disagree
M-j b"k3Z|v01=非常不典型或不真实,强烈反对

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Q!mLL6?ha02 = uncharacteristic
VWs we'd!w02=不典型心理学空间A;F1z2v(Z W/v

心理学空间M$h!q"t z4J

3 = neutral心理学空间"D8hE|0]%fan

;o8PpU J0

zwRV9D04 = characteristic心理学空间9} eI"G2Id6K6_O
4=典型心理学空间 w,P^S!VIjX#g&_


5 = very characteristic or true, strongly agree心理学空间&r_\ ?e~S9q

5Uu+dU'b dE e0

9Os8d_ F(` gGp0 心理学空间Dh'g\#Y r+k I8?

  1. I can become entirely absorbed in thinking about my personal affairs, my health, my cares or my relations to others.
  2. My feelings are easily hurt by ridicule or by the slighting remarks of others.心理学空间j }'d3q2[*?q-v
  3. When I enter a room I often become self conscious and feel that the eyes of others are upon me.
  4. I dislike sharing the credit of an achievement with others.心理学空间PQUB!l*{)\2r
  5. I dislike being with a group unless I know that I am appreciated by at least one of those present.心理学空间@K&ZxE/_,Nv
  6. I feel that I am temperamentally different from most people.心理学空间a et*l1{c;X0j
  7. I often interpret the remarks of others in a personal way.
    #n| @3H.v9w(}'v0我经常用个人的方式解释别人的话。
  8. I easily become wrapped up in my own interests and forget the existence of others.心理学空间[)Hw3K,]P+p&p)m
  9. I feel that I have enough on my hands without worrying about other people’s troubles.
  10. I am secretely "put out" when other people come to me with their troubles, asking me for my time and sympathy.
Hendin, H.M., & Cheek, J.M. (1997). Assessing Hypersensitive Narcissism: A Re-examination of Murray's Narcissism Scale. Journal of Research in Personality, 31, 588-599.
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TAG: 过敏性自恋 显性自恋 隐性自恋 自恋
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