沃尔普生平年表 主要著述列表
作者: 赵军燕 / 8775次阅读 时间: 2018年5月04日
来源: 沃尔普心理健康思想解析 标签: 沃尔普 心理学大师




t3s ]!~n UqlX01933年,进入南非维特沃特斯兰德大学学医,开始了六年的医学课程训练。

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1954年,第二个儿子艾伦(Allan)出生。心理学空间9q7o gL v

~}| v;Gn S6CJ01956年,带家人离开南非,在斯坦福大学的行为科学研究中心工作一年。心理学空间A-z] u)j&b;dM$zp

3h1qOSs01957年,和家人回到南非约翰内斯堡,一边在母校维特沃特斯兰德大学任教,一边继续新疗法的临床实践。心理学空间p+\!~*A6x+u P


1958 年,出版个人第一本专著《交互抑制心理疗法》。

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Q!JCYc foML1I01960年1月,全家移民到美国弗吉尼亚州的夏洛茨维尔市。

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1965年,在美国弗吉尼亚州开办了第一个行为治疗培训班,名为“六月研究院”。心理学空间3dfM3B N)JT




"`3~ m5h$c-K/R01982年,到了退休年龄,继续被美国宾夕法尼亚州精神病研究所返聘留任。心理学空间6n9XX8C q#|gSd

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:`[#W*SS_Nd w01990年,相濡以沫42年的妻子斯黛拉因患淋巴癌去世。心理学空间 q'iV ]#[ [G%@,L4K#Gw




O;H^c|/l01997年12月4日,因肺癌在美国加利福尼亚州洛杉矶与世长辞,享年82岁。心理学空间 FYS#`y6M*}2l

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}A+d7K z0沃尔普主要著述列表

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zh|o|01.Wolpe J. Learning Versus Lesions as the Basis of Neurotic Behavior[J].American Journal of Psychiatry, 1956,112:542-544心理学空间 gb$z8bM

}P2z5_:`xlV-q6{02.Wolpe J. New Facts and Old Misconceptions about Neuroses[J]. South African Medical Journal, 1956,30:542-544.

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3.Wolpe J. Psychotherapy by Reciprocal Inhibition[M]. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 1958.

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4.Wolpe J. Psychotherapy Based on the Reciprocal Inhibition Principle[M]// Burton A (Ed.). Case Studies in Counseling and psychotherapy. New York: Prentice-Hall, 1959.心理学空间jb.?Do$A}j


5.Wolpe J. Psychotherapy by Reciprocal Inhibition: A Reply to Dr.Glover[J]. British Journal of Medical Psychology, 1959,32:232-235.心理学空间"~^ qTM5M'K)t c

$N0h%E(x]'_5{06.Wolpe J. Truth about Psychoanalysis[J]. British Medical Journal, 1960 ,May 28:1659.心理学空间r/E.j$?x0Z Ya'Ov1U

!x(Mx*D)l!KR07.Wolpe J. The Systematic Desensitization Treatment of Neuroses[J]. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 1961,132:189-203.心理学空间G }+gG j

2ZK^k^q)Qks08.Wolpe J. The Prognosis in Unpsychoanalyzed Recovery from Neuroses[J]. American Journal of Psychiatry, 1961,117:35-39.心理学空间+l:An4VA


9.Wolpe J. Psychotherapy: The Nonscientific Heritage and the New Science[J]. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 1963,1:23-28.心理学空间Ep URh"uW9A

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10.Wolpe J. Quantitative Relations in the Systematic Desensitization of Neuroses[J]. American Journal of Psychiatry, 1963,119:1062-1068.

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,Z%_&G%p N0M3e1VG [:|011.Wolpe J. The Conditioning Therapies: The Challenge in Psychotherapy[M]. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1964.


^\X2AJze3d3C012.Wolpe J. Behavior Therapy in Complex Neurotic States[J]. British Journal of Psychiatry, 1964,110:28-34.


13.Wolpe J. Conditioned Inhibition of Craving in Drug Addiction: A Pilot Experiment[J]. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 1965,3:185-189.心理学空间!zC&e5c h1E,V)E

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14.Wolpe J. Comment on H. J. Eysenck’s the Effects of Psychotherapy[J]. International Journal of Psychiatry, 1965,1:173-175.

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15.Wolpe J. Behaviour Therapy Techniques[J]. British Journal of Psychiatry, 1967,113:239.心理学空间j E4f@Lz7Q!~Z

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16.Wolpe J. Psychotherapy by Reciprocal Inhibition[J]. Integrative Psychological and Behavioral Science, 1968,3(4):234-240.心理学空间7AS@p6dY


17.Wolpe J. The Practice of Behavior Therapy[M]. New York: Pergamon Press, 1969.

