作者: 陈明 译 / 6079次阅读 时间: 2017年5月05日
来源: Christian Jarrett 标签: 黑暗人格三合一

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Psych students score substantially lower on “dark” traits than business and law students
Christian Jarrett心理学空间s4Y9GqV2];I$k9H4I
陈明 译心理学空间+q$_&SMsubKmz

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8TP d|"eplH6}%mrT(f*S0There are lots of stereotypes about the kind of people in different professions. Lawyers and business people are often caricatured as ruthless and self-interested, especially when compared to the kind of folk who enter professions usually seen as caring, such as nursing or psychology. To test the truth of these stereotypes, a new study in Personality and Individual Differences surveyed the “Dark Triad” and “Big Five” traits of hundreds of Danish students enrolled to begin studying either psychology, politics, business/economics or law.心理学空间W0R7X6Vg Cku2o

:rzWX!}]ih0人们对不同职业的人有很多成见。律师和商人是经常被讽刺为无情和自私的,尤其是和护理或心理学专业相比较的时候。为了检验这些刻板印象的真实性,一项关于人格和个体差异的新研究调查了数百名丹麦学生刚刚开始学习心理学、政治学、商业、经济学或法律的学生的“黑暗人格三合一(Dark Triad)”和“大五人格”。心理学空间 _f*I)V[8j(D&n

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The rationale was that by testing students’ personalities after they’d chosen their subject, but before they’d begun their studies, or careers, the researchers would uncover evidence for whether people with certain kinds of personalities are drawn to particular professions, as opposed to, or as well as, those professions shaping their personalities.

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Anna Vedel and her colleagues found that psychology students scored “substantially” lower on Dark Triad traits (psychopathy, narcissism and Machiavellianism) than business and law students. Business/economics students scored the highest of all on the Dark Triad. Law and politics students’ scores were very similar to each other: lower than business but higher than psychology. In terms of the Big Five personality traits, psychology students scored “much higher” than the other student groups of Agreeableness and Openness and Neuroticism (replicating a study published last year). These subject differences remained even when comparing just male students, or just female.

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Anna Vedel和她的同事发现,心理学的学生在黑暗人格三合一(精神病性、自恋和马基雅维里主义)上的得分大大低于商业和法律专业的学生。商业/经济学学生在在黑暗人格三合一中得分最高。法律与政治学学生的成绩非常相似、低于商业但高于心理。在大五人格特质方面,心理学的学生在“宜人性”和“开放性”以及“神经质”(复制去年发表的研究)的得分比其他团体“更高”。即使比较了仅仅是男性或女性的差异,这些学科间的差异仍然存在。心理学空间w"Unn'U


“The choice of academic major and career is a complex decision involving many different factors, but the present study suggests that personality traits are at least part of this decision process,” the researchers said.心理学空间m*n4h,Kn6^




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TAG: 黑暗人格三合一
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