沃尔普生平年表 主要著述列表
作者: 赵军燕 / 8754次阅读 时间: 2018年5月04日
来源: 沃尔普心理健康思想解析 标签: 沃尔普 心理学大师
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1915年4月20日,出生于南非约翰内斯堡市,取名为约瑟夫·沃尔普。心理学空间(j$T+` ]0{


1933年,进入南非维特沃特斯兰德大学学医,开始了六年的医学课程训练。心理学空间*o nf&{MNg6d0u




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1948年,获得医学博士学位。同年5月,和斯黛拉在南非约翰内斯堡结婚。心理学空间IN8oUn w)FT

G*w;L g` e}:R'nI"rj2s01949年,在雷纳和泰勒的鼓励下,根据自己的实验与临床经验,完成书稿《条件反射和神经症》。

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s)J q s:k9q01951年,第一个儿子戴维(David)出生。



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1958 年,出版个人第一本专著《交互抑制心理疗法》。

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[(A(hG!f9u`|5L.B01960年1月,全家移民到美国弗吉尼亚州的夏洛茨维尔市。心理学空间8z&h2\8}iGKB'L Tca

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1969年,制订评估主观不适的心理困扰量表——主观焦虑程度量表。心理学空间 }D3`iNm@5@



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1.Wolpe J. Learning Versus Lesions as the Basis of Neurotic Behavior[J].American Journal of Psychiatry, 1956,112:542-544心理学空间8@$K5s jb


2.Wolpe J. New Facts and Old Misconceptions about Neuroses[J]. South African Medical Journal, 1956,30:542-544.心理学空间(Q:iB6i-Q8GJ"t4y

I X3@-D"}`$h03.Wolpe J. Psychotherapy by Reciprocal Inhibition[M]. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 1958.

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4.Wolpe J. Psychotherapy Based on the Reciprocal Inhibition Principle[M]// Burton A (Ed.). Case Studies in Counseling and psychotherapy. New York: Prentice-Hall, 1959.

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5.Wolpe J. Psychotherapy by Reciprocal Inhibition: A Reply to Dr.Glover[J]. British Journal of Medical Psychology, 1959,32:232-235.


0d?$]6v.v.?8UM06.Wolpe J. Truth about Psychoanalysis[J]. British Medical Journal, 1960 ,May 28:1659.

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oy? Cz[07.Wolpe J. The Systematic Desensitization Treatment of Neuroses[J]. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 1961,132:189-203.

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8.Wolpe J. The Prognosis in Unpsychoanalyzed Recovery from Neuroses[J]. American Journal of Psychiatry, 1961,117:35-39.心理学空间&B/gUe7}R| x

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9.Wolpe J. Psychotherapy: The Nonscientific Heritage and the New Science[J]. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 1963,1:23-28.心理学空间-r&Dw8TSy0Y h.\

p?R&G1| V \010.Wolpe J. Quantitative Relations in the Systematic Desensitization of Neuroses[J]. American Journal of Psychiatry, 1963,119:1062-1068.心理学空间,w6C/w"a2f'G3P1Rb

iA6SP T"R+Deu011.Wolpe J. The Conditioning Therapies: The Challenge in Psychotherapy[M]. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1964.心理学空间'~?7s9UY'U

&l-Q U:u#r012.Wolpe J. Behavior Therapy in Complex Neurotic States[J]. British Journal of Psychiatry, 1964,110:28-34.

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13.Wolpe J. Conditioned Inhibition of Craving in Drug Addiction: A Pilot Experiment[J]. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 1965,3:185-189.心理学空间v7A;H'vz]:n

tx5QS2N#M8u014.Wolpe J. Comment on H. J. Eysenck’s the Effects of Psychotherapy[J]. International Journal of Psychiatry, 1965,1:173-175.心理学空间,A6D7xT%L y5@1T k

q0?Zv y3R3_015.Wolpe J. Behaviour Therapy Techniques[J]. British Journal of Psychiatry, 1967,113:239.心理学空间i|!gJ8p|H-q

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16.Wolpe J. Psychotherapy by Reciprocal Inhibition[J]. Integrative Psychological and Behavioral Science, 1968,3(4):234-240.心理学空间`L YKr+b7_:b ~9U

3iprU-JM&l*kT"m017.Wolpe J. The Practice of Behavior Therapy[M]. New York: Pergamon Press, 1969.心理学空间v+Q1d2?/H

Q"^Zd\6Dc(n Ud018.Wolpe J. Experimental Psychology and Psychoanalytic Theory[J]. International Journal of Psychiatry, 1969,7:558-561.

