Role playing and role reversal 角色扮演与角色转换技术
作者: Arnoud Arntz / 9527次阅读 时间: 2013年10月30日
来源: 边缘人格障碍的图式疗法 标签: BPD

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I*jng vE9Oy F$R0作者:Arnoud Arntz

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Another way of confronting a patient with the effects of her behaviors is by role playing with role reversal. This is particularly effective when an explanation of the effects of the patient's behaviors on the therapist alone is ineffective. The therapist proposes that they reverse roles and then actually stands up and physically changes chairs with the patient. The therapist can then, for example, role play the protector mode by saying that there is nothing to discuss and everything is just fine. The patient (now playing the role of therapist) must try to think of a way to convince the therapist (now playing the role of patient in the protector mode) to talk about his problems. Usually most patients are very good in the role of the therapist and realize what is taking place in the session and why the therapist is stuck (in this case, in the patient's protector mode).

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3K6]'y&l*K7? Oa%e v2Q$I6y0Schema Therapy for Borderline Personality Disorder边缘人格障碍的图式疗法心理学空间G+N7P@,x

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