作者: 庄锦英 王佳玺 / 13440次阅读 时间: 2015年6月29日
来源: 心理科学进展 2015



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ZHUANG Jinying; WANG Jiaxi

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(School of Psychology and Cognitive Science, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200062, China) 心理学空间-r1@7Cq a%z2K:y

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Abstract: Women seek beautification through ornamentation. Compared to men, women spend considerably more time and money on a very particular class of products, namely clothes, jewelry, and other fashion accessories, to enhance their physical appearance. Augmenting one’s attractiveness through ornamentation may provide general advantages for women in social activities. However, several recent studies have related these ornamental behaviors to their biological, presumably reproductive, roots. For example, evidence has shown that women’s ornamental behavior is dependent on the interaction of menstrual phase and mating motive. Specifically, the ornamental bias was observed on the high fertile day when the subjects were primed of intrasexual competition motivation and was observed on the low fertile day when they were primed of intersexual courtship motivation. In conclusion, the present article made a review on these researches. In the first part, the ornamental bias of women near ovulation was introduced. Next, the motivation for the ornamental bias was explained and the future research direction was suggested. Key words: ornamental behavior; menstral cycle; ovulatory phase; luteal phase; hormone 心理学空间2L!Q Y-Ed*CZ4Q

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庄锦英, 华东师范大学心理与认知科学学院副教授。主要研究领域是社会认知,曾经对情绪与决策的关系做过深入探讨。目前,庄锦英在进化心理学的理论框架内,在择偶、社会公众信息传递如何影响个体判断与决策行为及其神经机制、激素等身体物质变化如何通过改变大脑工作方式改变人类社会行为等方面开展研究。 心理学空间C eZnr"L-S$Q)_X



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