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19.Wolpe J. Psychotherapeutic Efficacy and Objective Research[J]. International Journal of Psychiatry, 1969,7:157-159.心理学空间t;D*jV;eg,U1z


20.Wolpe J. Basic Principles and Practices of Behavior Therapy of Neuroses[J]. American Journal of Psychiatry, 1969,125:136-141.

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21.Wolpe J. Transcript of Initial Interview in a Case of Depression[J]. Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry, 1970,1:71-78.心理学空间 mg/[3^[ ?G~ |

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22.Wolpe J. The Applied Science of Behavior Therapy[M]// R. H. Bradfield (Ed.). Behavior Modification: The Human Effort. San Francisco, Calif.: Dimensions, 1970.


4MrO U8n| sh7j$Gg023.Wolpe J. The Compass of Behavior Therapy[J]. Behavior Therapy, 1971,2:403-405.

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24.Wolpe J. Behavior Therapy: Breaking the Freudian Habit[J]. Hospital Physician, 1971,11:58-63.


l|~6nH(P9P025.Wolpe J. Correcting Misconceptions in a Case of Frigidity: A Transcript[J]. Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry, 1971,2:251.心理学空间Th"OHd7a9uuj

+lE3V2iEC P026.Wolpe J. Advances in Behavior Therapy[M]// J. H. Masserman (Ed.). Current Psychiatric Therapies (Vol. 12). New York: Grune & Stratton, 1972.心理学空间4[+{7j"f.W8Pqr I


27.Wolpe J. My Philosophy of Psychotherapy[J]. Journal of Contemporary Psychotherapy, 1973,6:59-62.心理学空间 XR^8F#B^ zy

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28.Wolpe J. Behavior Analysis Versus Psychoanalysis[J]. Psychoanalytic Forum, 1974,5:378-379.心理学空间kZ-r{;qa

6e}E6Y5n*`[029.Wolpe J. Behavior Therapy in Anorexia Nervosa[J]. Journal of the American Medical Association, 1975,233:317-318.


30.Wolpe J. Relaxation as an Instrument for Breaking Adverse Emotional Habits[M]// McGuigan F J (Ed.). Tension Control.Chicago: University of Chicago, 1975.


P p0U4d"Yb031.Wolpe J. Theme and Variations: A Behavior Therapy Casebook[M]. New York: Pergamon Press, 1976.心理学空间W#T3}!?^#hp@

zl i^%{:h6d032.Wolpe J & Reyna L J (1976). Behavior Therapy in Psychiatric Practice[M]. New York: Pergamon Press.心理学空间%p\/r7h K:L\0M

,h ?$F/o5^7SO/U {033.Wolpe J. Review of A. Beck, Cognitive Therapy and the Emotional Disorders[J]. Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry, 1977,8:219.心理学空间x ~ yd4SAR

P*j7qq3u EWP034.Wolpe J. Inadequate Behavior Analysis: The Achilles Heel of Outcome Research in Behavior Therapy[J]. Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry, 1977,8:13.


e$_"l@JF4MA035.Wolpe J. Cognition and Causation in Human Behavior and Its Therapy[J]. American Psychologist, 1978,33(5):437-446.心理学空间?+`/cl2S?0m

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36.Wolpe J. Research Methodology[J]. American Journal of Psychiatry, 1978,138:8.


y ]~{N$q*j^037.Wolpe J. The Human Value of Behavior Therapy[J]. Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics, 1978,29:58-64.心理学空间L!w8KT9fp([!JU

v"OIXh LZ Y!?L038.Wolpe J. Behavior Therapy:A Humanistic Activity[J]. Psychiatric Opinion, 1979,16:6.

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39.Wolpe J. Behavior Therapy Versus Psychoanalysis: Therapeutic and Social Implications[J]. American Psychologist, 1981,36(2): 159-164.心理学空间.s-P e^K;s+D.K.?

g.@F z.qH040.Wolpe J. Life without Fear: Anxiety and Its Cure[M]. Oakland: New Harbinger Publications, 1988.

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WIm/b8?041.Wolpe J & A A Lazarus. Behavior Therapy Techniques: A Guide to the Treatment of Neuroses[M]. Oxford: Pergamon Press, 1966.


0BWB'@4x042.Wolpe J & Wolpe D. Our Useless Fears[M]. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1981

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TAG: 沃尔普 心理学大师
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