作者: Christian Jarrett 文 / 9210次阅读 时间: 2017年3月07日
来源: 陈明 译 标签: IQ 智力 智商
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Smarter people are happier, says new analysis involving 80,000 participants, but only a bit
Christian Jarrett 文
陈明 译

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“happiness in intelligent people is the rarest thing I know” ——Ernest Hemingway

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A lot of us would like to be smarter and happier, but does one lead to the other? Folk wisdom suggests not: old sayings tell us that “ignorance is bliss” and that “only a fool can be happy”. What does the psychology literature say? A new meta-analysis in the Journal of Vocational Behaviour has combined the results from dozens of previous studies involving many tens of thousands of participants and, contrary to the received wisdom, it concludes that higher intelligence actually does correlate with greater happiness (or “life satisfaction”) and job satisfaction, but only weakly.心理学空间 l/~Clan$i(G

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Erik Gonzalez-Mulé at Indiana University and his colleagues sifted the literature, identifying relevant papers, published and unpublished, going back to 1980. Combining the results from 33 papers involving nearly 50,000 participants, they found that intelligence (or what they called “general mental ability”) had a weak but statistically non-significant positive correlation with life satisfaction, and a modest, statistically significant positive correlation with job satisfaction.


印第安那大学的Erik Gonzalez-Mulé和他的同事详细筛选并辨识了从1980开始发表的和未发表的文献与论文。综合了涉及近50000人参与的33篇论文的结果,他们发现,智力(或他们所谓的“一般智力能力”) 与生活满意度呈弱相关,但与生活满意度没有显著的正相关,与工作满意度呈现统计学上的中度显著正相关。

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They found further evidence for the apparent benefits of higher intelligence for life satisfaction by factoring in the influence of “job complexity” (greater complexity meaning a job with more variety, skill demands and autonomy) and job income, two factors that are themselves correlated with greater happiness. This showed that higher intelligence has indirect links with greater happiness because more intelligent people tend to earn more, but especially because they tend to have more complex jobs, which presumably are more rewarding.



a4tM"QUN3c"h g$e0According to 38 studies involving nearly 30,000 participants, higher intelligence also had indirect links with job satisfaction by virtue of the fact that it correlated with job complexity and income. But this is psychology, so of course there’s a twist that somewhat supports the folk wisdom about intelligent people rarely being happy. When the researchers held job complexity and income constant in their analysis, they found that higher intelligence actually correlated with less job satisfaction. Put differently, if you imagine a range of people at a given level of job complexity and income, those with higher intelligence will tend to be less happy with their jobs. This makes intuitive sense if you consider that smarter people will be more likely than others to experience boredom and frustration at jobs that are not challenging enough.


根据涉及近30000名参与者的38项研究,较高的智力也间接的相关于工作满意度,这一事实来自于其工作复杂程度与其收入相关。但这是心理学,所以,这里当然有一个支持“聪明的人很少快乐”的民间智慧交集。当研究人员在分析中恒定了工作复杂性和收入这两个变量后,他们发现,高智商与工作满意度并不相关。不同的是,如果你想象一个人有着特定工作复杂程度和一定的收入水平,那些智力更高的人往往会对自己的工作不太满意。如果你认为聪明的人比其他人更可能在没有挑战性的工作中体验到无聊和沮丧, 这个直觉就有些道理了。心理学空间(yj3m-q RE:cR

9O9A/W7P:Q.b'y0The great strength of meta-analyses like this one is in the huge amounts of data that they can draw on. But the new study also has some obvious limitations: some of the data is decades-old and may not be relevant to today’s world. Also, this is cross-sectional data which can’t convincingly address whether intelligence is causing changes in life and job satisfaction, nor how such processes may unfold over time.心理学空间t&mx$LR'}3dL





—Are smarter people happier? Meta-analyses of the relationships between general mental ability and job and life satisfaction

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