囤积量表修订版Saving Inventory(Revised)
作者: Frost Steketee / 10357次阅读 时间: 2014年1月16日
标签: 囤积障碍

Jvh b f3i0Saving Inventory – Revised (Modified Format)囤积量表修订版心理学空间2q x9AePo

Please use the following response choices when answering the next 5 questions. (Please circle the numberthat corresponds with your answer choice):心理学空间ShIGf8_uL
 0 = None1 = A little2 = A moderate
x!Cr9p1L4h0 amount
3 = Most/ Much4 =
!_C8Tns+x4j_s3L0 Almost All /Complete
1. How much of the living area in your home is clutteredwith possessions? (Consider the amount of clutter inyour kitchen, living room, dining room, hallways,bedrooms, bathrooms, or other rooms).     
2. How much control do you have over your urges toacquire possessions?     
3. How much of your home does clutter prevent you fromusing?     
4. How much control do you have over your urges to savepossessions?     
5. How much of your home is difficult to walk throughbecause of clutter?     

Please use the following response choices when answering  the next 11 questions. (Please circle the number that corresponds with  your answer choice):
z@ `M}4mJ6bK0 
 0 = Not at all1 = Mild2 = Moderate3 = Consider-心理学空间/rtx"Put(^!P
'nT'@:r{5^!Y7c%[ g0/
&Ij U[U#QJ;I0Severe
4 = Extreme
6. To what extent do you have difficulty throwing thingsaway?     
7. How distressing do you find the task of throwing thingsaway?     
8. To what extent do you have so many things that your room(s) are cluttered?     
9. How distressed or uncomfortable would you feel if youcould not acquire something you wanted?     
10. How much does clutter in your home interfere withyour social, work or everyday functioning? Think aboutthings that you don’t do because of clutter.     
11. How strong is your urge to buy or acquire free thingsfor which you have no immediate use?     
12. To what extent does clutter in your home cause youdistress?     
13. How strong is your urge to save something you knowyou may never use?     
14. How upset or distressed do you feel about your acquiringhabits?     
15. To what extent do you feel unable to control the clutter inyour home?     
16. To what extent has your saving or compulsive buyingresulted in financial difficulties for you?     


Please use the following response choices when answering the next 7 questions:心理学空间x:_-o,o7~

 0 = Never1 = Rarely2 =心理学空间)S a(X$KpJ1C1v*yO9K
3 =心理学空间!a4}{:L.D
 Frequently/心理学空间`p?b(dEz[ a
4 = Very Often
17. How often do you avoid trying to discard possessionsbecause it is too stressful or time consuming?     
18. How often do you feel compelled to acquire somethingyou see? e.g., when shopping or offered free things?     
19. How often do you decide to keep things you do notneed and have little space for?     
20. How frequently does clutter in your home prevent youfrom inviting people to visit?     
21. How often do you actually buy (or acquire for free) thingsfor which you have no immediate use or need?     
22. To what extent does the clutter in your home preventyou from using parts of your home for their intendedpurpose? For example, cooking, using furniture, washingdishes, cleaning, etc.     
23. How often are you unable to discard a possession youwould like to get rid of?     

SI-R (Modified) Scoring Subscales:

nD [$R ` J-Z0心理学空间})Dr%g;E5E n

Clutter Subscale (9 Items):


Qvo,_0Y#~'~`w n01, 3, 5, 8, 10, 12, 15, 20, 22心理学空间k}I.kL+v

/`X,nib]0Difficulty Discarding/ Saving Subscale (7 items):心理学空间Lc$drP q,UO

5y`I3p(N04, 6, 7, 13, 17, 19, 23心理学空间1Xu/|"vdQ/?%\q

m8GA4D${)\f;wKh j0Acquisition Subscale (7 items):

nF/o}5U&BM$R S0心理学空间$D4\ sUjUN"CM

2, 9, 11, 14, 16, 18, 21心理学空间%UR6n RNS8Y)f,t)@


囤积量表修订版 (the Saving Inventory-Revised, SI-R)已经成为最广泛应用的囤积评估工具, 它主要侧重于行为层面的评估 ,个别条目涉及信念和情绪,可了解患者在预前及预后过程中囤积症状的改变,常单独或辅助做出囤积障碍诊断(Frost, Steketee, & Grisham, 2004)。它包括堆积、难丢弃和过度获取 3个分量表, 共 23个条目, 采用 4点计分, 总分为 0~92分, 其接受者操作特征 (ROC)曲线中的切割点分数分别为总量表 41分、堆积 17分、难丢弃 14分及过度获取 9分, 以此来区分囤积与非囤积者。 SI-R具有较好的内容效度和预测效度,内部一致性系数全部超过 0.87,重测信度在 0.78以上。


Reference: Frost, R.O., Steketee, G., & Grisham, J. (in press). Measurement of compulsive hoarding:Saving Inventory-Revised. Behaviour Research and Therapy.

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