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18.Wolpe J. Experimental Psychology and Psychoanalytic Theory[J]. International Journal of Psychiatry, 1969,7:558-561.心理学空间1h,r pUvB;i#DY1n+x M

d{"A#S hn-x019.Wolpe J. Psychotherapeutic Efficacy and Objective Research[J]. International Journal of Psychiatry, 1969,7:157-159.心理学空间2h,_ jWq i f

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20.Wolpe J. Basic Principles and Practices of Behavior Therapy of Neuroses[J]. American Journal of Psychiatry, 1969,125:136-141.心理学空间(\LWJU


21.Wolpe J. Transcript of Initial Interview in a Case of Depression[J]. Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry, 1970,1:71-78.心理学空间,} g[NxX|8Q%a8u

D+IC*qj;T022.Wolpe J. The Applied Science of Behavior Therapy[M]// R. H. Bradfield (Ed.). Behavior Modification: The Human Effort. San Francisco, Calif.: Dimensions, 1970.心理学空间6i%T p|,Q-d1l w!I


23.Wolpe J. The Compass of Behavior Therapy[J]. Behavior Therapy, 1971,2:403-405.


D#hz!}f?3?024.Wolpe J. Behavior Therapy: Breaking the Freudian Habit[J]. Hospital Physician, 1971,11:58-63.心理学空间:Lo9ej5a {

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25.Wolpe J. Correcting Misconceptions in a Case of Frigidity: A Transcript[J]. Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry, 1971,2:251.心理学空间 yiN%i9r_J

$z0x4~u9g026.Wolpe J. Advances in Behavior Therapy[M]// J. H. Masserman (Ed.). Current Psychiatric Therapies (Vol. 12). New York: Grune & Stratton, 1972.心理学空间K(ZH"?,b#`cy$B

1?c`%J^+`/Gm027.Wolpe J. My Philosophy of Psychotherapy[J]. Journal of Contemporary Psychotherapy, 1973,6:59-62.

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28.Wolpe J. Behavior Analysis Versus Psychoanalysis[J]. Psychoanalytic Forum, 1974,5:378-379.心理学空间 z'T3h J%M+K:VX

)q2y xU"L Q029.Wolpe J. Behavior Therapy in Anorexia Nervosa[J]. Journal of the American Medical Association, 1975,233:317-318.

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30.Wolpe J. Relaxation as an Instrument for Breaking Adverse Emotional Habits[M]// McGuigan F J (Ed.). Tension Control.Chicago: University of Chicago, 1975.心理学空间Ojv&E#Qp"\:L!MMP\


31.Wolpe J. Theme and Variations: A Behavior Therapy Casebook[M]. New York: Pergamon Press, 1976.


+^ }:uno6Pa032.Wolpe J & Reyna L J (1976). Behavior Therapy in Psychiatric Practice[M]. New York: Pergamon Press.

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33.Wolpe J. Review of A. Beck, Cognitive Therapy and the Emotional Disorders[J]. Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry, 1977,8:219.心理学空间9gex0BT@A&g&UL


34.Wolpe J. Inadequate Behavior Analysis: The Achilles Heel of Outcome Research in Behavior Therapy[J]. Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry, 1977,8:13.心理学空间o(jM.{\


35.Wolpe J. Cognition and Causation in Human Behavior and Its Therapy[J]. American Psychologist, 1978,33(5):437-446.心理学空间P5YKHM^8me

i#IL8i;?{T1u(|p036.Wolpe J. Research Methodology[J]. American Journal of Psychiatry, 1978,138:8.

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37.Wolpe J. The Human Value of Behavior Therapy[J]. Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics, 1978,29:58-64.心理学空间q%^RT{&HR&M

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38.Wolpe J. Behavior Therapy:A Humanistic Activity[J]. Psychiatric Opinion, 1979,16:6.心理学空间 |}5EF%M.MK


39.Wolpe J. Behavior Therapy Versus Psychoanalysis: Therapeutic and Social Implications[J]. American Psychologist, 1981,36(2): 159-164.

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40.Wolpe J. Life without Fear: Anxiety and Its Cure[M]. Oakland: New Harbinger Publications, 1988.

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41.Wolpe J & A A Lazarus. Behavior Therapy Techniques: A Guide to the Treatment of Neuroses[M]. Oxford: Pergamon Press, 1966.


@ r?w [M:\042.Wolpe J & Wolpe D. Our Useless Fears[M]. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1981心理学空间OV%v^k fq Y|s"c

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TAG: 沃尔普 心理学大师
«沃尔普心理健康思想解析 53 沃尔普 | Joseph Wolpe
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