L. L. Thurstone (autobiography)
作者: L. L. Thurstone / 49599次阅读 时间: 2011年12月02日
来源: www.brocku.ca
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Examination in the College

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Before the reorganization of the college at the University of Chicago, Dean Ernest H. Wilkins had several committees at work on the problem of cur-心理学空间:a.oL'qf E*[:z1k

(318) -riculum construction. When Mr. Hutchins came to the university, he developed aggressively a revised curriculum for the college and many other new arrangements. When it was proposed to introduce comprehensive examinations for the determination of grades, I wrote a memorandum to Dean Works, in which I suggested certain principles that should be adopted in writing those examinations. I was asked if I would help to start the new examination procedure as chief examiner for the college. I accepted with the idea that I would help to get the system started, but I did not leave this assignment until Professor Ralph Tyler came to Chicago seven years later. I proposed some new principles to be used in the construction of college examinations, and these were accepted. One principle was that the examinations should become public property as soon as they had been given. The purpose of this system was to eliminate bootlegging of examinations in fraternity houses and elsewhere. One of the consequences was that a new examination had to be written each time, and here several novel ideas were introduced. No question was used in a comprehensive examination if the instructors did not know the answer. If the instructors started to argue about the answer to a question, it was either eliminated or revised until the instructors agreed about the answer. The identity of the student was not known by the person who assigned the grades. The grades were determined by the distribution of scores before the identities of the students were known. Some departments objected that new examinations could not be written each time that a course was given. Our response was that if a new examination could not be written at the end of each course, then there was no justification for the course.

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In the initial work of the Board of Examinations we were fortunate in having an exceptionally good staff of examiners. On the staff we had Wolfle, Richardson, Gulliksen, Kuder, Adkins, Stalnaker, and Russell. I have always been proud of the fact that I collected this group of examiners when they were graduate students and recent post-doctorates. All of them have arrived professionally. The standards of workmanship were exceptionally high, and I believe that we had the good will of the faculty.www.psychspace.com心理学空间网

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